How The (Never) Mighty Have Fallen: Sarah Palin Begs To Be Named Co-Host Of The View


Sarah Palin has hit a new level of rock bottom as the former Alaska governor is openly campaigning/begging to be named a new co-host of The View.

Transcript from The Hollywood Reporter:

THR: Any interest in doing a political talk show, either on TV, radio or the Internet?

Sarah Palin: Maybe. But the politics would have to be interspersed with a whole lot of fun and real life and inspiration showcasing American work ethic, because those topics are all pretty much the antithesis of today’s politics, which I find incorrigibly disastrous! It’d be so much fun to shake it up taking on issues that make audiences objectively consider all sides, and I’d do it with my own real-life groundedness, candor and commonsense that I’m known for. Media needs that today, versus the condescension that oozes from TV and radio. I hear everyone recently got canned from The View, maybe a show like that needs a punch of reality and a voice of reason from America’s heartland to knock some humble sense into their scripts. You know, someone willing to go rogue.

In case anybody at ABC is even thinking about this for half a second, let’s remind them of why hiring Sarah Palin is a horrible idea. Sarah Palin’s moment in the sun ended six years ago. Palin has never been a ratings draw. Her books don’t sell. She was let go by Fox News, because Roger Ailes realized that Sarah Palin does not equal ratings, and she wasn’t worth the million dollar contract that he signed her to. Palin vanished after leaving Fox. She had to take a reduced role, and a big pay cut to get back on television. Her reality show was canned after one season, and her daughter’s reality show didn’t even last a full season.

The idea that Sarah Palin is popular is a myth that has largely been perpetuated by Sarah Palin in order to keep getting paid. For years, Palin has been among the most hated political figures in America. She makes viewers flee in droves, and The View has already been down that road with Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Palin’s campaigning for The View gig shows how far she has fallen. It is hard to believe, but at one time, Sarah Palin could have had a legitimate political career. If she hadn’t quit as governor of Alaska, Palin could have run for Senate or even president. However, Sarah Palin has always had more entitlement than work ethic. Palin never wanted to put in the work. She just thought that she should be rich and famous, so she bailed on the people who elected her governor in order to pursue the dollar.

Palin needs to be in the public eye. She needs the attention and platform that The View could provide. Palin can’t handle the fact that she is a third banana on Fox News, an afterthought, a never-ending joke.

Sarah Palin needs The View, but the last thing that The View needs is Sarah Palin.

Jason Easley
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