Bill And Hillary Clinton Are Supporting President Biden Staying In The Race
Bill and Hillary Clinton are described as supporting President Biden staying in the race and they are encouraging donors to do the same.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are described as supporting President Biden staying in the race and they are encouraging donors to do the same.
President Biden confirmed that Dark Brandon is real during a fundraiser with former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
It turns out that negotiating peace in the Middle East was probably easier for Bill Clinton than convincing Led Zeppelin to reunite.
Thursday marks the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, not to mention a think tank. What a waste of money.
In his gentle smiling Bubba way, former president Bill Clinton began his speech at the Bush Library by mentioning that this library was the latest attempt by a former president to rewrite history.
South Carolina Democrat Jaime Harrison is a powerful lobbyist for the Podesta Group. He’s about to become the Chairman of the state party.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and presidential hopeful has been casting himself as a jolly moderate. I invite you to check the record.
The “Liberal Media”, is a tiresome and wholly inaccurate screed that is the centerpiece of right-wing propaganda.
The GOP finds itself in trouble as Obama’s popularity soars and their own plummets, and Obama’s second term only promises more of the same
The Emancipation Proclamation ostensibly freed the slaves back in the midst of the Civil War. Modern day slavery camouflaged as grotesque unemployment numbers and economic status exists today.
There are 2 prominent women who could assume their party’s mantle as Presidential candidates in 2016. They are Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton.
Mitt Romney is now claiming that Bill Clinton told him that he might have won, were it not for Hurricane Sandy.
Army General, David Patraeus was destined for greatness from his first year at West Point. Sadly, an affair tainted his stellar reputation.
Former President Clinton slammed Mitt Romney in Ohio today, and spelled out the four biggest things that the Republican nominee is hiding from voters.
Bill Clinton is hammering Mitt Romney for saying anything in an attempt to get elected president. The former president is also warning voters not to fooled by Romney’s lies.
Armed with history and facts, Bill Clinton appeared on Face The Nation, and destroyed Mitt Romney’s claim that the 47% are victims.
Bill Clinton delivered what may have been his finest speech in entering Barack Obama’s name into nomination at the Democratic Convention.
Bill Clinton took the stage tonight and sizzled while debunking every single lie told by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
In an interview with NBC, Bill Clinton turned Paul Ryan over his knee and gave the Ayn Rand worshiper a quick verbal spanking.
Tuesday is the opening day of the Democratic Convention. The speakers must speak the truth. The Bush administration screwed everything up.
According to new poll by the Pew Research Center, more Americans are interested in Bill Clinton’s convention speech (52%) than Mitt Romney’s (44%).
Romney’s new ad accuses Obama of being a big government liberal who is handing welfare checks out willy-nilly, and who has destroyed Bill Clinton’s work reforms to welfare.
The president still needs Joe Biden because has that same sort of everyman charm that Obama has never been able to pull off very well but that was Bill Clinton’s specialty.
Bill Clinton showed why he is Mitt Romney’s worst nightmare as he told the Today show audience a little story about Bain, investments, and the oddity of not releasing tax returns.
President Obama’s latest ad touts the truth about his national security record and Mitt Romney’s Bush policy of ignoring bin Laden. This is the one thing Republicans really don’t want to talk about.
The three Republican presidential candidates of note (sorry, Mr. Paul) are destined to continue the policies of economic
Inside Job tracks, step by step the foolish and selfish lending, housing & monetary decisions of the Bush administration and watching it will make you never vote Republican again.
More and more, Republicans insist on creating a fantasy world that has nothing in common with the reality in which we all operate. They invent something, and then invent “facts” to support the fantasy tale. It’s all as true as a prince rescuing the princess in her tower from a dragon.
Convinced that only conservatives have a right to rule, and that they are not a defeated political party but the victims of an unlawful usurpation, a government in exile, the Republicans have declared war on America and will go to any lengths to return to power.