Chemical attack

Sean Spicer Thinks The Problem With His Hitler Lie Was That It Wasn’t ‘On Topic’

Sean Spicer Thinks The Problem With His Hitler Lie Was That It Wasn’t ‘On Topic’

"Clearly, I'm aware of [the atrocities of the Holocaust]," Spicer said. "I should've just stayed on topic"

8 years ago

It Only Took 76 Days For Donald Trump To Start A New War In The Middle East

Dozens of missiles were launched from Navy destroyers on Thursday night, targeting a Syrian airfield – Trump's first major military…

8 years ago

Trump Makes Jokes From His Vacation Resort While Pence Decides How To Deal With Syria

Ignoring questions from the background about what he plans to do about Syria, Trump instead thought it was an appropriate…

8 years ago

Four-Star General Slams Trump’s Reckless Rush To War As A Political Stunt

McCaffrey said it would be a "mistake" to conduct "limited political signaling" in response to Bashar al-Assad's chemical attack on…

8 years ago

Trump Remains Silent After Russia Refuses To Blame Assad For Deadly Chemical Attack

Trump didn't make a single peep about Russia's denials in today's rambling news conference. Instead, he bragged about his still-secret…

8 years ago