Watch Republican Senators Dodge And Run When Asked About Trump Getting Busted On Cohen Tape

CNN’s Senior Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju captured Republican Senators duck and dodge on tape when asked about President Trump being caught on tape talking to his “fixer” Michael Cohen about silencing a story about his alleged affair with a Playboy model.

“GOP senators really have no desire to talk about Trump on tape discussing with Michael Cohen a scheme to silence a story about his alleged affair with a Playboy model. WATCH,” He wrote on Twitter above this video:

The duck and dodge, also known in this case as the “flounder and snicker,” is a political art form most recently perfected by the Republican Party, in which the person needs to avoid appearing to take a stand against a man who was caught on tape trying to buy off a story about an alleged affair he had with a Playboy model. After he was caught on tape bragging about grabbing women by their “p*ssy.”

This same Republican President is also under investigation for possibly colluding – but definitely did take help from – a hostile foreign government in an act of war against this country.

But Republicans really aren’t ready to take a stand against him yet.

Duck and dodge. The party of family values, in action.

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