Bill O’Reilly Whines About “Overwhelmingly Liberal” Media Praising Departing Jon Stewart

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During Monday night’s broadcast of The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly got bent out of shape over the amount of praise Jon Stewart has received from national media figures since The Daily Show host announced he is departing at the end of the year. In O’Reilly’s opinion, the fact that some journalists and reporters have complimented Stewart for his work and impact proves without a shadow of doubt that mainstream media is “overwhelmingly liberal.” The Fox News host also complained that he wouldn’t receive nearly the same amount of love or attention from the press when he retires or dies.

O’Reilly began a discussion with Mary Katherine Ham and Fox News’ token ‘liberal’ Juan Williams by sarcastically stating that media figures would get “misty” when he finally decided to hang it up, noting that the reaction to Stewart’s departure has been overblown. Williams immediately puffed BillO up, pointing out how O’Reilly’s ratings dwarf Stewart’s and how The O’Reilly Factor is number one in all of cable news. Williams also said that the liberal media latched on to Stewart because he was the one guy they were able to throw out against Rush Limbaugh and conservative media who was able to stick.

This led to Ham chiming in and saying that the praise for him was overblown and, while he is a funny and talented person, he is still an “ideological liberal comedian who did a good show.” O’Reilly butted in at this point and said he is the media’s “soulmate.” Ham continued, stating, “A lot of the ideological liberal journalists are saying, ‘Wow, he did it better than anybody.’ And here’s the thing: when it comes to journalists praising him as a fellow journalist, I think you run into a problem there.”

This was when O’Reilly got to the whole point of this little ‘discussion’ as he pointed out that all this is proof that the media has a huge liberal bias. The former Inside Edition host said, “The point of the matter, Juan, is that this, beyond a reasonable doubt, proves that the national press and the commentators in television and print, they’re overwhelmingly liberal. That’s what it proves, Juan.” Of course, Williams rolled over for O’Reilly, saying he agrees that the mainstream media is liberal and he isn’t sure who O’Reilly’s fighting. He once more pumped up O’Reilly’s ego by pointing out his ratings.

Williams tried to then tell O’Reilly that he and Stewart are cut from the same cloth, in that they both criticize the news media on a regular basis. In typical O’Reilly fashion, he finished the segment by making a sweeping statement that was apparently supposed to be seen as an insult to Stewart while cementing his point. ”The difference is, I’m a traditional American, and Mr. Stewart is a liberal American,” claimed Papa Bear. Oooooh, burn!

Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Raw Story:

Justin Baragona

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