Rachel Maddow Delivers The Ultimate Slam On Trump And Republican Incompetence

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow called out Republicans for the unbelievable fact that Trump has been in office for six months on Thursday, and even though Republicans control Congress, they have not passed and enacted a single piece of major legislation.


Maddow said, “Even as we’re following this day by day, and sort of hour by hour now, stepping back from this for a second, this is a remarkable place where we have ended up. Right? In this last election, Republicans got control of the Senate. They got control of the House. They got control of the White House, and even with that total control in Washington, they really are about to hit six months in power, which technically, I think it will be Thursday of this week. By the end of this week, it will be six months in power. Republicans in control of all branches of government, and they will have not passed a single substantial piece of legislation. I mean, they can pass basically anything they want with zero Democratic votes. They only have to line up votes in their own party, and still, they have passed nothing. Even this one thing they campaigned on for seven straight years and practiced doing impotently dozens of times while President Obama was in office. Even this one thing, they really do not appear to be able to do it.”

Republicans have shown their incompetence at governing since they took control of the House in 2011. The results that Republicans aren’t getting while in total control of legislative and executive branches aren’t surprising to anyone who have watched these people in action during the Obama years. Republicans reinvented themselves as the party of no, so it isn’t a shock that they would struggle when faced with the responsibility to have to do more than saying no.

The factional warfare within the Republican Party itself can’t be masked by a common enemy in a Democratic president. The Republican Party is dysfunctional and unfit to govern. Adding Donald Trump and his Russia scandal to the mix took a dysfunctional party and turned into a raging dumpster fire of incompetence. Maddow was right. It is mind-boggling that Republicans have accomplished nothing, but their incompetence was not unexpected.

Jason Easley
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