The Terror From Within
The rich and powerful together with the GOP, the bigoted, the racists and the misguided have waged a consumptive and gigantic battle against Obama, the Democratic Party, main stream America, and the very concept of Democracy.
The rich and powerful together with the GOP, the bigoted, the racists and the misguided have waged a consumptive and gigantic battle against Obama, the Democratic Party, main stream America, and the very concept of Democracy.
From the time that Barack Obama campaigned for the Democratic Nomination for President to a year and a half into his Presidency, he has been hammered by the GOP, the media, big corporations, the Tea Party and even some Democrats for not being enough. Every day there is an attack on Obama for never being enough of something. Can we ever be satisfied?
As the disaster in the Gulf continues, President Obama has said the buck stops with him, which is refreshing because Obama is actually man enough to step up to the plate in the midst of it all and in spite of the criticism for the sake of the country. Obama has become the Cleaner in Chief.
This week, President Obama made it clear at a DCCC fundraiser that Republicans are to blame not only for driving the economy into a ditch, but also bringing Washington to a standstill. With the primaries coming up on Tuesday, it is time for Democrats to step and take the first step towards making sure that Republicans don’t get the chance to put us back in the ditch.
A popular argument on the Right and by some in the same proclaimed enlightened Left is that Obama campaigned on the word “change,” but they argue that everything is still the same or in other words a continuation of the Bush policies. However, this is simply not true, and Obama is compiling the record to refute it.
Our President, in just a few short weeks, is managing to address multiple disasters and crisis situations at the same time. Response to what may become the largest and most significant and dramatic oil spill disaster in our nation’s history is now being blamed on the Obama administration by the “usual suspects on the “Right”‘ instead of the big oil company, BP that caused it, while at the same time keeping America safe from terrorism.
After the historic Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty signed the previous week between the United States and Russia, the seemingly logical next step was to get as many nations together as possible to be on the same page. The threat of nuclear weapons getting into the wrong hands like al Qaeda or rogue nations like North Korea or Iran, who are currently developing nuclear weapons, should be of grave concern to the entire world.
President Obama is exercising his mojo and is on the move. For a little more than a year now, Obama has been criticized by America for doing nothing. The left says he’s not doing enough and has compromised too much. The right says he has taken over America on one hand with too much government control and power while on the other hand, claiming he is too weak to do anything, but Obama keeps moving forward.
Tuesday’s special US Senate election in Massachusetts presents a critical moment for both the Obama administration and the Democratic Party, which is why Democrats need to mobilize to prevent Republicans from possibly derailing the Obama agenda.
2009 began with the inauguration of our new and first African American President, Barack Obama, and became the year that GOP and the Extreme Right Wing of the party became energized and very proactive in its goal to be destructive to our new President and his administration and policies by any means necessary.
In just a few short days Santa will be delivering presents to the nice and coal to the naughty. We were lucky enough to get a sneak peek at Santa’s list to see what some of America’s top political figures can be expecting for Christmas. There will be some surprises under the tree for Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and others.
Donny Deutsch was on MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning, and in response to a new poll that found that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are the most influential conservatives in America, he said, “These are all entertainers. They’re circus acts.” Deutsch was asked about Lou Dobbs, and he said Dobbs is a racist.
The book Sarah From Alaska by Scott Conroy, and Shushannah Walshe, who were both embedded with Sarah Palin’s vice presidential campaign, manages to accomplish the seemingly impossible. It offers an objective account of Sarah Palin’s fast rise and abrupt resignation. There is lots here for both Palin’s fans and critics.
Sarah Palin has been all over the media since her book came out, but the one network that she hasn’t been on is CBS. Palin’s reps have turned down requests from Katie Couric, and the former Alaska governor is still harboring a grudge against late night host David Letterman. Palin has made it clear that she is open to all requests, except CBS.
Sarah Palin was on FNC’s Hannity tonight, where things took an interesting turn when she gave her opinion on the Ft. Hood shootings. Palin stated that the shootings were an act of terrorism, and she claimed that it could have been prevented if the military would have engaged in racial profiling.
In an interview with Newsmax, Sarah Palin floated Fox News host Glenn Beck’s name as her running mate for 2012. Palin said, “But Glenn Beck I have great respect for. He’s a hoot. He gets his message across in such a clever way.” Apparently, Palin’s qualifications for a running mate include that they be a “hoot.”
On Fox News Radio’s Brian and The Judge show, Judge Andrew Napolitano unloaded with both barrels on Sarah Palin. Napolitano said, “I just don’t think she possess the mental capacity to be the President of the United States. She’s a goofball.”
Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs was on the Today show this morning talking about the potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates. When it came to Sarah Palin, Dobbs said, “Would I consider voting her? Frankly based on what I have seen, personally no.” Things are looking bad for Sarah, when even Lou Dobbs says no thanks.
Remember the weeks of indigent outrage in both the right wing and mainstream media when the Obama administration said that Fox News is not a news organization? It turns out that Sarah Palin did a little blackballing of her own, when she banned CBS from covering her resignation speech. Where is the criticism of Palin?
Sec. of State Hillary Clinton was on NBC’s Meet The Press today. At the end of the interview she was asked about Sarah Palin’s comment in her book about the possibility of sitting down for a cup of coffee with Clinton. She said, “I’m ready to have a cup of coffee. Maybe I can make a case on some of the issues that we disagree on.”
A grumpy Sarah Palin posted a note on her Facebook page which claims that the AP’s report on the contents on the book is erroneous. It doesn’t seem to matter to her that the AP has actually read the book, because she said, “And as is expected, the AP and a number of subsequent media outlets are erroneously reporting the contents of the book.”
Even though numerous potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates have recently starting blazing a path to the Hawkeye state, the one notable exception has been former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. That is going to change in December, when Palin will come to the state, not to campaign, but to hawk her book.
Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck were the three biggest names who got behind the right wing House candidacy of Doug Hoffman in New York. These three have been the loudest advocates of the GOP’s need to move to the right, and although Hoffman might have lost the election, the biggest losers yesterday were Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin.
2008 Obama presidential campaign manager David Plouffe was on Meet The Press today, and he provided some insight into the campaign’s reaction to the selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate. He said, “Well, I think we should thank John McCain for picking her, in terms of how it helped us win in 2008…”
While discussing Sarah Palin’s new book both conservative columnist David Brooks and GOP strategist Mike Murphy agreed today on Meet The Press that Sarah Palin will not be the GOP nominee in 2012. Brooks went as far as to say, “And if Sarah Palin is the nominee, the Republican nominee, I’ll eat my hat.”
In response to former McCain advisor Steve Schmidt saying that nominating Sarah Palin as the GOP presidential nominee in 2012 would be a catastrophe for the party, Team Palin urged people to go buy her book. Instead of putting together a staff for a potential presidential campaign, Sarah Palin is trying to sell books.
A new poll released by Public Policy Polling today revealed that if he was up for reelection today, President Obama would at worst win by the same margin as 2008, if not more. Obama currently leads Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Sarah Palin by 7-15 points. Huckabee came the closest to Obama, while Sarah Palin did the worst.
Last night President Obama called death panels a lie in his joint speech to Congress. Obama also promised to call out anyone who spreads lies about healthcare reform. This led Sarah Palin to not only continue to stand by her death panels claim, but also promise that she will call out Obama on death panels, but there aren’t any death panels, so this should be interesting to say the least.
In her written testimony to the New York State Senate on healthcare reform former Alaska governor Sarah Palin continues to insist that her claim that healthcare reform would create death panels is real and now has been validated. Palin wrote, “Despite repeated attempts by many in the media to dismiss this phrase as a “myth”, its accuracy has been vindicated.”
On her Facebook page today, Sarah Palin showed her support for Glenn Beck today by inviting all of her followers to watch Beck. Someone needs to ask Palin, if she also agrees with Beck that President Obama is a racist?
On ABC’s This Week, Sen. John McCain defended Sarah Palin’s claim that healthcare reform would result in death panels. McCain argued that reform could lead to death panels, “So what does, what does that lead to? Doesn’t that lead to a possibility, at least opens the door to a possibility of rationing and decisions made such are made in other countries?”
On CNN today GOP strategist Karen Hanretty debunked Sarah Palin’s latest claim about a death panel provision in the healthcare bill. She said, “Obviously, there is nothing in the bill that says death panel. I think that is some heated rhetoric.” Hanretty is now one of the few Republicans to go on TV and tell the truth about the death panel claim.
As Sarah Palin continues to refuse to back off of her claim that healthcare reform would create death panels, something interesting has emerged from her time as Alaska governor. Last year as governor, Palin endorsed end of life counseling in a Healthcare Decision Days Proclamation. Palin was for death panels before she was against them.
In his special comment tonight, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann hammered Sarah Palin for her death panel statement. He said, “Madam, you are a clear and present danger to the safety and security of this nation,” and suggested that she should not be allowed to hold any position of responsibility or trust at any level of government.
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck gave his full throated support to Sarah Palin’s claim that the Democratic healthcare reform plan creates death panels. He said, “That’s quite a statement. I believe it to be true.” Beck asked, “What would make her say there will be a death panel?” The answer is that Sarah Palin wants to be president in 2012.
Sarah Palin’s claim that the Democratic healthcare reform proposal will set up death panels continues to be roundly refuted. On ABC’s This Week today, Howard Dean said, “About euthanasia, they’re just totally erroneous. She just made that up.” Conservative columnist David Brooks and Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) have also refuted Palin.
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Sen. John McCain spoke about Sarah Palin. McCain said that “To the liberal left, particularly the feminists, she is their worst nightmare.” McCain was trying to compliment Palin, and he was correct Palin is their worst nightmare, because she sets the cause of women’s rights back 100 years.
According to Broadcast and Cable media giant Clear Channel has already passed on the chance to give former Alaska governor Sarah Palin her own radio show. Clear Channel turned her down because they weren’t sure that she could handle talking for 15 live hours a week. Palin might not find as many takers for her services as she thought.
Pat Buchanan figured it was just another day on “Hardball†with Chris Matthews, defending the brilliance and relevance of the apple of his eye…oops, I mean, the apple of his party, Sarah Palin. But this particular time Pat opened his mouth, Freud reared his mind over tongue theory, and now the ball is a rollin’.
Yesterday on The Dennis Miller Show, The Weekly Standard editor, and FNC contributor, Bill Kristol urged Republicans to follow Sarah Palin’s lead and co-opt the term progressive from Democrats. Kristol said, “Conservatives should not give up the notion that they’re the progressive force now in American politics.” Is the GOP so empty that they now have to steal from Democrats?
Part of the launch for Palin 2012 is letting Sarah take stands and become a national Republican voice on current issues. Today in her Washington Post op-ed she came out against President Obama’s cap and trade program, but it was just last October at the vice presidential debate when Sarah Palin claimed to be for cap and trade.
On his radio show today, Rush Limbaugh addressed Sarah Palin’s resignation as Alaska governor, and expressed concern that Palin leave the GOP to start her own third party. Limbaugh said, “But one thing that does slightly worry me about this is this whole third-party business. Yeah, it’s remote but it’s still a possibility out there…”
Leave it to former Nixon speechwriter Pat Buchanan to come up with the most extreme solution for the Palin’s Levi Johnston problem. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Buchanan said, “Todd Palin ought to take Levi down to the creek and hold his head under the water until the thrashing stops.” Pat was joking, sort of.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was on Meet the Press today, and when the topic of his 2008 running mate Sarah Palin’s resignation as Alaska governor came up. McCain defended Palin, and claimed that she didn’t quit. He said, “Oh, I don’t think she quit. I think she changed her priorities.” He also said that Palin didn’t break a promise to her supporters by resigning.
Ann Coulter was on Glenn Beck’s Fox News today defending Sarah Palin, who she said, “crystal clear and well spoken” in her press conference. Coulter also called Palin clever and well spoken. Was there some sort of hidden meaning in Palin’s press conference that only Coulter understood? Palin was so clear that most people still can’t figure out that press conference.
On her radio show today, Tammy Bruce claimed that the bogus photo of Barack Obama looking at a teenage girl’s backside is an exposure of Barack Obama’s nature. She said, “Let me tell you another president who will never be caught ogling someone’s ass, President Palin.” She also compared Obama to Bill Clinton.
Remember how Bailin’ Palin was quittin’ to save Alaskans money from all the “Political operatives (who) descended on Alaska” and charged all those mean, pesky ethics complaints against Her Royal Self? She claimed that the ethics investigations cost 2 million dollars. The problem is that her math doesn’t add up. It is time to debunk another Palin myth.
In an interview with Time magazine, Sarah Palin tried to differentiate her whining about media coverage as different from what she accused Hillary Clinton of doing during the 2008 campaign. Palin said, “But freedom of speech and that invitation to constructively criticize a public servant is a lot different than the allowance to lie…” In summary, it is fine to whine as long as Palin is doing the whining.
Ann Coulter was on FNC’s Hannity last night where she defended Sarah Palin decision to resign as Alaska governor by saying, “A lot of the hatred, probably a majority of the hatred is coming from liberal women in New York who have overheard their boyfriends say well gotta admit she is good looking.” According to Coulter, Palin’s critics are jealous of her looks.
Sarah Palin wants to be President so the ” White House’s Department of Law” will protect her from ethical allegations…Yes, this is who the Republican party is selling us now, as we near the next stop on the Crazy Talk Express.
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, co-host Mika Brzezinski rushed to the defense of Sarah Palin while criticizing the “mainstream media” for not understanding that Palin represents the views of real Americans and not the liberal elite who live in cities. So I guess the real Americans are 30%-40% who approve of Palin, and the millions who voted for Obama aren’t?
On Fox News Sunday this morning, Weekly Standard editor, and FNC contributor, Bill Kristol predicted Sarah Palin’s path to the White House in 2012. He predicted that Palin would become a leader of conservatives, the leader of the GOP, and then president, just like Obama did. According to Kristol, Palin is just like Obama.
The bizarre story of Sarah Palin’s resignation continues to grow as MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell is reporting that people close to Sarah Palin have told her that Palin is completely fed up with politics, and is leaving political life for good. If you believe that Sarah Palin is really going to leave national politics for good, I have a bridge to sell you.
The only true surprise in Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s announcement that she will resign from office in three weeks is that it happened right now, but a look below the surface, shows that Palin has been declining in popularity in Alaska, while she is focusing more of her attention towards running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
Conservative columnist, and Fox News contributor, Charles Krauthammer was on the network today dismissing Sarah Palin as a serious candidate for the presidency in 2012. He said, “She is not a serious candidate for the presidency.” The Vanity Fair story has opened up the GOP’s mixed feelings towards Palin even on Fox News.
Palin is calling all feminists to arms. Palin as feminist is a little hard to swallow, but she suggests we let her record speak for her. So, let’s take a peek.
Much of the debate surrounding Sarah Palin’s feud with David Letterman this week has been based around questions over whether Palin overplayed her hand, or if it is wise for someone who wants to be president to be spending their time feuding with a late night host, but there is deeper motive at work here. Palin is trying to use Letterman to motivate the GOP base, and reignite the culture wars.
In a speech in Anchorage today, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin claimed that Obama is trying to control the American people through deficit spending. The irony here is that she ranted against deficit spending while introducing Michael Reagan, who is the son of the king of all deficit spending, former president Ronald Reagan.
There is something interesting in the latest CNN/Opinion Research poll. Beyond finding that there is no current GOP favorite for the 2012 nomination, the poll also contained favorability ratings for notable national Republicans at the top of the list were moderates Colin Powell and John McCain. At the bottom were Rush Limbaugh and Michael Steele.
Sarah Palin became the only governor in the United States to reject energy conservation funds from the stimulus bill. Palin has long claimed that the bill forces states to change their energy laws, but this is not true. The bill only requires that states pledge that new buildings meet energy standards by 2017.
There have been some small signs that not all Republicans are on board with the idea that Sarah Palin is the future of the Republican Party. First Mitt Romney took a jab at her last weekend, and now Bill Bennett said today on CNN that Palin isn’t the future of the GOP. Bennett came close to labeling Palin a media creation.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was supposed to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner this weekend, but those plans were changed after temperatures shot up 20 degrees above normal which resulted in heavy spring thaw flooding. Palin, a global warming skeptic, believes that climate change is not man-made.
On Thursday night, Gov. Sarah Palin will keep her face in the public’s mind with an appearance on American Chopper on TLC. Of course, Palin touted the value of having OCC build a chopper to commemorate Alaska’s 50 anniversary of statehood, and OCC’s patriotism. Paul Teutel chatting with Sarah Palin is just a little surreal. Check out the video.
Sarah Palin blasted a new ethics complaint against her that alleges her recent trip to Indiana to speak at an anti-abortion fundraiser was to benefit her own personal interests at a time when members of the legislature are not allowed to leave. Palin has responded by calling the complaint baseless.
Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) continues to try to build her foreign policy credentials before she runs for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. In a letter to Sec. of Defense Robert Gates, Palin criticized the Obama administration for cutting funding for missile defense system, even after N. Korea tested a new rocket.
The soap opera that is Gov. Sarah Palin’s political career took another turn late today as Palin has been forced to tell her supporters not to donate to an unofficial legal defense fund, because she is legally not allowed to accept the donations. You would have thought that her supporters might have checked the law, before they set up the website and the fund, but apparently they are as smart as she is.
In a statement yesterday about N. Korea’s missile test, Gov. Sarah Palin called for a missile defense system located in Alaska to protect the United States. Was Palin warning us that Alaska could be a target for a N. Korean missile attack?
Sarah Palin gives good ‘stump’ and is easy on the eyes, but here is how the GOP could destroy itself by nominating this baggage machine.
Sarah Palin’s political team was forced to get into damage control mode again, as Levi Johnston will reveal tomorrow on the Tara Banks show, that Gov. Palin allowed her teenage daughter and her boyfriend to share a bedroom in their home, and that she likely knew that they were having sex. This is not the style of parenting that will appeal to family values conservatives.
John McCain was on Meet the Press today, and he gave an interesting answer when he was asked about supporting Sarah Palin for 2012. He only said that Palin should compete, and talked about all the good candidates the GOP has for 2012. He gave a let’s wait and see answer to supporting Palin.
Although Barack Obama has only been in office for a couple of months, this hasn’t stopped the 2012 Republican presidential contenders from jockeying for early position in what will likely be a crowded GOP field, and if the length of the 2008 campaign was any indication, it won’t be long until the race for 2012 will get going. The question is who among the contenders will challenge President Obama?
Even though she publicly denies it, Gov. Sarah Palin is being advised by John Coale, who is Greta Van Susteren’s husband and a Scientologist. today published an old memo of Coale’s which detailed his plan to use popular politicians to advance the Scientology agenda, so is Palin a tool of the Scientologists?
An ethics complaint brought against Gov. Sarah Palin alleges that she violated state ethics laws by wearing a jacket from her husband’s sponsor during a snow machine race. Palin responded by calling the complaint asinine political grandstanding.
With the news today that someone is polling voters in Iowa and New Hampshire for Sarah Palin, it seems like a good time to take a look a poll released a few days ago which found that a potential matchup between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama would lead to biggest election blowout since Richard Nixon beat George McGovern in 1972.
Sarah Palin is swimming in legal debt after Troopergate and she is blaming the media and Barack Obama.
On the same day that Sarah Palin blasted Barack Obama for his Special Olympics joke on The Tonight Sh
Sarah Palin continued today to position herself as President Obama’s 2012 election opponent by rel
Statistics show that while Sarah Palin may face some whispers and criticism from those in her own pa
Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have decided against becoming married teenage parents, which is fine
A new research study found that Sarah Palin’s looks hurt her with voters.
Sarah Palin was on Fox News ‘s On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, where she voiced her opposit
This week the group Defenders of Wildlife launched a campaign against Alaska Governor, and probable
In an editorial written for today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune Alaska Gov.
Title:A Long Time Coming
Author: Evan Thomas with the Newsweek staff
Sarah Palin took her first official step towards what looks to be a run at the presidency in 2012 wi
With the news that Sarah Palin has hired a high powered Hollywood attorney to search for a book and/
In a profile for Esquire magazine former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said that although some sexist questions were asked of Palin by the media, he thought Palin’s interviews with Katie Couric and Charles Gibson were gentle, contradicting Palin’s recent media bias complaints.
In her latest blame the media interview, Sarah Palin lashed out at bloggers and journalists for telling lies about her in the March edition of Esquire magazine. Palin said she is annoyed by bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie about her. She also defended her comment about being able to see Russia from Alaska.
In an interview with conservative filmmaker John Ziegler, Sarah Palin continued to blame the media, specifically Katie Couric, and comedian Tina Fey for her loss in the November election. She said that exploitation of her was the reason Fey was named entertainer of the year, and Couric’s ratings have increased.
Here is the video:
On Fox News this morning Sen. Saxby Chambliss went out of his way to credit Sarah Palin for helping to put him over the top in his runoff against Jim Martin. We can now count Chambliss and in the bag for Palin and her Overhyped Express bid for president in 2012.
Sarah Palin’s perpetual presidential campaign continued today, as she told reporters that she thinks she represents something more than a celebrity. She represents hard working American families. She also represents ignorance and the politics of division.
Once again, Sarah Palin showed her fragile grasp of the Constitution when she claimed that media attacks on her violate her First Amendment right to attack Barack Obama. The problem is that the First Amendment deals with Congress passing laws regulating speech, not the media.
Trailing in the polls with six days to go, the presidential campaign of John McCain has decided to revive the Obama associates with terrorists line, by criticizing the LA Times for not releasing a videotape of Obama at a 2003 farewell dinner for Rashid Khalidi. I guess this is their version of an October Surprise.
The latest example of the fracture within the McCain /Palin campaign came this morning when an unnamed McCain advisor called Palin, “a whack job.” This comes after another member of the McCain campaign labeled her a diva who is only looking out for herself. It seems as if Sarah is no longer McCain’s favorite gimmick.
After Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska was found guilty on seven counts of corruption charges today, Alaska governor, and McCain running mate, Sarah Palin put out a statement distancing her from Stevens. The problem is that Palin headed up an organization dedicated to raising corporate money for Ted Stevens.
In Tampa, FL Sarah Palin launched into in attack on the media and Barack Obama. She claims that the media and Obama are acting like the race is over.
Probably the last thing John McCain wanted to do on NBC’s Meet the Press was defend the $150,000 spent on Sarah Palin’s clothing, but Tom Brokaw asked about it and after some fumbling McCain called Palin a role model to millions and said that the American people don’t care about her clothes.
The latest Quinnipiac University poll of Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania was released today, and it finds that the economy has powered Obama to a double digit lead over John McCain in all three states. In Ohio, Obama leads 52%-38%. In Pennsylvania, the Democrat leads 53%-40%. McCain has narrowed the gap a little in Florida and trails, 49%-44%
Sarah Palin and John McCain were both interviewed on the NBC Nightly News tonight. Anchor Brian Williams asked Palin what she meant by Obama wanting to sit down with dictators without preconditions. Palin mentioned Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The problem is that Ahmadinejad isn’t a dictator.