Bobby Jindal Goes Bonkers And Claims Donald Trump May Be Hillary Clinton’s Only Hope

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:12 pm

Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal (R-LA) has decided that the best way to get attention for his presidential campaign is to be the anti-Trump. So it is that he was heard Thursday the National Press Corps calling front-runner Donald Trump “a non-serious carnival act.” Words like “narcissist” “dangerous” “egomaniac” were also uttered. But wading deep into the epistemic closure his party hides within, Jindal claimed that Donald Trump may be Hillary Clinton’s only hope of winning in 2016.

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The Republican Governor started off by placing himself carefully opposite of Donald Trump’s self-absorption, “I’m going to put my own political mission aside and talk about something more important than myself, more important than any single candidate or person.”

Jindal was either clever enough to come up with this gimmick on his own, or the party needed a hit man and promised him a bigger Tara if he would only comply. Either way, it was a smart move.

After all, we are headed to Socialism, Jindal warned. So there are bigger things at stake than Donald Trump . “Our country is slipping away right before our very eyes. We are descending down the path to socialism, dependence on government is becoming the new American Dream, we are unfazed by the selling of body parts as commodities, and we are pathetically weak in international affairs. America is slipping away, right in front of us in real time.”

Jindal chastised the “liberalism and incompetence” of the Obama administration. AKA, the record setting private sector jobs, the rebounding economy, the stock market’s rise (August and September not withstanding), the Iran deal, getting Osama, passing affordable healthcare that is wildly successful… yeah, total incompetence.

The Republican Governor poured on some praise for Trump for being basically an ignorant bigot with a big mouth, also known in Republicanese as a “Washington outsider” who isn’t “politically correct”.

But lo, there is trouble ahead and Leader Jindal is just the man to say what no one else will say. Or so he told us:

The Donald Trump Act is great, and the idea of Donald Trump is great — BUT the reality of Donald Trump is absurd, he’s a non-serious carnival act.

So here’s the truth about Trump that we all know, but have been afraid to say….

Donald Trump is shallow. Has no understanding of policy. He’s full of bluster but has no substance. He lacks the intellectual curiosity to even learn.

It’s silly to argue policy with this guy, he’s doesn’t know anything about it, he has no idea what he is talking about, he makes it all up on the fly. According to him his health care plan will be “fabulous” and his tax plan will be “really, really terrific.” He’s shallow, no substance.

He does not believe in limited government and he has told us that over and over. From his belief in socialized medicine to his desire for tax increases, he’s told us over and over that he’s got no problem with big top-down style government. He’s only got one real problem with Washington – that he’s not running it.

Donald Trump is for Donald Trump. He believes in nothing other than himself. He’s not a liberal, he’s not a moderate, and he’s not a conservative. He’s not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. He’s not for anything or against anything. Issues and policies and ideals are not important to him. He’s for Donald.

Donald Trump is a narcissist and an egomaniac. That may sound like a serious charge to make, but it is also something that everyone knows to be true, and he knows it too, and he celebrates it. He told us the other day that he’s likes Kanye West, why? “Because Kanye loves Trump.” He may be an entertaining narcissist, but he is one nonetheless.

Like all narcissists, Donald Trump is insecure and weak, and afraid of being exposed. And that’s why he is constantly telling us how big and how rich and how great he is, and how insignificant everyone else is. We’ve all met people like Trump, and we know that only a very weak and small person needs to constantly tell us how strong and powerful he is. Donald Trump believes that he is the answer to every question.

Donald Trump is dangerous. But not in the way you think. Many say he’s dangerous because you wouldn’t want a hot head with his fingers on the nuclear codes. And while that’s true, that’s not the real danger here.

The real danger is that, ironically, Donald Trump could destroy America’s chance to be Great Again.

Donald Trump would hand this election to Hillary Clinton, and Republicans believe she couldn’t win against the rest of them. This belief is not substantiated by legitimate polls. Not one of them can hold a candle to the former Secretary of State and Democratic Senator.

Calling Trump out for claiming to have read the Bible when he didn’t because “he’s not in it”, Jindal moved deftly forward in feeding Republicans the cotton candy they crave. Jindal told the crowd that Democrats were handing 2016 to Republicans were it not for Trump. You know, ‘cuz of the “incompetency”.

You may have recently seen that after Trump said the Bible is his favorite book, he couldn’t name a single Bible verse or passage that meant something to him. And we all know why, because it’s all just a show, and he hasn’t ever read the Bible. But you know why he hasn’t read the Bible? Because he’s not in it.
The Democrats have practically gift wrapped this election for us. It’s as if they know they’ve run the country into the ground, and they are running their worst possible candidate who is running the worst possible campaign.
The whole thing is set up for us to win – and yet we are flirting with nominating a non-serious, unstable, substance-free narcissist

Calling Trump an “egomaniacal madman”, Jindal tells Republicans that Trump is the only way Hillary Clinton can win:

This is our moment, this is our time. We can win right now, or we can be the biggest fools of all time and put our faith not in our principles, but in one egomaniacal madman who has no principles.
If we nominate him, he will self-destruct in a massive way in a general election. He may be Hillary Clinton’s only hope.

The message is: Tell Donald “You’re fired!” And give Jindal some love if you really want Hillary Clinton to lose.

I will do Jindal the courtesy of not quoting his standing in recent polls against his Republican primary opponents, but it should be noted that his own state picked Clinton over him in a June poll.

A speech attacking Donald Trump was slyly meant to elevate Bobby Jindal when in reality neither candidate would stand a chance against Hillary Clinton.

Sarah Jones
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