Friday Fox Follies — Chasing the Great White Ailes
When his corpulence, Roger Ailes, died I had nothing bad to say about him that I hadn’t already said during his lifetime. In print.
When his corpulence, Roger Ailes, died I had nothing bad to say about him that I hadn’t already said during his lifetime. In print.
The new Fox “News” sans Roger Ailes looks and sounds very much like the sly old Fox. However, some Fox folks no longer talk to each other.
As FFF is fond of pointing out, ratings is not truth. It’s ironic that Ailes compares Fox “News” to 2 fictional channels and a sports network, the models of which Fox resembles far more than a “News” channel.
Hell froze over this week when Fox “News” said it will no longer lie about the widely mocked, but totally empty slogan, Fair and Balanced.
Let’s get the most important news out of the way first: Fox & Friends has a brand new 2-story set, new show opening, new curvy couch, but it’s the same old crap from the Three Stooges that sit thereupon. How can you tell it was the same lie-filled propaganda? Take it from an expert on…
Odd that Fox “News” is not taking credit for Emperor Trump scuttling the Paris Accord. Yet it had more sway than the First Daughter Ivanka.
The news continues to be bad for Fox: ratings keep sliding into the porcelain dumper with each Nielsen score. Are people tired of the lies?
Only in Bizarro World — aka the Fox “News” Channel — is the firing of James Comey a reason to salivate over the Hillary Clinton email scandal being reopened.
The Fox sitcom provides laughs this week with new discrimination lawsuits, offers of immunity, & a comedy coda from Bill O’Reilly’s loofah.
A normal week at Fox as new Roger Ailes and Sean Hannity accusations surface & Jesse Watters takes a vacation after a crude sexual innuendo
Who will this reporter write about now that The Falafel King has been fired? There’s Tucker Carlson, Jesse Watters, and F&F. I’ll be fine.
The only story that really matters this week is who will replace Loofah Lad if he doesn’t come back from his [alleged] pre-planned vacation.
True story: Emperor Trump defends Bill O’Reilly after NYT reveals $13 million dollars paid by sexual harasser & Fox to silence 5 accusers.
A swamp is “an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects.” Just like the Fox “News” swamp, especially the lying part
The Unfairness Doctrine will be Emperor Trump’s greatest legacy because it’s unfair to blame him for anything from the Fox “News†Channel.
These days the Uncle Remus stories are considered racist by some. Just like Fox “News†and Emperor Trump.
With Fox “News” spending so much time faking good news about Emperor Trump, there’s barely any time left to attack Democrats. Just kidding.
In yesterday’s press conference from Bizarro World, Emperor Trump gave a tip’o’the toupee to the most insidious morning show ever devised.
Twenty years of Fox “News” Fakery and claiming only it tells the truth, created an Emperor Trump and an audience, both impervious to facts.
We’ve now had 20 years of presidents to judge what FAIR & BALANCED really means and Fox is prepared to help Trump gaslight the entire country
In a week when Der Googalizer taught ‘Merka about golden showers, another sexual harassment suit against Bill O’Reilly almost disappears.
2017 opens on a high note for Friday Fox Follies . Now that she’s NBC bound, Tucker Carlson, the personality I take the most delight in skewering, has been given Megyn Kelly’s show on the Fox “News” Channel. Here’s the GRAND announcement from the whiny man/boy himself, with my [partial] transcription: We began this show…
When Russian Hacking is outlawed, only outlaws will defend Russian Hacking. OH! WAIT! Never mind.
Fox “News” knows when it layers fake news on top of fake news it becomes real news to a brain-dead, incurious audience that doesn’t Google.
After president elect Donald Trump finishes his Fox “News” hires, will there be anyone at the Fake News Network to lie to the Right Wing?
This week Friday Fox Follies exposes the 2 biggest lies told on Fox, interesting internal internecine insurgencies, and the usual hypocrisy.
As the media looks at the scourge of Fake News, Fox “News” pretends it does not traffic in mendacity and blames Macedonian teens instead.
With the election over and the Politically Incorrect President Elect choosing his cabinet, Fox “News” now calls for Political Correctness.
With 4 days before the election, Fox falls for poorly-sourced FBI leaks, elevates Tucker Carlson, and becomes fodder for Megyn Kelly’s book.
As Megyn Kelly garners headlines for her feminism or lack thereof, Rupert Murdoch seems desperate to keep her.
Finding the funniest things on Fox “News” in any given week is the top challenge for Friday Fox Follies. That and not using 20,000 words.
The Fox “News” Channel was under no obligation to confirm that it is racist to the bone during its 20th Anniversary week, but it did.
Donald Trump has no better friends on Fox than his Foxy Friends, unless you count Bill O’Reilly. Or Sean Hannity.
The biggest Folly this week (even though it happened last week and Fox has been trying to ignore it ever since) is when Donald Trump dropped his quixotic Birther conspiracy. While Fox “News” was the Birther midwife, it was ex-CEO Roger Ailes that knocked her up. This week Full Frontal gave Samantha Bee 2 delicious…
Donald Trump took heat for alleging a conspiracy by the Flint pastor who shut him down, but Fair & Balanced Fox & Friends put him up to it.
Hell officially froze over when Fox issued an unprecedented apology for having treated Carlson like garbage.
49ers QB Colin Kaepernick has given the Fox “News” Outrage Machine a rare two-fer: Patriotism and Race. What could possible go wrong?
The steady drip, drip,drip of the Roger Ailes sexual harassment scandal is now a flood as Andrea Tantaros drops the juiciest lawsuit yet.
A non-apology from Donald Trump, more hilarity from Hannity, and another look inside the Fox “News” boardroom, rounds out this week’s FFF.
How many times did Sean Hannity humiliate himself this week? SPOILER ALERT: You don’t have enough fingers to count them on one hand.
If the Fox “News” defense of Donald Trump’s gaffes doesn’t work, they are already helping him blame his loss on the mythical voter fraud.
The meat puppets at Fox News are breathlessly fomenting anger and resentment at Islam, President Obama, and Gretchen Carlson
Was Donald Trump’s meltdown at the press just a tactic to avoid bad Trump University news? It sure changed the topic in a hurry. Read on…
“Bill O’Reilly: Cuckold” is a strange chapter in Loofah Lad’s sex life. The Falafel King must admire King Henry VIII by now. Read on . . .
If it’s not defending Donald Trump on tacos, it’s defending him on taxes. Meanwhile, they’ve got the nerve to accuse Facebook of bias. Rich!
The highest ratings — and therefore the biggest lies — on the Fox “News†Channel belong to that of Bill O’Reilly
Worst! Cliffhanger!! Ever!!! Trump signs onto Megyn Kelly’s prime time special. Will she hold his feet to the fire? Don’t make Follies laugh
Fair & Balanced??? No matter the topic, free-thinkers know that Fox “News†will take a side — just as they know it will be the wrong side.
Megyn Kelly met with Trump, which almost broke the Internet, and It looks more and more like Fox “News†has chosen its candidate
Backstage blackmail? Is vanilla milkshake a secret BFF code? Is Megyn Kelly stirring the pot? Who went to Cuba? More drama than a soap opera
Fox “News” finally hits back at Trump, then attacks President Obama’s Cuba trip and for not rushing home when the bombs exploded in Brussels
As Fox “News” morphs into the Trump News Network, one Fox personality after another scrambles to jump into the Trump Dunk Tank
Roger Ailes rejects Marco Rubio, so Fox turns back to Donald Trump. Then Mitt Romney demolishes Trump before the debate. Hilarity ensues!
Fox “News” Channel plays the Race Card while it promotes the GOP Race over the entire Human Race. More White Privilege on display.
According to a new Poll: Fox News Most Trusted Source for ‘News or Commentary’, a finding that makes intelligent people shake their heads. Yet, the same poll has Donald Trump leading all other GOP contenders, which speaks to the innate stupidity of those polled. However, according to the cheeky reportage at AdWeek: ‘Undecided’ Toppled as…
IRONY ALERT: The Trump that Fox “News” built is bursting the insular bubble that Fox “News” took the last 20 years to build.
Celebrating a dubious anniversary this week, FOX News Channel announced 20 years ago. Adweek would like to tell you How a ‘Half-Baked Little Operation’ Turned Into a Billion Dollar News Channel, but nothing was said about #FoxLies. Whenever I point to a lack of honesty at Fox “News” people respond with, “But…but…but, RATINGS!” as if…
Megyn Kelly, the GOP debate, and Donald Trump as the elephant in the room as the frenemies just can’t get along
Is the Fear & Resentment net taking particular delight as the National Review trashes the Conservative cred of Fox creation Donald Trump?
There’s are so many unintended laughs on the Fox “News” Channel that maybe it’s not just comedy but meta-comedy because the laugh’s on you.
Now that the Fox “News” Phony War on Christmas is over for another year, let’s look at the network’s War on New Year’s Eve.
This is the week we finally learned what lines cannot be crossed at Fox “News” when trashing President Obama. Who knew?
Compare and contrast how two mass murders, less than a week apart, were treated by the Fox “News” Channel.
The comment Friday Fox Follies most often gets is how I can watch so much Fox “News” Channel and not have gone off on a wild killing spree. I’ll let you in on my secret: I watch Fox “News” as if it’s a Drawing Room Comedy. There are people always rushing in and out to say absurd things.
The only thing keeping the Donald Trump and Fox “News” detente from leading this week’s Friday Fox Follies, is the school massacre in Oregon
As a certain xenophobic and racist presidential candidate felt himself slipping in the polls, Donald Trump Says He Will Boycott Fox News “For The Foreseeable Future,” which ensures his xenophobic and racists supporters will continue to trash Fox “News,” further fracturing the audience.
No sooner had Friday Fox Follies resigned itself to another column about the dust-up between Donald Trump and the Fox “News” Channel that a murder and morning television changed everything. Naturally while Fox accused the Left of politicizing these murders, it did everything in its power to politicize these murders.
There was a great synchronicity in the Cable Tee Vee Firmament this week. As Jon Stewart stopped climbing Bullsh*t Mountain, an avalanche called Donald J. Trump proved — once and for all — that “Fair and Balanced” is nothing but an empty slogan covering for all the other lies Fox “News” tells. Adding to the schadenfreude on the Left? Trump is the Frankenstein monster built in the birther boardroom of the Fox “News” Channel.
Back in the day, before television, one of this country’s greatest demagogues was Father Charles Coughlin, broadcasting from a studio in the tower at the Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak, Michigan. At first he espoused a Social Justice platform and supported President Roosevelt’s New Deal. However, as the years went by, Coughlin…
Is Donald J. Trump the Manchurian Candidate, here to assassinate any semblance of an orderly election process? If so Fox “News” can proudly say, “We built that.”
There’s so much going on, but this week’s Friday Fox Follies starts with How “Fox & Friends” became the most repugnant show on Fox News, which is saying a lot considering the competition.
Each week Friday Fox Follies’ biggest challenge (aside from too much crazy for one column) is creating humor from the Fox “News” tomfoolery and shenanigans, with varying degrees of success. However, the news this week broke my heart.
They say to kill a snake, you must cut off its head. Which is why less-informed Fox Haters cheered at the news Rupert Murdoch to Step Down as CEO of 21st Century Fox. Meanwhile, Megyn Kelly defended sex abuse and attacked a child over the “indefensible” actions of a police officer.
What depresses me is Fox ratings versus a Truth-O-Meter. Once again the Tampa Bay Times Pundit Fact is checking in on our TV network scorecards.
Last week Tucker Carlson proved he isn’t a real journalist (which may be why he’s on Fox). This week he proved he’s running a frat house, a topic in the news lately for systemic sexism, not to mention racism.
For the umpteenth year in a row, Fox News more wrong than ever: New Politifact review finds pundits spewing mostly lies.
If the last 2 weeks of reporting and punditry tell us anything, Fox “News” is willing write off one side of the racial divide for generations; the same way the Republicans have written off the Latinos that Fox “News” is hypocritically trying to attract.
The recent midterm elections has Fox “News” as giddy as Sarah Palin in front of a microphone.
What’s more contagious than Ebola with absolutely no cure? As we head into next week’s election, Fox “News” has been stricken with a near-fatal form of Obama Derangement Syndrome. Worse: Quarantines won’t work against it — unless you switch off your tee vee.
The death of Ben Bradlee got me thinking about what passes for the sorry state of journalism these days. Watergate reporting may have been the high-water mark, but that should also remind us that Richard Nixon’s media architect was Roger Ailes, current president of the Fox “News” Channel, the low water mark.