Antonin Scalia

Analysis: The Missing Person in Alito’s Draft Opinion Overturning Roe v. Wade

Analysis: The Missing Person in Alito’s Draft Opinion Overturning Roe v. Wade

Less attention has been given, in discussions and analysis in the media, to the actual text of Alito’s opinion, especially…

2 years ago

Decrying Same-Sex Marriage Decision, Justices Thomas and Alito Endorse Trump’s Assault on Civil Rights

Last Monday the Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear a case brought by Kim Davis, a former…

4 years ago

Opinion: RBG, Trump Show Us That Only The American People Can Save Us From Autocracy

American romantic poet, philosopher, and diplomat once referred to the U.S. Constitution, in an address to the Reform Club of…

4 years ago

Coronavirus has Magnified Problem of, Silence Around, Sexism and Gender Inequality

One can find in the media many important analyses and accounts of the way the coronavirus pandemic has exposed and…

4 years ago

Opinion: Does America Really Value Equality? What Women and Transgender People Might Say

The Supreme Court ruled in the Citizens United case that corporations merited certain rights of personhood. The decision in this…

4 years ago

Trump Uses Constitution Like TP But Proposes Loss of Citizenship for Flag Burners

"Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss…

7 years ago

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval Would Not Be A Moderate Choice For The Supreme Court

Sandoval opposes solar energy, gun safety laws, thinks Obamacare is unconstitutional and will uphold Vatican-5’s anti-women bloc for decades

8 years ago

It’s The Kochs, Not Republicans Prohibiting A SCOTUS Nominee Vote

The mainstream media must identify the real American government and Supreme Court “hostage takers;” the Koch brothers

8 years ago

3, 2…1…Here Come the Cries That Obama Had Scalia Killed

It took only moments for Justice Scalia's death to trigger the worst of conservative thinking on Twitter and Breitbart and…

8 years ago

Racist Republicans Crusade To Keep Dr. Martin Luther King’s Dream Unfulfilled

Despite the Civil Rights Movement, racism is as rampant in America as it was when Dr. King marched and revealed…

8 years ago

Constitutional Dunce Scalia Needs To Be In An Asylum, Not SCOTUS

Scalia may have surpassed charlatans like David Barton in an attempt to "establish Christianity" as the nation's state religion

8 years ago

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution,…

9 years ago

Scalia Is Wrong: The Constitution Prohibits Torture and GOP Civil Rights Violations

Conservatives have proffered every possible scenario to justify torture, including Supreme Court Justice Scalia invoking a fictional television counter-terrorism agent,…

9 years ago

Michigan License To Discriminate A Portent Of Impending Theocracy  

It is astonishing, but the extremist Christian fundamentalists are basing their punitive power on the religious freedom guarantee in the…

9 years ago

St. Louis Grand Jury Indicted, Tried, And Convicted Unarmed Murder Victim Michael Brown

Not only did the prosecutor succeed in acquitting the murderer Darren Wilson, he convinced the grand jury to indict, try,…

9 years ago

You Are Voting for Democracy or Theocracy in the 2014 Midterms

Jody Hice's new "Big Idea" is that state-sponsored religion, forbidden by the First Amendment, will put an end to government…

10 years ago

Right-Wing Justice Scalia is Crusading to Establish Religion by Constitutional Fiat

Koch and Vatican surrogate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia delivered a judicial sermon at Colorado Christian University and informed 400…

10 years ago

SCOTUS Prayer Ruling Silences New York Town’s Non-Christians

The Catholics on the High Court made a serious error in ruling that any government prayers were constitutional.

10 years ago

Schuette v. BAMN … An Example of Whitewishing

When whites decide racism is over ... that's "whitewishing"

10 years ago

Supreme Court Justice Commits Sedition By Telling People to Revolt Over Income Taxes

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is now actively calling for disobeying the government, as during a recent speech he told…

10 years ago

Beyond Discrimination Arizona’s 1062 Bill Gives Criminals a Get Out Of Jail Free Card

This abomination masquerading as legislation is precisely what the religious right and career criminals have dreamt of throughout their pathetic…

10 years ago

Ted Cruz Violates The First Amendment With Anti-Gay Marriage Senate Bill

Besides wasting taxpayer time, money, and violating the First Amendment's prohibition that Congress shall "make no law respecting the establishment…

10 years ago

Justices Thomas and Scalia Violate Judicial Ethics By Headlining Right Wing Fundraisers

Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia have again set themselves above ethics rules because they are, after all, Koch brother properties.

10 years ago

Darrell Issa, John Boehner, Clarence Thomas Lead the Republican Culture of Corruption

The level of political corruption in Republican and conservative ranks has gotten so blatant that they are finally being targeted…

11 years ago

And Three’s a Crowd: Virginia Republicans Think They Belong In Your Bedroom

Cuccinelli has long wanted to control what goes on in the privacy of Virginians' bedrooms, and his latest ploy is…

11 years ago

Republicans Stand Opposed To Equal Rights Even After SCOTUS Decisions

The rulings have absolutely no effect on any American who is not gay, and still, those unaffected ideologues are screaming…

11 years ago

Racism Reaches the Levels of Government via Scalia’s Voting Rights Comments

One never imagined Scalia would openly declare his racism and disdain for the most basic of rights in an open…

11 years ago

The Right Tries and Fails to turn Marriage Into a Religious Institution

Whether bible-loving opponents of same-sex marriage like it or not, marriage is not a religious institution.

11 years ago

Mitt Romney is the Tip of the Republican Religious Extremist Spear

America's worst nightmare is a Romney presidency bolstered by conservative Christians in Congress and a bible-based Supreme Court.

12 years ago

The Case against Using Religious Freedom to Block Birth Control Access

As the birth control mandate went into effect this week, religious freedom arguments continue to threaten it. Here's why they're…

12 years ago

Scalia Says Rocket Launchers Are Protected Under the Second Amendment

In an opinion that is sure to delight potential terrorists everywhere, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told Fox News Sunday…

12 years ago

Ted Nugent, the Civil War, and the GOP’s Anti-Constitutional Fantasies

Ted Nugent believes we'd be better off if the South had won the Civil War, completely ignoring that states rights…

12 years ago

Breitbart’s Sordid Legacy: Weiner Photos and a Crooked Supreme Court

While the privileged-paranoia duopoly over American politics is nothing new to us, we find that Breitbart's twisted career haunts, warps…

12 years ago