Fox News Poll Humiliates Trump As His Supporters Are Fleeing Over Healthcare

A new Fox News poll has Trump losing support among Republicans (-3), white men (-9), and working class whites (-11), which means that Trump’s small base of support is continuing to shrink.

According to Fox News, “Approval of the president has mostly held steady among Republicans (down three points) since he first took office, but dropped 11 points among working class whites and nine among men. Meanwhile, voters think Russia interfered in the U.S. election (by a 55-34 percent margin), and five times as many think the Kremlin wanted a President Trump (65 percent) as opposed to a President Hillary Clinton (13 percent). 4

Trump has a major problem on health care. By a margin of 59%-32%, respondents disapprove of his performance on health care. Fifty-four percent of respondents said that Trump isn’t on their side, and 51% described that the change that Trump has brought as bad.

It isn’t the Russia scandal that is driving supporters away from Trump. It is healthcare. It is true that all politics are local, but it is also true that pocketbook politics trumps everything else. Donald Trump and the Republicans are messing with an issue that will hit every American in the wallet. At best, people will have to pay more for less healthcare. At worst, they will lose their access to care and die.

In the long-term, the Russia may destroy Trump’s presidency, but if Democrats win back Congress, healthcare, not Russia will be the biggest reason why.

Jason Easley
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