Donald Trump Humiliates Himself By Not Understanding The Senate Planned Parenthood Vote

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:09 pm


During a radio interview, Donald Trump humiliated himself by seeming to have no idea what kind of vote the Senate was taking on Planned Parenthood.

Audio of Trump:

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HH: Alright now let me talk to you about the other big story that happened to you when you were in Great Britain the Planed Parenthood videos. Have you watched them, Donald Trump?

DT: I have. I think it was disgraceful. I have watched them, yes.

HH: And so should the Republicans shut own the government rather then fund Planed Parenthood?

DT: Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen? I guess they are doing it right now as we speak. I’m in my office in New York and I guess as we speak they are going for a vote of some kind and you would think that that would be a vote that they is the word that the won’t . . .

HH: The word is that the Democrats will filibuster and the president will veto — that’s the only way to get rid of Planned Parenthood money for selling off baby parts is to shut the government down in September. Would you support that?

DT: Well I can tell you this. I would and I was also in support if the Republicans stuck together you could have done it with Obamacare also, but the Republicans decided not to stick together and they left a few people out there like Ted Cruz. You know, they left a lot of the people who really went in and wanted to do the job and you know what? If they had stuck together they wold have won that battle. I think you have to in this case also, yes.

Donald Trump doesn’t need to know what the Senate is doing because he is going to be the kind of take action president that apparently has no clue what the legislative branch of the government is up to.

“I guess they are taking a vote of some kind of vote” is not the answer that one would hope for out of a potential president. It is good to know that at bare minimum Trump understands that the Senate does take votes, so there’s that. The fact that Republican voters are so eager to support a man who has little knowledge and even less interest in how the government works is not surprising.

For years, Republican voters have prioritized belief over intelligence and competence, because the Republican rank and file are a collective of ignorant believers who are guided by the misinformation provided to them by Fox News and conservative media. Donald Trump has no clue, and he has no desire to educate himself on the office that he is running for.

There are shades of Sarah Palin all through Trump’s campaign with the difference being that he is better at provoking a reaction from the media than Palin, but the entitled ignorance is the same. The only difference between the carny con of Sarah Palin and that of Donald Trump is that Trump has money.

Donald Trump is a disgrace, but in his ignorance Republican voters see themselves, and this is why they love him.

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