jay z

Taylor Swift Wins Her 4th Album Of The Year, But The Grammys Belonged To Tracy Chapman And Joni Mitchell

Taylor Swift Wins Her 4th Album Of The Year, But The Grammys Belonged To Tracy Chapman And Joni Mitchell

Taylor Swift set a record by winning her fourth Album Of The Year Grammy, and there were special moments from…

3 months ago

New Poll Shows Beyoncé is the ‘Most Divisive’ Celebrity in America

A new poll from Morning Consult shows that in the year 2018 almost everything is political, and even big-name celebrities…

6 years ago

Ted Nugent Inappropriately Gropes Himself On Stage At Trump’s Michigan Rally

"I've got your blue state right here, baby," Nugent said.

7 years ago

Trump Explodes With Jealousy As Jay Z And Beyonce Hold A Concert For Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump couldn't hide his jealousy as Jay Z and Beyonce held a concert in Cleveland, OH to get out…

7 years ago

Jon Stewart Completely Exposes Mike Huckabee’s Beyonce Criticism Hypocrisy

During Monday night's broadcast of The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart tore into former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee over his…

9 years ago

Mike Huckabee’s Unconscionable Attack on the First Lady and Beyoncé

Huckabee, whose son hung a dog, attacks Michelle Obama for letting her kids listen to Beyoncé, and accuses Jay-Z of…

9 years ago

Ted Cruz Stands Up For Hateful Racist Ted Nugent During CNN Interview

In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) defended Ted Nugent as a passionate fighter for Second…

10 years ago

Bill Maher Calls On Wealthy Liberals To Stand Up And Take Down the Koch Brothers

Bill Maher called out wealthy liberals and told them to get in the game before the right wing billionaires take…

11 years ago