Bush administration

People For the American Way Stands Up For The Constitution In Supreme Court Brief

People For the American Way Stands Up For The Constitution In Supreme Court Brief

This is the America that Trump is trying to normalize, an America where there is a hierarchy of rights based…

7 years ago

America’s Worst Journalist, Judith Miller Uses Paris Attacks To Bash US College Kids

Judith Miller responded to the terrorist attacks in Paris by sending out a tweet bashing American college students.

8 years ago

Republicans Join With Democrats In A Rare Bipartisan Senate Effort To Ban Torture

The vote in the Republican-controlled Senate on Monday was an overwhelming bipartisan statement that the President's 2009 executive order banning…

9 years ago

Rick Santorum – Pope Has More Important Things to Worry About Than the Earth

It is interesting that Santorum thinks there are more important things than a habitable planet - like creating jobs for…

9 years ago

Don’t Be Fooled Because Kansas Republicans Admit Trickle Down Is a Scam

Kansas' Republican legislators are all but admitting their precious trickle down experiment was not only a failure, it is a…

9 years ago

Paul Krugman Is Right The Iraq War Was A Bush Crime

Having a discussion will not change the disastrous consequences of Bush and company's crimes, bring back the three-quarters of a…

9 years ago

Republicans Push the Benghazi Video Lie to Discredit Hillary Clinton

But there really was an offensive video, and it did actually offend Muslims, and it did actually play a role…

9 years ago

Louie Gohmert Says Iraq War a Mistake. Because Obama

As Jeb has reminded us, Dubya is our problem, not his. Or Gohmert's. Or the Republican Party's, it seems

9 years ago

Chris Christie’s New Campaign Strategy? Run On Slashing Social Security and Medicare

On Friday, Robert Costa at The Washington Post reported that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie disclosed his 2016 platform to…

9 years ago

No, Nancy Pelosi’s Trip to Syria Was Nothing Like “Tehran Tom’s” Iran Letter

Attempts to link Nancy Pelosi's trip to Syria with Cotton's Iran letter, fail, as Pelosi was even briefed by the…

9 years ago

Jon Stewart Uses Brian Williams Fiasco To Call Out Media For Accepting Bush’s Iraq War Lies

During Monday night's broadcast of The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart addressed the recent revelation that NBC News anchor Brian…

9 years ago

Dick Cheney and Evangelical Christians Epitomize Dark Age Barbarism  

Instead of shame and humiliation that this government condoned and defended myriad human rights violations, one of the architects of…

9 years ago

New York Times Editorial Calls for Investigation and Prosecution of Torturers in Bush Administration

The Times says this is "about ensuring that this never happens again and regaining the moral credibility to rebuke torture…

9 years ago

Republicans Condemn North Korean Human Rights Violations While Ignoring Their Own

The hypocrisy of this nation co-sponsoring a resolution condemning anyone country for human rights abuses (torture) is beyond the pale.…

9 years ago

Dick Cheney Says Senate Torture Report That He Hasn’t Even Read Is “Full Of Crap”

Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney appeared on Fox News Wednesday night to defend the Bush Administration's use of "enhanced…

9 years ago

Senate CIA Torture Report Still Protects Bush War Criminals

As one would expect from criminals, many Republicans, George W. Bush, and former Bush administration officials in charge of the…

9 years ago

Joe Scarborough Compares CIA Torture Report To Rolling Stone’s Campus Rape Story

In a tweet that was read live on the air by Joe's co-host Mika Brzezinski, Scarborough compared the Senate report…

9 years ago

CIA Torture Program Was Brutal And Ineffective

The Senate Intelligence Committee's executive summary reveals that the CIA torture program was both brutal and ineffective.

9 years ago

Senate Fights To Release Report Detailing Bush-Cheney’s CIA Torture Program

The chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee responsible for the report, Senator Dianne Feinstein, is incensed over the CIA's fight…

9 years ago

Republicans Celebrate Veterans Day By Dishonoring Veterans In Word And Deed

Republicans have no respect for the valiant service and sacrifices of veterans. In fact, for well over a decade, at…

9 years ago

Wesley Clark Calls for a New National Strategy to Unite and Move us Forward

Clark outlines the challenges facing us, which together, he argues, "are exactly the grounds over which a national strategy must…

9 years ago

No Joke – Scholar Tells us President Obama Could Learn from President Bush

David Rothkopf says, "Bush recognized the urgent need for change and instituted a sweeping reordering of his administration, its policies…

9 years ago

Friday Fox Follies – Diseased Central

What's more contagious than Ebola with absolutely no cure? As we head into next week's election, Fox "News" has been…

9 years ago

Hey Republicans, Hate and Bigotry are not Values, They’re Character Flaws

Rick Santorum claims if he hadn't been persecuted into silence, he could have convinced millennials to be hateful bigots like…

9 years ago

Do Not Let Republican Candidates Hide Their Extremism These Midterms

Scott Walker, Sam Brownback, Rick Perry, Rick Snyder, and others, are ideological and religious extremists, and their hate, win or…

9 years ago

Nondisparagement Clauses and the Path to GOP Corporatist Tyranny

If our elected government is replaced by a board of directors, is it far-fetched to think corporate nondisparagement clauses might…

10 years ago

SOFA Has Become As Mythical for Fox News as George W. Bush

The one thing you will never hear mentioned by Fox News is SOFA. It gets in the way of their…

10 years ago

ISIL and the Limits of the Republican Alternate Reality Bubble

The U.S. must tread carefully in Iraq. The GOP's reality bubble will not protect them - or the rest of…

10 years ago

Fumbling Toward War: The GOP’s Foreign Policy of Hate

Republican foreign policy is a tortured and terrifying admixture of religious dogmatism, political ideology, and corporate thirst for profit

10 years ago

Megyn Kelly Uses Bush’s Defense of Iraq Surge to Blame Obama for ISIL

All Megyn Kelly had to do is re-write history, ignoring the fact that Bush followed up his warning by signing…

10 years ago

Republicans Fearmonger Over ISIS to Distract From Their Ineptitude

What is curious, is that Republicans are campaigning against President Obama who is not running for any political office, but…

10 years ago

Warmongering Neocon Bill Kristol Gets Raked Over The Coals Regarding His Iraq Stance

During Sunday's broadcast of ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Bill Kristol was absolutely destroyed over his opinion that the…

10 years ago

Boehner’s Frivolous Law Suit Is A Shiny Object For His Intellectually Challenged Base

Sanity has definitely left the building when the Party of Unitary Executive President George W. Bush tries to make the…

10 years ago

Fox News Gets Busted for Falsely Claiming that Obama Released the ‘New Bin Laden’

PolitiFact finds Fox News "false" for claiming that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was "released by Obama in 2009."…

10 years ago

The Media Embarrasses Itself by Treating the Lying Bush Bumblers Like Iraq War Experts

America's mainstream media is as apt to repeat failures as conservatives likely due to the symbiotic relationship between corporate media…

10 years ago

Republicans Blame Obama For Iraq When It Was Bush Who Signed The Agreement to Leave

What any of the Republicans blaming Obama for pulling American troops out of Iraq in 2011 should remember, is that…

10 years ago

George W. Bush’s Head Cheerleader For The Iraq War Forgets What Year The War Started

Ari Fleischer, the White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush during the early years of the Iraq War.…

10 years ago

If Republicans Really Supported The Troops They Wouldn’t Propose Privatizing the VA

If Republicans supported the troops and appreciated the sacrifice of those who made it home alive then they would not…

10 years ago

Chris Christie Wants a More Aggressive Foreign Policy in Very Messy, Difficult Places

Acting as though he would know right from wrong, Christie said America is "the strongest moral power for what is…

10 years ago

Ross Douthat Ignores Context and Facts to Make Obama a Foreign Policy Failure

Douthat also carefully avoids mention of Egypt, another Obama foreign policy success story, where the Obama administration's moderating influence ensured…

10 years ago

Right-Wing Nut And Disgraced Former Navy Chaplain Wants To Kill Liberals?

Dr. "Chaps" Gordon Klingenschmitt, a disgraced former Navy chaplain, instructed his followers to arm themselves from "left winged crazies" after…

10 years ago

A Presidents’ Day Examination Of the Monumental Hurdles that President Obama Has Overcome

Instead of waxing philosophically on the achievements of past presidents, it is worthwhile to take stock of the current President…

10 years ago

Another Conservative Journalist Offensively Compares the ACA to Iraq War

It seems that the National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru felt that it had been too long since a conservative had made…

10 years ago

Republicans Show That They Abhor Peace by Criticizing Nuclear Deal With Iran

What the American people are reminded of with the warmonger's criticism of diplomatic efforts is that Republicans abhor peace nearly…

10 years ago

Natural Born Job Killers: Republicans Are Set to Kill 1 Million More Jobs in 2014

Republicans will be killing 1 million more jobs in 2014, and a new report found that their austerity madness is…

10 years ago

GOP Hypocrites Criticize The ACA Website But Stood By Bush’s Medicare Part D Roll Out

Instead of decrying the Medicare prescription plan as an abject failure, Republicans denouncing the ACA's rollout as a reason to…

10 years ago

66% of Republicans Want Their Representatives to Cause an Economic Catastrophe

One would think that the idea of deliberately crashing the economy would not garner much support, but an overwhelming majority…

11 years ago

GOP Rep. Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma Calls Obama Unfit and Biden Embarrassing

On Monday, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), forgot not only President Bush but his fellow ethically-challenged House Republicans, and excoriated President…

11 years ago

Donald Rumsfeld Gives Bush a D and Obama an F

Donald Rumsfeld conveniently forgets the past and repeats the GOP's favorite meme, that Obama has lost credibility and America's confidence

11 years ago

SEAL Team 6 Gate Replaces Benghazi as Worst Scandal Ever

Benghazi was bigger than Watergate (and apparently, 9/11 as well) but "Seal Team 6-Gate" is bigger even than Benghazi! (and…

11 years ago

Republican Rep. Tom Price Says Obama No Longer has Consent of the Governed

What Price means by "the governed" is "angry white people" like himself who have sold their souls to the ravenous…

11 years ago

Republicans Who Criticize Obama Were Silent When Bush Tried Terror Suspects In Civilian Court

During the Bush administration's crusade against suspected terrorists who were tried in civilian court and not as "enemy combatants," Republicans…

11 years ago

War Criminal George W. Bush Should Be Given An Indictment Not a Library

The concept of giving kind regards to a convicted war criminal whose only relationship to a library should be a…

11 years ago

The Iraq Invasion Could Be a Worse Foreign Policy Decision than the Vietnam War

This month, an article argued the Iraq War was the single worst foreign policy decision in US history. This may…

11 years ago

Move Over Star Wars: A Trilogy of GOP Cognitive Dissonance: 2008, 2012, 2016

The Republican Party's doldrums are likely to continue until they acknowledge reality, but there are no signs of that happening…

11 years ago

Let’s Be Honest, Red States Want to Secede Because the White Guy Didn’t Win

The secessionists whose real reason for wanting to leave America has nothing to do with the Founders, the Constitution, or…

11 years ago

In Foreign Policy Romney Needs to be More than Not-Obama

Mitt Romney is campaigning as not-Obama and in this case at least, he is being entirely honest: he is not…

12 years ago

Romney and Ryan – The Haters in Chief

It is un-American to have as a president a man who preaches religious intolerance and who promotes the idea of…

12 years ago

Trying to Distract from His Own 9/11 Failures, Dick Cheney Whines About Obama

Dick Cheney is desperately trying to distract from the new NYT evidence against Bush ignoring 9/11 intel by falsely accusing…

12 years ago

Remembering the Bush Administration’s Post 9/11 Lies that Forever Changed America

While Americans reflect on the events of 9/11, they should remember that as catastrophic as the attacks were, it was…

12 years ago

President Obama Must Use the Convention to Tell the Unvarnished Truth

Tuesday is the opening day of the Democratic Convention. The speakers must speak the truth. The Bush administration screwed everything…

12 years ago

Karl Rove Revises Bush Administration History One Lie at a Time

While on his book tour Karl Rove continues to revise the history of both George W. Bush and himself. While…

14 years ago