American Civil War

Historical Novelist Bill O’Reilly Calls Dan Rather a ‘Moron’ for Criticizing Trump

Historical Novelist Bill O’Reilly Calls Dan Rather a ‘Moron’ for Criticizing Trump

“So Dan Rather, who knows very little about history, and others go out and they hammer Trump like he's a…

7 years ago

Trump Told Historian That He Could Have ‘Done a Deal’ to Stop the Civil War

“He told me a year and a half ago or so, a year ago, that, you know, he thought he…

7 years ago

Trump Idiocy on the Civil War: ‘Why Could That One Not Have Been Worked Out?’

"People don't ask that question. But why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked…

7 years ago

Colorado Republican’s Claim that America Ended Slavery Voluntarily Steals Our History

Pamela Mazanec asks, "Shouldn't our students be provided that viewpoint? This is part of the argument that America is exceptional."

10 years ago

The Gettysburg Address 150 Years Ago And Now: Lincoln, Obama and The Great Task Remaining

One hundred fifty years later, President Lincoln's Great Task remains uncompleted.

11 years ago