Defense budget

Stuff Rich People Say: Austerity Admissions and Banker Bonuses

Stuff Rich People Say: Austerity Admissions and Banker Bonuses

Rich people should talk more openly, more often. It would make a progressive agenda a whole lot more achievable.

11 years ago

Even Conservatives are Finding Nearly Two Trillion in Potential Savings in the Defense Budget

Long a target for cuts by liberals, two fiscally conservatives groups have now also joined the call for reduced defense…

11 years ago

Deadbeat War Hawks Want more Blood and Pillage in Iran

The American military industrial complex is gearing up our army to butcher through the Iranian people, and the bill will…

12 years ago

Obama Administration Takes Aim at Defense Spending Overruns

"A spigot of defense spending opened up after 9/11, yet for years, there has been dismal oversight of contractors handling…

14 years ago