Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:56 pm
President Trump threw a tantrum Saturday morning, lashing out at a Bush-nominated federal Judge who blocked his Muslim ban, calling the judge a “so-called judge”.
Trump tweeted:
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
U.S. District Court Judge James Robart, the judge Trump insulted playground style, was appointed by George W. Bush and confirmed 99-0. The American Bar Association rated this “so-called” judge “Unanimously Well Qualified” for the nomination.
This is the rule of law in action. It’s called a co-equal branch of government, part of our checks and balances.
But not for Donald Trump. The self-described “law and order” candidate and now president doesn’t think laws apply to him. He’s special, you see. If a judge doesn’t see things his way, and by his way he means an inept, bungled expansion of the executive office powers that would embarrass even W., then Trump responds by questioning the judge’s authority.
So the president with a dubious academic record (why won’t he release those transcripts? Trump offered $5 million for Obama’s transcripts, so this is obviously a thing he thinks presidents should do) is taunting a man who graduated from Georgetown University Law Center in 1973 as being a “so-called” judge.
I would put money on the “so-called” Judge knowing more about the law in his little finger than Trump knows even with the help of his closest confidantes, a cheat sheet, and a lifeline, because look at the evidence. But Trump is embarrassed and he doesn’t like having his decisions questioned, so we are being subjected to yet another crazy Trump tantrum.
If that isn’t bizarre enough, the President lashed out again at the New York Times this Saturday morning, so he’s obviously enjoying the weekend vacation that you’re funding in part, to the tune of $3 million dollars:
After being forced to apologize for its bad and inaccurate coverage of me after winning the election, the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
Trump seems to have been reacting to a New York Times report that the trust he set up to distance himself from his business is actually revocable, and he is the sole beneficiary and owner. So, in other words, Trump lied to the public again. But instead of dealing with this fact, Trump is trying to silence the fourth estate.
Undermining the independence of both the judicial branch and the fourth estate? All in a morning’s work.
These are the things that obsess the new president: How to beat the New York Times into submission, while neener-neenering a federal judge for doing his job as his unquestioned qualifications see fit. Rule of law, bad!
It is, of course, Donald Trump who is the “so-called” person in this scenario. He is the person who is uniquely unqualified, unprepared, disinterested in learning, and got into office with the aggressive and illegal help of a hostile foreign agent.
With President Trump, the childish insults come as a free side to the unbridled incompetence that has already cost the life of a Navy SEAL.
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