After Attorney General Eric Holder refused to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Obama and the IRS, Sen. Ted Cruz released a tantrum like statement where he stomped his feet and repeatedly compared Obama and the IRS to Nixon and Watergate.
After Attorney General Holder told Cruz no, the Texas Senator released his own statement:
It is the height of hypocrisy for the Obama Administration to claim that the investigator leading the investigation into the IRS’s illegal program has no conflict of interest. The investigator is a partisan Democrat who has donated over six thousand dollars to President Obama and Democrat causes. Just as nobody would trust John Mitchell to investigate Richard Nixon, nobody should trust a partisan Obama donor to investigate the IRS’s political targeting of President Obama’s enemies. Sadly, “in the discretion of the Attorney General,” Eric Holder has chosen to reject the bipartisan tradition of the Department of Justice of putting rule of law above political allegiance.
Both Nixon Administration Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Clinton Administration Attorney General Janet Reno appointed special prosecutors whose integrity was beyond reproach; Eric Holder should do likewise. To date, nine months after a damning Inspector General report, nobody has been indicted, many of the victims have not even been interviewed, and Lois Lerner has twice pleaded the Fifth. And yet the Attorney General refuses to allow a genuine-and impartial-investigation.
The integrity of the Department of Justice deserves better. The American people deserve better.
In Ted Cruz’s mind, a scandal where there is zero evidence that President Obama was involved in any way is exactly the same as Richard Nixon and Watergate. The IRS scandal hasn’t caught on with the American people, because there is no scandal. Liberals and conservatives were both targeted by the IRS. There was no targeting of just conservatives.
None of this matters to Ted Cruz. Sen. Cruz has convinced himself that the bogus IRS scandal is on par with Watergate. Attorney General Holder was correct to deny Cruz’s request for a special prosecutor. Holder’s office concluded that there was no conflict of interest with the DOJ running the investigation. There was no conflict of interest, because the Obama administration had nothing to do with the IRS scandal.
With the repeal Obamacare movement dying by the second, Cruz is in desperate need of another vehicle to attach his outsized political ambitions to. Republicans have no credibility on these scandals, because their allegations are baseless conspiracy theories that have no evidence supporting them. Ted Cruz doesn’t need evidence. He knows that Obama is guilty of something. His temper tantrums where he throws around Nixon and Watergate keep the donations rolling in, but they make the Republican Party look even more absurd than usual.
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