Tagged gay rights


Ku Klux Klan Joins Alabama’s Religious War on Equality and the Constitution

Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Roy Moore, has made headlines lately by elevating the bible over the Constitution in what seems to be a widely held opinion in Alabama. Because the bible says gays are an abomination to god, it drove Moore to order other state judges to ignore federal court rulings allowing courts to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.


Christian Conservatives Are Trying To Use Hobby Lobby To Discriminate Against Gays

Maybe the President regrets intertwining government and religion when he continued George W. Bush’s Faith-Based initiatives. Now they are using their connection to the White House to exact recompense in the form of permission to discriminate against the gay community according to their “deeply-held religious beliefs” the Supreme Court cited mercilessly in its ruling for Hobby Lobby.

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