Rush Limbaugh’s Hate Radio Network Home Facing $20 Billion Bankruptcy
Between the StopRush movement’s pressure and Willard Romney’s bankruptcy gang, iHeart radio is badly in debt.
Between the StopRush movement’s pressure and Willard Romney’s bankruptcy gang, iHeart radio is badly in debt.
It is time that the left started taking this election seriously, along with Romney and Jeb Bush and the rest, even those we view as stupid, misogynist, and out of touch wing nuts
Last Friday, a victim, Stephen “Laser” Haas, who has been denied justice for over a decade took the law into his own hands and filed a “Civil Racketeering” RICO complaint against Mitt Romney.
Take a long, hard look at what Rick Snyder and turnaround specialist Kevyn Orr intend doing to pensioners in Detroit because it foreshadows Republicans in Congress intent for Social Security.
The first beta-test of selling off a city to corporations began when an emergency manager in Detroit filed for bankruptcy, and it is a harbinger of the Republicans’ plan for the federal government.
Toys R Us are headed for bankruptcy and dissolution that will earn Bain Capital Partners outrageous profits as they harvest another company under their supervision.
Financial institutions may not face prosecution because they cannot go to jail, but the men and women committing fraud and money laundering should be criminally prosecuted and sent to jail.
The Department of Justice cannot allow the miscarriage of justice by any American under any circumstance, and because Romney is no longer running for public office, he is no longer above the law.
School privatization is the new Gold Rush. There is money to be made in them there hills. And charter schools are the the Republican hammer to be used to prise it out of our hands.
Clear Channel assisted Romney’s ‘business experience’ propaganda campaign while they are being quietly gutted to pay back debt run up by Bain.
Much of the responsibility for Hostess shutting down lies with the company’s management and the private equity firm behind them, and yet union workers are the ones bearing the blame.
It appears there was at least one very specific reason for Mitt Romney’s desperation to be president that the public was not aware of.
While PoliticusUSA was investigating a recently re-opened case in bankruptcy court in Delaware, a clerk of the court indicated that where Romney and Bain are concerned, they are above the law.
Public records, FEC and SEC filings show that Mitt Romney profited from corruption, fraud, and racketeering (RICO) as head of Bain Capital.
A prescient question Romney will not answer is why he hates retired Americans, the poor, and disabled Veterans, and yet loves his church when neither group pays income taxes.
When Romney says he knows how to reduce deficits and balance budgets, he is lying because it is not the business model he used to create his enormous wealth.
Republican Intimidation tactics, restricting voting access, and disposing of voter registration forms are all despicable attempts to hijack the election for Romney.
There is a troubling development out of Ohio that could alter the results of the election after voting is finished and they are intricately linked to Willard Romney’s company, Bain Capital.
Romney never asked for those binders full of women. So, not only was his comment strikingly offensive in its insensitivity, but it wasn’t even true.
A Sensata worker says that at a rally, Romney supporters ‘started calling us communists for trying to keep our jobs from going to China.’
Mitt Romney is a pathological liar, a hypocrite, and deceitful in words and deeds, it is about time his possible mental illness, Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASP), is discussed.
Mitt Romney refuses to meet with the folks from Bainport to discuss his company shipping their jobs to China, yet he says he didn’t mean what he said about the 47%.
On ‘This Week’, Jake Tapper called out Mitt Romney’s claim that he would get tough on China when he is still invested in Chinese companies.
Mitt Romney is running around Ohio talking tough about China today, but one place he won’t go near is Freeport, IL where the Bain owned Sensata Technologies is sending 170 jobs to China.
Romney has attempted to distance himself from Bain Capital’s business practices, but he can no longer claim ignorance of hypocritical activities in Russia, Iran, or China
The Obama camp explains in detail what Mitt Romney is really saying in case he does spend those ninety minutes avoiding the facts and sticking instead to the same hollow plans he’s shown us before.
We found out today that offshore investments did help Romney get as rich as he is, even though he told you otherwise. Also, he is still dodging specifics on his tax plan.
The Obama campaign is hitting Romney for saying things that aren’t true again. This time, he’s claiming that he would be tough on China, but Romney’s Bain Capital invested in a Chinese company.
Mitt Romney heads into the first debate at a disadvantage with the middle class according to the results of the latest USA TodayGallup poll
A new video confirms that Bain was never in the business of creating jobs, but rather of pumping companies for every cent for the Bain investors before harvesting the targeted business.
Romney is a charlatan who is stuck reiterating Reagan and Bush lies and hoping that Americans will be tricked just one more time.
Mitt Romney’s lawyer admitted that they manipulated the returns so as to conform to an August Romney claim that he always paid at least 13%.
Americans have had an opportunity to become familiar with Willard and Ann Romney over the past couple of months, and they have revealed themselves to be arrogant contemptible elitists.
It is high time for Romney to get some continuity in his people who do not pay income taxes are parasites meme because the real parasites are his corporations-are-people.
Instead of celebrating the things that make America great, Mitt Romney has spent the past six months maligning his country.
Mitt Romney is ignoring his own history of outsourcing of jobs to China while blaming President Obama for allowing the Chinese to take away American jobs.
Romney touts his business acumen, but his record guarantees that he will insert his team of financial bloodsuckers to leverage America with unsustainable debt
A picture of worker abuse in the pursuit of corporate profits and vulture capitalism emerged that demonstrates Romney’s contempt for American workers.
It appears there is a pattern of malfeasance and possible illegal activities that should be a warning that Romney and Ryan are not trustworthy and not suited for the highest offices in the land.
In the campaign for the White House, Americans are being asked to define America as either a community, or a nation of self-interested individuals with no allegiance to anything except money and power.
Two of the oddest couples in election history were created this year when Mormon Governor Mitt RMoney picked multimillionaire Congressman Paul Ryan as his veep.
Team Obama rolls out a devastating new ad tying Romney to having approved over $70 million dollars in fictional losses to the IRS as part of the Son of Boss scandal.
We like people who contribute to our society, people who build, who create goods and services, who create jobs. We have a word for people who suck the life’s blood out of others: vampires. Vampires are parasites. Vampires do not sparkle. We don’t like vampires. We want to protect ourselves from them. If private equity’s…
The Romney Time Machine is amazing: you can now be exonerated retroactively, invaliding evidence that might appear later to the contrary
Republicans from past experience seem to be eager to take away your rights to firearms and shift the blame to Democrats.
In the race for the White House, Willard Romney promises to recreate the ‘thriving economy’ that cost millions of Americans their jobs and financial security.
Romney is having a hard time being called out on the very history he was campaigning on just a few months ago.
The truth is Republicans probably welcome the Romney distraction because when it comes to jobs, they are as clueless today as they have been for the the past year-and-a-half.
In light of the questions regarding Romney’s secrecy regarding his personal finances and his separation from Bain, it is worthwhile to look into why instead of transparency, he is secretive.
Romney is hiding something. He doesn’t want to release his tax returns and he seems to be not telling the truth about his tenure at Bain Capital.
Mitt Romney outsourced Americans’ jobs, shuttered companies after leveraging them with crushing debt, and earned nearly $50 million dollars disposing of aborted fetuses.
The only thing voters need to know about Romney is that he is not an economic guru. He is a wealthy investor who earned millions killing jobs.
Mitt Romney was never a job creator. He engaged in “recapping” companies; loading a company with debt in order to suck it dry of dividends.
While attending the NATO summit in Chicago, President Obama kept up the pressure on Romney and his self-enrichment record at Bain Capital
Between his inability to stop laughing when he causes misery to others and his chronic deceitfulness, Mitt Romney is almost a psychopath.
There are several reasons Romney lies about his role in saving Detroit, and they demonstrate the man’s low moral character, but it is more due to Obama’s success in turning around the economy.
In 1996, Mitt Romney helped in a search for a colleague’s lost 14 year old daughter. Even though though Romney’s role is unclear, he has run numerous commercials exploiting the situation.
A vote for Romney is a vote for the second, more catastrophic coming of Bush, they will remember that electing an MBA as president was a disaster this country.
Mitt Romney’s claim of adhering to a Bain confidentiality agreement does not explain hiding a $10,000 donation to a hate-group.
While Mitt Romney touts his business experience, he can’t match President Obama’s experience of running the most powerful nation on Earth.
If Mitt Romney’s only qualification is as a job creator, then he is clearly a failure and not qualified to be president.
On CNN today Obama reelection strategist David Axelrod spread more Bain pain for Mitt Romney by pointing out that the GOP frontrunner made millions by bankrupting a dozen companies.
Mitt Romney is a lot of things, but he is not a businessman. He is a charlatan who manipulated investors’ money to enrich a select few.