Paul Ryan


Paul Ryan Still Won’t Commit to Actually Do Anything to Protect the U.S. from Russia

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Tuesday said he is willing to consider additional sanctions on Russia.

Yes, that’s all of the commitment we have from the Republican Speaker of the House, even after his party’s president announced in front of the entire world, while standing next to President Putin, that he backed Russia over his own country.


House Speaker Paul Ryan Fails to Find a Backbone After Trump Betrays the U.S.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) gave proof of the his party’s lack of patriotism and backbone on Monday when following President Trump’s shocking stance siding with Russia during his joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Trump “must appreciate that Russia is not our ally.” “There is no moral equivalence between the United States…


Trump And Ryan Humiliated As House Massively Votes Down GOP ‘Compromise’ Immigration Bill

An immigration bill that was supposed be a compromise among Republicans, and was endorsed by Trump, crashed and burned in the House. Trump endorsed the bill via a tweet: HOUSE REPUBLICANS SHOULD PASS THE STRONG BUT FAIR IMMIGRATION BILL, KNOWN AS GOODLATTE II, IN THEIR AFTERNOON VOTE TODAY, EVEN THOUGH THE DEMS WON’T LET IT…


Coward Paul Ryan Refuses To Criticize Trump For Hiring Wife Beater Rob Porter

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) couldn’t even take a stand against Trump on the issue of domestic violence at his weekly press conference. Video: Coward #PaulRyan won't even criticize Trump for not condemning domestic violence. This is what Trump enablement looks like in action. #RobPorter — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 14,…


Nancy Pelosi Raised Almost $50 Million For Democrats Last Year

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi continues to be a powerful fundraising figure for the Democratic Party. According to POLITICO, Pelosi raised nearly $50 million during 2017. Out of the $49.5 million total, $47.6 million went to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Pelosi raised these funds by holding 204 events in 43 cities. This is nearly…


Trump Whipping Boy Paul Ryan Offers Up An Absolutely Disgusting Defense Of Devin Nunes

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan offered up a disgusting defense of Devin Nunes that accused Democrats of playing politics, while he tried to change the subject to tax cuts. Video: Trump whipping boy Paul Ryan scrambles to the defense of Devin Nunes. — PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) February 1, 2018 Ryan said, “They are just…


Right-Wingers only care about deficits as an excuse to cut social services

When it comes to the country’s bills and responsibilities towards its own population, right-wing politicians treat things like deficits as a plaything, alternatively ignoring it or using it as a cudgel.  We can see much of the same behavior in the way the Right-Wing tax bill has been playing out.   Right-wingers have a very…


Explosive Tape Catches Paul Ryan And Kevin McCarthy Engaging In Trump/Russia Cover-Up

Imagine if House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA ) told Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and his colleagues last year that he thought Russian President Vladimir Putin paid Republican Donald Trump.

Because it was just reported that this happened on June 15, 2016. Spokespeople for the two Republican leaders flatly denied this, until confronted with the fact that there is a recording. Now they claim it was a joke.


Devastating Leak Reveals Republican Obamacare Replacement Will Be A Death Sentence For Thousands

The House Republican Obamacare replacement plan has been leaked and it as bad as expected. The Republican plan would kill subsidies and Medicaid expansion. It would allow states to create high-risk pools with benefit caps and would cause millions of Americans to lose their health care. The Republican plan is a death sentence for millions of Americans who benefit from the ACA.

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