Articles by Rmuse

Audio engineer and instructor for SAE. Writes op/ed commentary supporting Secular Humanist causes, and exposing suppression of women, the poor, and minorities. An advocate for freedom of religion and particularly, freedom of NO religion. Born in the South, raised in the Mid-West and California for a well-rounded view of America; it doesn't look good. Former minister, lifelong musician, Mahayana Zen-Buddhist.


Senate Democrats Betray Both Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama

Senator Sanders stood up for Americans against Republicans, and true to form, only two Democrats stood with him. If Democrats were truly outraged with the tax cut deal, they would have been in attendance and at least given Bernie toilet breaks. But being the frightened, fractured group they are, Democrats ran from the fight. Now we can just wait for them to turn on Senator Sanders for not filibustering long and hard enough. It is what frightened cowards do.


Conservatives Lick Their Chops While The Left Cannibalizes Obama

After President Obama’s press conference announcing a deal with Republicans on tax cuts, the left exploded with such ferocity and divisiveness that it’s no wonder conservatives always win. While the left demonizes Obama as a sellout for making the best out of losing situation for the majority of Americans, and you can be certain that conservatives are licking their chops watching the left cannibalize President Obama for governing from the center; it is short-sighted and arrogant to believe otherwise.


A Corporate Agenda Motivates The GOP’s Opposition to Net Neutrality

The FCC Chairman, Julius Genachowski has released a draft proposal on net neutrality that addresses concerns about the way large Internet providers manage their networks. As usual, a Republican spokesperson has come out against the proposal claiming that the FCC decision is insulting and nothing more than a government takeover, but this is just an excuse to hide their true agenda of Internet corporatization.


Conservative Christian Bigotry Lurks Behind Opposition to Lifting DADT

People like Sen. John McCain will always find bigots like himself who object to gays existing, much less serving in the military. A couple of days ago McCain came up with another objection, he said he and 41 of his Republican colleagues would block repeal because the economy is sputtering. He really said it and he was serious. He’s also a raging bigot who cannot escape the biblical foundation of hate he espouses.


Wikileaks and The Extreme Hypocrisy of Sarah Palin

The release of documents by Wikileaks has caused some embarrassing moments for American diplomats, and there are calls for the arrest of Julian Assange for treason and many on the right claim he is a traitor. One could excuse the harsh rhetoric from Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and right if they had expressed the same outrage during the Bush era for the lies and deception used as a reason to invade Iraq and wage war on innocent Iraqis.


While the Unemployed Suffer: The Immorality of The Bush Tax Cuts

It is morally and economically reprehensible that Republicans consider giving tax breaks to rich people who return 30 cents on every dollar to the economy, but refuse to extend unemployment benefits to hardworking Americans who will return $1.60 for every dollar they get. It is not difficult to understand the moral and economic ramifications unless you are a Republican.


In the name of Reagan: The Conservative War On The Working Class

Republicans lionize Ronald Reagan, and in the older, white population, the dead president is a god who deserves to have his head on Mt. Rushmore. Sarah Palin channels Reagan and her supporters speak of her as being the new Ronald Reagan. It is typical of conservatives to worship a president who hurt the economy, set labor relations and unions back 40 years, and caused untold damage to the environment by destroying regulations. Republicans still think of Reagan as the gun slinging cowboy who rode in and cleaned up the frontier, or the war hero who single handedly stormed up a hill and took out a battalion of Nazis. Regardless the image old white people have of Reagan; he was just an actor, and a bad president whose policies were controlled by banks and corporations


Dismantling Democracy One Disenfranchised Voter at a Time

One of the main themes from conservatives is to follow the Constitution strictly, and in fact, every civil servant and politician takes an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States…so help them God. However, with God’s help or not, there are several Senators and Congressmen in the Republican Party who refuse to preserve and protect the Constitution; instead, they want to dismantle it to restrict the right to vote for the majority of Americans.


Wikileaks Docs Prove America Can’t Be The Hitman For the World

The recent release of secret documents exposes an alarming aspect of Iran gaining a nuclear weapon, and it hints at America’s willingness to do the bidding of foreign countries that are capable of defending themselves. The underlying argument is that a nuclear Iran is a danger to the region, and no one disputes that fact. But the people who are asking America to strike Iran are working both sides of the street in claiming to be our ally at the same time they covertly support Al Qaeda.


Classless Action: Wal-Mart’s Supreme Court War On Workers

The U.S. Supreme Court is going to announce whether or not they will hear a job bias case against Wal-Mart Inc. for discriminating against women, and whether the case will be heard as a class action lawsuit. Wal-Mart claims that one case cannot speak for thousands of employees’ complaints and the lawsuits should be handled individually. Wal-Mart has been joined by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and several large corporations in seeking to end class action lawsuits.


Attention Conservatives: You Too Benefit From American Socialism

Socialism is a form of governance where the State owns everything, and private ownership of the means of production and distribution has been eliminated. Although America is not Socialist, we do enjoy a privileged lifestyle that is the result of social programs. Our highway system, air travel, food safety, medical care, and old age assistance are all social programs, and whether or not teabaggers realize it, they enjoy and benefit from socialism.


The Same Old Deal: The GOP’s Fight Against the Ghost of FDR

Like the Obama Administration, Liberal groups, and Secular Humanists, Franklin Delano Roosevelt believed that Americans deserved security in their lives, and worked tirelessly to provide the very things that today’s Republicans obstruct and deny for citizens. Republicans fought tooth and nail to stop Social Security for older citizens and it is no different today. Republicans propose the hideous idea that health care, unemployment protection, a living wage, and economic protection are privileges and not an inherent right for being an American citizen.


Stone Age Mythology: the Republican War Against Stem Cells and Climate Change

There is a sickening trend in this country of conservative Christians decrying science as fraudulent, and it affects everything from addressing global climate change to stem cell research. It will have long-term effects on America, its standing in the world, and the health of millions of Americans. Whether or not it is because conservatives are too stupid to understand science, or too steeped in ancient Jewish mythology, it is harmful to every person in America.


Welfare or Warfare: Keeping Defense Contractors Rich While America Crumbles

Republicans want to take the country back to the 1950s, and they want to cut taxes for the wealthy claiming it is good for the economy even though the Bush-era tax cuts have not created jobs or stimulated the economy. Republicans also oppose cutting defense spending that drains the economy and takes valuable resources that could rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and create jobs.


American Pariah: Why the Founding Fathers Would Reject the GOP

Republican lawmakers, pundits, and Tea Party patriots all claim a desire to return to the Founding Father’s view of America and a strict constitutional interpretation of governance in America. The problem is that the Founders had a very different idea of America than these new constitutionalists, and they would reject the philosophy that the rich and industrialists should have the power to control the government.


Extortion: The United States Senate’s Newest Racket

American government has lost its designation as a representative democracy, and is turning into a racket where one man, or one party, dictates its will on the entire government, and apparently no-one is willing to stop the demise of democratic rule. There is much talk about compromise and bipartisanship from the Democrats, and the White House, but in the 21st Century American democracy, it is a fallacy and a joke.


John McCain’s Eternal War Against Gays At Home and American Soldiers Abroad

John McCain is a war hero, and advocates permanent wars regardless the cost in lives and drain on the economy. He also knows that allowing gays to serve in the military is wrong, regardless that a majority of Americans, the Pentagon, and service members support repealing DADT. McCain also doesn’t want an end to the war in Afghanistan because he has gross memory loss regarding the Iraq war.


Republican Rep. Eric Cantor Brags About Committing Treason

Eric Cantor (R-VA) will soon be the Majority Leader of the House, and he has joined the ranks of treasonous legislators, and taken it further by breaking a Federal law. Cantor engaged in talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the same day that the U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu, and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government; the United States of America.


Republicans Plan to Pay For Tax Cuts With Unemployment Benefits

Republicans belie their belief in fiscal responsibility when they insist on giving unfunded tax cuts to the wealthy. Enter the poor, unemployed, and working-class Americans. Republicans and teabags label unemployment benefits an entitlement just like they call Social Security and Medicare welfare. Their goal is to privatize Social programs so Wall Street can prosper, and take away unemployment benefits to help pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.


Democrats Arrogantly Overestimated the Intelligence of the American Voter

The loss of the House of Representatives by Democrats this election will be analyzed to death, and there is certainly enough blame to go around regardless which group is critiqued. A great portion of the blame can be attributed to corporate infusion of cash to Republican and Tea Party candidates. However, Democrats and President Obama must accept that they too, own their fair share of blame for overestimating the intelligence of the American voter.


Supreme Conspiracy: How The Koch Brothers and Clarence Thomas Overthrew Democracy

In developing countries and dictatorships it’s not unusual or unexpected for the judicial system to be corrupt and biased. In America, it used to be a source of pride that our judicial system was fair and followed the letter of the law. Apparently, those days are gone and we are seeing the result of biased court decisions in this election cycle with unprecedented corporate donations to Republican candidates.

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