Tagged Wing Nut Circus

Mel Gibson, Autoritarian Misogynist Racist Bigot

Mel Gibson and the Danger of Playing Politics with Jesus

Not content to leave it at abuse of his girl-friend, Mel’s rant is peppered with racist remarks reminiscent of his other anti-Semitic rant. Sigh. Mel is also, too, being investigated by the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department in connection with domestic violence charges. I fear this means he may soon run for office on the Republican ticket, as abusing one’s partner is all the rage right now among the GOP

GOP Circus

A Weekly Round Up of the Republican Wing Nut Circus May 2, 2010

A weekly round up of the Republican Wing Nut Circus: This week, Republicans were freaked out over good news about the economy (say it ain’t so, Joe!) so in their ever impressive attempt to “take back their country”, they did what all Real Americans do — they focused on animals. Yes, from suggesting we barter chickens for healthcare to comparing illegal immigrants to dogs,it’s been a wild GOP ride this week. Please no comments on the disturbing Freudian slips of the party of Repression and Regression. This is tough enough.

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