Anthony Scaramucci

Anthony Scaramucci Calls Out The Racist Code Trump Is Using Against Kamala Harris

Anthony Scaramucci Calls Out The Racist Code Trump Is Using Against Kamala Harris

Anthony Scaramucci said that Trump is frightened and called out the racist code behind the ex-president calling Kamala Harris dumb.

4 months ago

Anthony Scaramucci Calls On Trump To Immediately Drop Out

Anthony Scaramucci said that Trump is no longer physically or mentally capable of being president so he must immediately drop…

4 years ago

Republican Anti-Trump Group Claims Support from “Current Top U.S. Government Official”

A Republican group opposed to Donald Trump's reelection has claimed it has the backing of a high level official still…

4 years ago

Trump’s Former Communications Director Accuses Him Of “Inciting a Race War”

Anthony Scaramucci has accused Donald Trump of stoking the fires of a race war. The former White House Communications Director…

5 years ago

The Trump White House Is Shredding The Integrity of Press Briefings

With the number of lies being told from the White House press lectern how will we the American people know…

7 years ago

The Story Gets More Insane As Jared And Ivanka Brought In The Mooch To Whack Priebus

Anthony Scaramucci was brought into the Trump administration because Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump wanted to get rid of former…

7 years ago

Scaramucci Refused To Answer To The Chief Of Staff So He Was Kicked Out Of The White House

The White House is trying to spin the departure of Anthony Scaramucci as a decision to help Chief of Staff…

7 years ago

Chaos Grows In White House As Trump Fires Anthony Scaramucci As Communications Director

Anthony Scaramucci didn't last two weeks working for Trump, as it is being reported that Trump is set to fire…

7 years ago

Bumbling Scaramucci’s Secret Plan To Capture The Leakers Gets Leaked By The White House

Trump Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci came up with a plan to catch the people who are leaking in the White…

7 years ago

Scaramucci’s Deranged Tirade Shows Why The Entire Trump White House Has Got To Go

White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci's obscene tirade against other members of the Trump administration is evidence that Trump is…

7 years ago

In A Move That Reeks Of Mental Illness, Trump Says He Is Done With Priebus, But Won’t Fire Him

President Trump has proclaimed himself done with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, but in a totally crazy move…

7 years ago

Trump Goes Full Drama Queen And Makes His Communication Director Call CNN After He Gets Mad

Instead of running the country, Donald Trump is watching CNN and making the White House Communications Director call in when…

7 years ago

Trump’s Communications Director Blabs And Admits Trump Discussed Pardoning Himself

Trump's new communications director can't stop blabbing about his private conversations with the President, as Anthony Scaramucci admitted on national…

7 years ago

Trump’s New Communications Director Just Shot Off His Mouth And May Have Gotten Trump Impeached

On CNN's State Of The Union, Anthony Scaramucci said that someone called him yesterday questioning Russia's attack on the 2016…

7 years ago

Trump’s Own White House Calls His New Communications Director An Unqualified Joke

White House officials are calling Trump's hiring of the unqualified Anthony Scaramucci to his new communications director a joke.

7 years ago