A Very Texas Christmas – Evangelicals Force Another Nativity Scene To Be Taken Down
Texas’ governor claimed that the sentiment that others celebrate the holidays in their own way was bullying and persecuting Christians
Texas’ governor claimed that the sentiment that others celebrate the holidays in their own way was bullying and persecuting Christians
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) admitted he hadn’t watched Obama’s remarks about Trayvon Martin and Stand Your Ground laws, but complained that Obama was going after white folks’ guns again.
Republicans claim to be the defenders of the Constitution; this while wishing to do away with every amendment save the Second and the Tenth- narrowing Republican goals to guns and secession.
An increasing number of states have passed a bill whose main component is increasing reading skills. It’s really another privatizing effort
Pat Robertson thinks there are demons in your underpantsr, so be sure to rebuke them before heading out of the house
American capitalism supported white indentured servitude before and alongside black slavery and relinquished it only reluctantly.
So Ralph Reed of the misnamed Faith and Freedom Coalition, took exception to my findings yesterday, that the Bible is irrelevant as a determinant of United States immigration policy reform. He thinks he’s pretty clever and like any good conservative these days, goes right to invoking MLK: “So MLK was wrong to invoke the BIble &…
Trends in militarization, surveillance, and civil liberties violations raise disturbing questions about the exchange of liberty for security.
If you think a person is violating the Constitution, you don’t violate the constitution yourself as a remedy and expect anyone to take you seriously.
David Barton says the Founding Fathers would want us armed with the same weapons available to the government – because the Bible says so
James Dobson says America has turned its back on God and Sandy Hook is God’s response: the murder of our children in retaliation.
Matt Barber calls quotes anti-Constitutionalist Patrick Henry to defend the Constitution and to portray Obama as the anti-Constitutionalist
Brian Fischer thinks if somebody hates a hate group that the hate group is magically no longer a hate group and wants SPLC to agree with him
Many victims of the Colorado shootings are facing ruinous financial debt due to expensive surgeries and rehabilitation for their wounds.
Nothing is more liberal than a revolution; the best conservatism can manage is counter-revolution to restore the status quo lost to liberals
Brian Fischer complains liberals cannot reason or employ logic though his real problem is we won’t simply take his word for it and believe
After putting words in George Washington’s mouth, Bryan FIscher produces bullshit from his and claims “the Ten Commandments of secular Sharia law” is taking over the land
Ready to demonize and belittle any socio-economically disenfranchised group available for the abuse, America’s right-wing is directly appealing to the paranoid at the behest of the privileged.
It is no coincidence that Republicans never questioned George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan’s allegiance to the Christian faith despite their policies, because they were white Christians.
When the horse trading starts, things could get squirrelly and unpredictable during the GOP’s Nevada caucuses.
A new Indiana law would punish schools that stray from lyrical and melodic guidelines for the national anthem, stifling artistic expression.
Like the Obama Administration, Liberal groups, and Secular Humanists, Franklin Delano Roosevelt believed that Americans deserved security in their lives, and worked tirelessly to provide the very things that today’s Republicans obstruct and deny for citizens. Republicans fought tooth and nail to stop Social Security for older citizens and it is no different today. Republicans propose the hideous idea that health care, unemployment protection, a living wage, and economic protection are privileges and not an inherent right for being an American citizen.