An Old Foe Is Returning in 2014, and He Could Defeat Nikki Haley
In all likelihood the 2014 South Carolina Governor’s race is going to be a replay of the 2010 race, not good news for incumbent Nikki Haley
In all likelihood the 2014 South Carolina Governor’s race is going to be a replay of the 2010 race, not good news for incumbent Nikki Haley
Tea Party Republicans like Rep. Tim Huelskamp are spewing more hate and intolerance by decrying Republican outreach to “so-called” Hispanic voters.
15 states with Republican governors are refusing to expand Medicaid even though the first 3 years are free and never more than 10% in state costs.
Gov. Bobby Jindal tried to put the Republican agenda in place in Louisiana, and the end result is an approval rating in the state that is now lower than President Obama’s.
The all white justices and Gov Bobby Jindal are fighting a federal court’s ruling that Justice Johnson is next in line to be the head justice.
Republicans delayed their convention a day, taking no chances with Isaac. There will be no political chances taken with the base either.
Fischer claims the the neo-Nazi Sikh temple shooter was a liberal because he was a Nazi but a glance at the rhetoric tells a different story
Rather than fixing its troubled public school system, Louisiana will remove standards and replace modern science with Bronze Age belief
Republicans have discovered that the candidate they got is not the candidate they wanted, or needed. Nevada’s ballot offers a solution
Unsatisfied with their callous performances as governors, some of the GOP’s cruelest politicians have ratcheted up their psychopath game to the level of endangering the lives of their taxpayers.
Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to violate federal law and not implement Obamacare was blown to shreds today, as he was told that the ACA is the law of the land, and he must implement it.
A fundamentalist Christian textbook used in a Louisiana school insists that because the Loch Ness Monster is real, evolution must not be
Alleged news anchor Bret Baier of Fox News is confused regarding Obama’s eligibility, but he schooled birthers targeting Jindal and Rubio.
A turnover of as little as 5 or 6 house seats in California could mean that Democrats once again control the House of Representatives.
The GOOP primary process moves to Missouri, Illinois and Louisiana as final results would appear to be a wash with no real advantage to anybody.
It’s hard to keep up with the Republicans these days. They’re a regular three-ring circus being lead around by leaders like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck — two out of three of whom we know didn’t finish college. We haven’t seen Palin’s degree from the 5th or 6th college she attended, but recklessly, we are taking her word that she graduated. Personally, I’m still waiting to see her high school diploma, but that’s just me. At any rate, with leaders like this, it’s no wonder that the Republicans are going up in flames.