Guns and fishing

Rick Warren Forgives Whoever Sold His Son the Unregistered Gun Used in His Suicide

Rick Warren Forgives Whoever Sold His Son the Unregistered Gun Used in His Suicide

After the brutal slayings of 20 precious Sandy Hook children, the son of Pastor Rick Warren shoots himself with an…

11 years ago

The Bill to Fund the Government Is the Latest Bit of Stand-up Comedy From House Republicans

The primary purpose of House Bill 933 is to perpetuate the bloat of the defense budget and decimate domestic programs.

12 years ago

Millions of America’s Gun Nuts Aren’t Hiding Their Yearning for Civil War

After years of manipulation and buying off elected officials, a large percentage of radical right-wingers are planning a civil war.

12 years ago

A Tea Party Texas Congressman wants to take a six-shooter to Sharia law

Texas Republican Representative, Louie Gohmert is convinced Sharia law is trying to take over the U.S. legal system. So, he's…

12 years ago

Republicans Love to Regulate When it Benefits Their Wealthy Friends

A long-time and oft-repeated Republican criticism of Democrats is the tendency to regulation. But, so do Republicans, especially for friends.

12 years ago

Calling all Right Wing ‘Patriots’ Please Identify All the Freedoms You’ve Lost

Right wing "patriots" are constantly complaining of losing their freedoms and liberty. I would ask what these freedoms and liberties…

12 years ago

The GOP is going try to fight President Obama’s Executive Orders

The President's 23 Executive Orders on gun control are now public. The Republicans are pushing back implying some may be…

12 years ago

Obama talks to the nation about gun control, but House Republicans won’t listen

President Barack Obama gave a moving speech on gun reform, but House Republicans have already chosen the gun lobby over…

12 years ago

NRA’s LaPierre suggests a solution for 1% of gun deaths

The NRA held a press event today. Wayne LaPierre presided. He suggested police in all schools. He mentioned no new…

12 years ago

Expect a ringing defense from gun owners in the aftermath of 27 deaths

Politicians (a few at least) are making loud gun control noises. They do that every time there's another mass murder.…

12 years ago

Despite all of Issa’s Fast & Furious rants, Eric Holder was telling the truth

The Inspector General of the Justice Department has issued a 471-page report on Fast & Furious. AG, Eric Holder, was…

12 years ago

When Underdog Democratic Candidates Don’t Fight Like Hell, Many Republican Candidates Benefit

Incumbent Congressional Representative, Trey Gowdy has a healthy lead over his Democratic opponent. He's sending major money to help pals.

12 years ago

NRA Shrugs Off Latest Mass Murder as its Attention is Riveted on Electing Romney

The NRA is front and center again as another mass murder draws attention to the organization and the role of…

12 years ago

The Catawampus State of 2012 America

The U.S. is catawampus; in short the country is a mess driven by a right-wing Supreme Court and the gun-nut…

12 years ago

Don’t Be Surprised If You Get Shot This Year

As state and national elected officials battle for the most egregiously NRA-friendly legislation possible, bizarre shooting incidents are popping up…

13 years ago

AZ Gov. Jan Brewer Politicizes Border Violence in Arizona

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is using drug related border violence to justify a draconian and perhaps unconstitutional law, but the…

14 years ago

Debunking the Myth That Barack Obama is going to Ban Fishing

The right wing media has come up with a new twist on an old scare tactic, as they are now…

15 years ago