Jesse Jackson

Trump’s Threatened Invasion of Chicago Aimed Squarely at African Americans

Trump’s Threatened Invasion of Chicago Aimed Squarely at African Americans

Jesse Jackson said what is needed is a plan but Trump has no plan, just a bunch of things he…

7 years ago

Hillary Clinton Keeps Rolling As Rev. Jesse Jackson Endorses Democratic Nominee

Rev. Jesse Jackson has announced that he is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

8 years ago

GOP Rhetoric Blames the Federal Government for Snyder’s Poisoning the People of Flint

The problem has nothing to do with Washington, D.C. “choking off” infrastructure spending. The problems lay in Snyder’s tax cuts

8 years ago

Fox News Uses ‘Knockout Game’ to Stoke Racial Fears Among Viewers

For the past week plus, many of the afternoon and evening talk shows on Fox have devoted quite a bit…

10 years ago