
While Media Obsesses About Foreign Donors, Bill Clinton Defends Clinton Foundation’s Work

While Media Obsesses About Foreign Donors, Bill Clinton Defends Clinton Foundation’s Work

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' Cynthia McFadden, Bill Clinton defended the Clinton Foundation's work.

9 years ago

Chris Christie Thinks Parents Should Be Able To Avoid Having Their Children Vaccinated

During an impromptu news conference in England Monday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie told reporters that parents in America should…

10 years ago

Joni Ernst Goes all Palin, Calls Obama an Apathetic Dictator

Whoa there...wait a minute. He is a dictator AND he is apathetic? How can he be both? He's running amok…

10 years ago

Friday Fox Follies – Diseased Central

What's more contagious than Ebola with absolutely no cure? As we head into next week's election, Fox "News" has been…

10 years ago

President Obama Drops a Fact Bomb On Republicans Who Are Exploiting Ebola

President Obama called Republicans who are promoting fear and cowardice as an answer to the Ebola outbreak. Obama dropped the…

10 years ago

Chris Christie Acts Like Schoolyard Bully To Quarantined Nurse By Daring Her To Sue Him

While out on the road campaigning Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Dismissed reporters' questions about a potential lawsuit regarding…

10 years ago

Watch Live As President Obama Delivers a Statement on Ebola at 3 PM EST

President Obama delivers a statement on Ebola, watch live here at 3PM Eastern.

10 years ago

After Jon Stewart Slams Him, Chris Christie Claims He Knows More About Ebola Than Experts

After Jon Stewart skewered him on The Daily Show Monday night, Chris Christie proclaimed to Matt Lauer on Tuesday morning…

10 years ago

Of Ebola and Fundamentalist Fantasies about Being Enslaved by Sodomites

"We've been taken over by sodomites," Warns Rick Wiles. "The Lord has told me vast numbers are going to be…

10 years ago

Bad News for Republicans As Americans Have Confidence in Government To Deal with Ebola

There is "overwhelming confidence in the federal government's ability to prevent a nationwide epidemic," according to a new CNN poll.

10 years ago

Chris Christie’s Fear Mongering Ebola Quarantine Of Nurse Blows Up In His Face

On Monday, a day after he told Fox News he had "no second thoughts" about his decision to forcibly quarantine…

10 years ago

Darrell Issa’s Obama Bashing Backfires When He Uses a Weather App To Defeat Ebola On CNN

Rep. Darrell Issa humiliated himself on CNN today. While criticizing President Obama's Ebola response, Issa held up his smartphone to…

10 years ago

Republican Heads Explode As Obama Uses Science To Beat Down Ebola Hysteria

The president is hitting Republicans, and the Ebola hysterical media with some hard science based Ebola truth.

10 years ago

The Republican Refusal to Deal with Reality Runs Deep

"travel ban works for african countries, liberal logic: liberal political hacks spread ebola to stop the spread of ebola, nice…

10 years ago

Republicans Busted For Hyping Ebola While Blocking Obama Surgeon General Nominee

Republicans were busted on the Meet The Press and Face The Nation for hyping Ebola fears while refusing to confirm…

10 years ago

Obama White House Forced To Waste Precious Time Calming Media Created Ebola Hysteria

Instead of talking about jobs, the economy, or any number of important issues, the Obama White House had to send…

10 years ago

Hypocrite Ted “Government Shutdown” Cruz Whines That The Government Should Be Doing More on Ebola

The man who shut down the government in an effort to stop funding to Obamacare/access to affordable healthcare is now…

10 years ago

Obama Steps Up and Shows Republicans How It’s Done While Knocking Down Ebola Hysteria

President Obama is on this. The Ebola response is not going to be passively, continuously botched like the Katrina response…

10 years ago

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital and Republicans Share Blame For Ebola Spread

The latest Republican blame-fest is centered on the Ebola virus, and as is typically the case, the real culprits are…

10 years ago

Friday Fox Follies – Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Everything old is new again!!! When Bill "White Privilege" O'Reilly hosted Glenn Beck On Fox [to say] President Is Neglecting…

10 years ago

Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough Says We Should Be Spreading Fear And Panic Over Ebola

During Friday morning's episode of Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough defended his fear mongering over the Ebola virus and claimed…

10 years ago

Rush Limbaugh Admits He’s Causing Panic Over Ebola To Help GOP Win Midterm Elections

While on the air Thursday, conservative gasbag Rush Limbaugh took exception with Fox News anchor Shepard Smith's plea on Wednesday…

10 years ago

Thanks To the NRA, The US Has No Surgeon General Overseeing the Ebola Threat

The President nominated Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, an extremely qualified candidate to replace 'acting' Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin. However,…

10 years ago

Democrats Listen to Liberals, Hitting Republicans for Their Dangerous CDC Cuts

Democrats listened to liberals. The DCCC blamed House Republicans for cutting funds to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in…

10 years ago

Republicans Convinced ISIL and Ebola Working Together to Kill White Folks

For Republicans it's that siren-call of fear, not only of a government run by a black man, but of a…

10 years ago

In Response to GOP Fear Mongering, the White House Details its Response to the Ebola Outbreak

The White House gives us facts; the GOP gives us fear-mongering. Which would you prefer as a response to the…

10 years ago

Republican Sequester Prevented Health Agencies From Stopping Ebola Spread

There is little money for the agencies tasked with helping stop the virus due to the Republicans' precious sequester the…

10 years ago

Republican Says One Invented GOP Scandal Proves Another Invented GOP Scandal

Texas Republican Randy Weber says Obama's record on invented scandals is so bad that he can't possibly be on top…

10 years ago

Republicans Caught Between Opposition to Healthcare and Fear of Ebola

Republicans are saying Obama is underestimating threat of Ebola, which might explain why they're refusing to fund a cure and…

10 years ago

Racist Fox Troll Claims African Ebola Patients Will Seek Out ‘Witch Doctors’ For Treatment

During a segment on Fox News' Outnumbered Thursday, the network's favorite little racist troll, Andrea Tantaros, claimed Africans traveling to…

10 years ago

‘Explainer-In-Chief’ Bill Clinton Goes On The Daily Show And Absolutely Kills It

Former President of the United States Bill Clinton appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Thursday night. Stewart ended…

10 years ago