Fox News Admits That Disastrous Trumpcare Is Laying The Groundwork For A Single-Payer System
“I would predict that in less than seven years, we’ll be in a single-payer system. That’s the great irony of this.”
“I would predict that in less than seven years, we’ll be in a single-payer system. That’s the great irony of this.”
Trump claims he is beating the system as his supporters game the system by rigging online polls to show he’s beating the system
“I thought it was embarrassing, his utopianism and the implicit apology dishonored our nation. Not something he should have done.”
“One thing is for sure – one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”
Most of what passes for newspapers these days are embarrassingly partisan rags and feature, above all else, totally irresponsible right-wing opinion detritus hardly worth a second glance. U.S. dailies are little more than Republican propaganda sheets.
It’s only taken 6 years of blindly throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks, but Fox “News” has finally invented Articles of Impeachment against President Obama — or, at the very least, figured out a way to throw the word around recklessly.
The recent midterm elections has Fox “News” as giddy as Sarah Palin in front of a microphone.
Between last week’s report on climate change and the devastation at home from super-storms, flooding, droughts, wild fires, tornados and this week’s news Antarctica is melting, conservatives went berserk and accused scientists using data, reason, and knowledge to bully people.