
‘Moderate’ Republican John Kasich Flips Out Over Actor Daniel Radcliffe’s Atheism

‘Moderate’ Republican John Kasich Flips Out Over Actor Daniel Radcliffe’s Atheism

"You know that Daniel Radcliffe has declared himself an atheist? I’m serious. What a weird thing. Why would a guy…

8 years ago

7-Year-Old Banished Student Feels Wrath Of Evangelical’s Religious Freedom

In February of this year, a seven-year-old 2nd grade student in Indiana was "banished" from having any contact with other…

9 years ago

Fox & Friends: Priest Says Don’t Trust President Who Doesn’t Fear Eternal Damnation

Father Jonathan Morris took to Fox & Friends to push fear of eternal damnation while ignoring the Constitution's No Religious…

9 years ago

Duck Dynasty Star Fantasizes About Rape And Murder Of Atheist Family At Prayer Breakfast

At a prayer breakfast, Duck Dynasty star, Phil Robertson fantasized aloud about an atheist family being raped, tortured, and murdered.

9 years ago

Bill Maher Claims All Religion is Stupid and Dangerous

Think responsibly. If we lived in a fact-based world, and want those facts to matter, we should be less like…

10 years ago

Catholic League’s Bill Donohue Says Non-Religious People are Insane

Donohue says, non-religious people "believe in no-holds-barred. They don't like the three dreaded words in the English language...thou shalt not"

10 years ago

Religious Purity Movement By Right-Wing Fanatics Threatens Faith in America

What is curious, is that although America is not, was not, and never will be a Christian nation, there are…

10 years ago

Right-Wing Clergy Are Violating the Law With Impunity Right Up To Election Day

It is no great shock, then, that the religious right, staunch supporters of corrupt Republicans, are blatantly violating the law…

10 years ago

Airman Ordered to Swear a Religious Oath or Get Out of the Air Force

The United States Air Force, itself sworn to "support and defend the Constitution," cannot abide by, support, or defend either…

10 years ago

Kevin Sorbo – Atheists Are Angry Because They Know God Exists

Kevin Sorbo and Rick Wiles say atheists know God exists and hate him for "judging how they live their life."

10 years ago

It Is Time For Constitution Loving Americans To Stand Up To Right Wing Republicans

Americans who value their freedoms, religious or otherwise, would do well to avoid the pitfalls of staying silent for fear…

11 years ago

Republicans Across The Country Are Passing Illegal Laws Requiring Teaching Creationism

Republicans have illegally passed laws mandating the teaching of the creationism as science in public schools using taxpayer dollars because…

11 years ago

Sarah Palin Disgraces History With Claim Adams and Jefferson Support Her War on Christmas

Sarah Palin's contention that Founding Fathers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would join her in the war against the imagined…

11 years ago

John Hagee Says We are a Pagan Nation Without Shame

According to Hagee, "America is becoming a pagan society; we are in a moral free-fall."

11 years ago

Republicans Starve The Poor While Handing $20 Billion to Corporate Welfare Bums

As millions of Americans go hungry, federal government pays about $20 billion in cash annually to farmers and farmland owners…

11 years ago

God Wills It! Things You Will Never Hear an Atheist Say

When Reshad Riddle gunned down his father at Church, he didn't say his act was the will of atheism.

11 years ago

Republicans Use Taxpayer Dollars to Insert Religion into Public Education

There is a growing movement to insert religion into the education system using taxpayer dollars.

12 years ago

This Holiday Season Do Your Own Thing and Damn the Critics

Conservative Christians despise atheism as being a subjective form of morality, ignoring the history of their own subjective belief system

12 years ago

An Interview with Nonbeliever Nation’s Author, David Niose

I ask David Niose, author of Nonbeliever Nation, a few questions about his book and about recent events in both…

12 years ago

Nonbeliever Nation by David Niose is a Secular Manifesto

David Niose's timely book is not another look at the Religious Right; this call to arms is written for Secular…

12 years ago

Why the GOP is the Party of Choice for Sociopaths and Psychopaths

Pastor John Hagee's hateful preaching is an example of why the GOP has become the party of choice for sociopaths…

12 years ago

Female Republican Strategist to Head Atheist Organization

The Secular Coalition for America, an atheist advocacy group, has hired Edwina Rogers, a female Republican strategist and atheist as…

12 years ago

Once Again, Christians Mistake Removing a Special Privilege with Oppression

Fundamentalists are crying oppression because the U.S. Air Force has decided that as of Oct 1 the Bible is not…

12 years ago

America Faces the Specter of Religious Apartheid

Monotheism is built not just on the rejection but the ejection of the constructed other. If we live in the…

12 years ago

Crucifixion and Resurrection: The Republican Warping of Christ’s Moral Lessons

Republicans have turned rejecting Christ's admonition to help the poor into a requirement for being a good American.

12 years ago

Fundamentalist Kristi Watts Upset that Atheists Do Not Hate Wiccans

Kristi Watts, Pat Robertson's co-host on the 700 Club wants to know why atheists don't chop down all the trees…

13 years ago

Right Wing Christians Can’t Claim Compassion While Preaching Hate

The bible is rife with death and destruction for the non-believer and that is the impetus for the religious right’s…

13 years ago