Keith Olbermann Calls For The Supreme Court To Be Dissolved After Gun Ruling
Keith Olbermann suggested that states ignore the Supreme Court’s concealed carry ruling because the court has no mechanism of enforcement.
Keith Olbermann suggested that states ignore the Supreme Court’s concealed carry ruling because the court has no mechanism of enforcement.
The Rachel Maddow Show is ending, but Maddow vetoed MSNBC’s attempt to bring back Keith Olbermann to take over 9 p.m.
“We have elected a shitty businessman. Amid everything else…we have elected a guy who doesn’t know the first thing about the U.S. economy”
When Priebus tweeted “the Trump-Pence ticket” will put America first, Olbermann observed, “Hey, @Reince, you misspelled ‘Trump-Putin.'”
Keith Olbermann returned to talking about politics, with an appearance on The View where he perfectly explained why Donald Trump won’t win.
MSNBC needs a boost in primetime. Keith Olbermann is out of a job after his contract expired at ESPN. It is being reported that NBC News President Andrew Lack might be interested in bringing Olbermann back to MSNBC.
ESPN asked Keith Olbermann to stop doing commentaries, and now the opinionated host will be leaving the sports network when his contract expires at the end of July.
One of the great hypocrisies behind MSNBC’s decline is their willingness to fire liberal hosts for telling the truth while giving corporate favorites and liars like Joe Scarborough and Brian Williams chance after chance.
David Barton tried to refute his long history of lying by falsely claiming a lawsuit which never took place proves his innocence
During the Friday night broadcast of The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly responded to a Mother Jones story showing he embellished his war coverage as a reporter by throwing out personal insults and accusing the magazine and others of being “far left zealots.”
On the same day a grand jury decided to not indict a NYPD police officer in the death of Staten Island man Eric Garner, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) decided to show his complete lack of empathy or compassion by blaming Garner for his own death
This is a world in which women have no right to complain about gender inequality if they don’t want to get punched, but if Ray Rice had punched another man in the elevator, he would be just as guilty
MSNBC’s ratings have plunged this year, and the the domino effect of bad decisions that have killed the network’s ratings began with the departure of Keith Olbermann.
George Will’s Dr. Feelgood conservatives really won the Obamacare decision theory met common sense real world brick wall named Keith Olbermann today on ABC’s This Week.
In essence MSNBC fired Keith Olbermann for making political donations to Democratic candidates, but they are allowing Ed Schultz to speak at the Wisconsin Democratic Convention.
Keith Olbermann returned to network television today and shredded the Republican attack on President Obama for eating dog meat as a child.
Apparently with Keith Olbermann was fired he took most of the viewers with him as Current TV’s ratings for 8 PM have dropped by more than 66% without Countdown.
Current TV announced today that they have fired Keith Olbermann because he lacked the values of, “respect, openness, collegiality.” Really? Lack of respect, that’s why you fired him.
On Countdown with Keith Olbermann, guest Lewis Black hinted that Rush Limbaugh might be brain damaged and ripped the Republican Party’s war on women.
Keith Olbermann took Ron Paul and his crazy supporters who put out a bizarre racist video about Jon Huntsman to task in his Worst Persons segment.
The bad news keeps coming for MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. The 2010 ratings data is starting to trickle in, and the news is not so great for the Countdown host. In a down year for cable news where all three networks registered a decline in viewers, Keith Olbermann lost 11% of his total audience, but what is most troubling is that among the coveted age 25-54 demographic Olbermann lost 25% of his audience.
Anyone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty but right now I would no more trust a jury of progressives to look dispassionately at the case than I would a jury of conservatives.
On his MSNBC program Keith Olbermann mocked the bomb that is Sarah Palin’s latest book America By Heart. Olbermann said, “Even if the book as sold as many copies at Walmart as it has everywhere else combined, you’re looking at 70% of a print run sitting in warehouses waiting to be returned to the publisher.”
On his MSNBC program Countdown, Keith Olbermann exposed how Rupert Murdoch and his New York Post have betrayed their own war on Christmas by turning their backs on baby Jesus in order to promote the worship of Santa Claus. Olbermann said, “William Donohue and Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post, traditional combatants in the war on Christmas have trained their yuletide guns on someone not for failing to put the Christ back in Christmas but for failing to worship Santa Claus.”
After President Obama’s press conference announcing a deal with Republicans on tax cuts, the left exploded with such ferocity and divisiveness that it’s no wonder conservatives always win. While the left demonizes Obama as a sellout for making the best out of losing situation for the majority of Americans, and you can be certain that conservatives are licking their chops watching the left cannibalize President Obama for governing from the center; it is short-sighted and arrogant to believe otherwise.
On his radio show today, while responding to Jimmy Carter’s claim that Glenn Beck and Fox distort the news, Beck stated that Comcast has marked MSNBC and Keith Olbermann for death. Beck said, “MSNBC is marked for death. Comcast is going to run it like a business…It won’t feature Keith Olbermann and they know that.”
First, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann returned from suspension, and now the most popular segment on his Countdown program The Worst Person In The World will make its return this evening. In response to a question about the segment Olbermann Tweeted, “We haven’t done the segment in three weeks. It returns tonight.”
With the NBC/Comcast merger on the horizon and reports about the infighting at MSNBC surrounding Keith Olbermann becoming more numerous there is real danger lurking on the horizon for Keith Olbermann at MSNBC. If Olbermann fans thought their job was done after the Countdown host returned from suspension last week, they best get prepared because the battle has just begun.
Keith Olbermann returned from the world’s shortest indefinite suspension tonight, and he delivered a very professional and classy apology on Countdown. Olbermann said, “I owe you three apologies. Foremost for having subjected you to this drama. Another by having not known by observation since it is not in the contract for not making political donations although any rule like that probably isn’t legal.”
The soap opera of the suspension of Keith Olbermann ended with a whimper as MSNBC President Phil Griffin put out a Sunday night statement announcing that Olbermann will be back on Tuesday. Once again Keith Olbermann showed everyone who the real powerful force at MSNBC is, and it isn’t Phil Griffin.
The twist and turns keep coming in the saga of Keith Olbermann’s suspension, with the latest being that Countdown was suspended for refusing to apologize on the air for his political donations. Instead of a rules violation, what we have here is a power play between MSNBC and their top anchor. If the network holds firm, Olbermann could be sitting at home for a long, long time.
News of Keith Olbermann’s indefinite suspension has been met with a show of support for the MSNBC anchor from both the worlds of news and politics. Not only have MSNBC colleagues Rachel Maddow and substitute Thomas Roberts voiced their support, but also Sen. Bernie Sanders and former CNN anchors Rick Sanchez and Aaron Brown have chimed in on Olbermann behalf.
On her MSNBC program tonight, Rachel Maddow explained that Keith Olbermann was suspended for breaking a rule that forbids hosts from making political donations without prior approval, but she urged that Olbermann be put back on the air. She thought Olbermann should be held to the rule, but “I also personally believe that the point has been made and we should have Keith back hosting Countdown.”
After hearing from the masses of disgruntled Keith Olbermann fans, the general consensus is that MSNBC overreacted by suspending Olbermann for making political contributions, but a bigger problem for the network is that by announcing that his suspension is indefinite MSNBC freaked out their own viewers. MSNBC has mishandled this and created a massive PR headache for itself.
MSNBC announced today that Countdown host Keith Olbermann has been indefinitely suspended by the network for making political donations to three Democratic congressional candidates. Olbermann said that he didn’t encourage other to donate, but the network suspended him for violating their policy against political donations. This once again proves that MSNBC is not Fox News where the money flows freely to the GOP.
On his MSNBC program Countdown, Keith Olbermann was recapping some of the stranger moments from last night’s victory and concession speeches when he discussed John Boehner’s leaving his man pants at home and crying at the drop of a hat, “This was set against the context of a republican campaign filled with demands from conservatives about manliness and manning up. Ladies and gentlemen, the new weeper of the house.”
While looking through the past couple of weeks of prime time cable news ratings, I noticed something interesting. Keith Olbermann’s Countdown is no longer the dominate show on the network. Olbermann’s program is being challenged for in house supremacy by The Rachel Maddow Show. Maddow has been running neck and neck with or defeating Countdown on a regular basis.
Tonight on MSNBC’s Countdown Keith Olbermann took a unique angle to discussing Stephen Colbert’s congressional testimony today, by actually discussing the poignant message behind all the jokes. Olbermann called Colbert’s testimony, “Along with being funny, he was also serious, even eloquent when testifying about the plight of America’s migrant farm workers.”
Tonight on his MSNBC program Countdown, Keith Olbermann spent some time reminding America that despite the best efforts of all the former Bush staffers in the media, of why we should not miss George W. Bush, “The true shadow cast by his presidency is who and what we miss because of Bush. What and who we could have been.”
In a blistering special comment on his MSNBC program Countdown, Keith Olbermann dispelled the hysteria and politically motivated fear of the so called Ground Zero Mosque. Olbermann said, “What better way could we honor the dead of the World Trade Center than to do the terrorists heavy lifting for them?”
In a special comment on the Shirley Sherrod story, Countdown host Keith Olbermann dished out his usual wrath against Fox News and Andrew Breitbart, and he told President Obama that he must stand up against these racist attacks, “You, sir, must stand up against this attack on you and this nation.”
On his MSNBC show Countdown tonight, host Keith Olbermann critiqued Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizzlies video for her SarahPAC. Olbermann summed up the video by comparing Palin video to Osama Bin Laden messages, as “irrelevant, loud, angry incoherent, and boring.” After watching the SarahPAC video a few times, I began to see Olbermann’s point.
During his Worst Persons segment on his MSNBC show Countdown host Keith Olbermann saved some special scorn for Sarah Palin and her gaffe riddled speech at Stanislaus. Olbermann pointed out that Palin managed to get Ronald Reagan’s home state wrong, and added, “None is more symbolic as her corner-cutting, her downright endorsement of stupidity.”
On his MSNBC program Countdown tonight, host Keith Olbermann used his nightly Tea Time segment to blast Sarah Palin’s big solution to the Gulf oil spill, prayer. Olbermann said, “Well There you have it. A Palin presidency preview in microcosm, something bad happened, don’t worry, God will fix it.”
At his press briefing today Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took a not so thinly veiled shot at MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and other pundits on the Left who are complaining about Obama’s speech last night. Gibbs said of cable TV, “I don’t actually think that is where all of real America lives.”
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck went on a personal rant about Keith Olbermann after the MSNBC host vocally criticized Tea Party candidate Rick Barber’s Armies Unite ad, last night on Countdown. Beck said to Olbermann, “You two faced no talent, soon to be washed up, alcoholic, throw yourself off a ledge of a building because you’re that kind of a guy.”
On his MSNBC program Countdown, Keith Olbermann, while discussing Sarah Palin’s latest paranoid freak out over getting a new next door neighbor in Joe McGinnis mentioned that what Palin considers the family “swimming hole” is really a 350 acre lake, with public access, because you know all real Americans have a lake in the back yard for swimming.
On Fox News tonight, Bill O’Reilly took up Sarah Palin’s latest conspiracy theory that Obama is more worried about campaign cash then cleaning up BP’s mess. Not surprisingly, O’Reilly disagreed with Palin, and said, “Oil companies give big time money to both parties…John McCain got a lot of money from oil companies. Sarah Palin gets money from oil companies.”
On his nightly Tea Time segment during his MSNBC show Countdown tonight, host Keith Olbermann dove into the growing desperation of the Tea Party movement, and said, “A hint of desperation is starting to sink in. He highlighted that the Tea Party has admitted that they coined their own nickname. He used poll numbers that show the negativity of is starting to hinder the enthusiasm of Republicans.
On his MSNBC program Countdown, Keith Olbermann finally brought into the mainstream media what many in the blogosphere have been wondering for days, did Sarah Palin perjure herself with her testimony in the email hacking case? The fact is that the emails released from Palin’s personal email accounts contradict her testimony, and Sarah Palin is caught in yet another lie.
Keith Olbermann used his quick comment on his MSNBC program Countdown tonight to answer a video put out by the Dallas Tea Party in response to his questioning of the diversity of the Tea Party movement. Olbermann pointed out that in the entire Dallas Tea Party organization there appears to be nine minorities. I guess in today’s conservative movement any group with nine non whites is considered diverse.
On his pre-SOTU Countdown tonight, host Keith Olbermann urged President Obama to seize the hatred of his enemies on the right. Olbermann said Obama should follow the template of FDR and, “welcome their hatred.” Olbermann is becoming very Darth Vaderish.
Tonight on his MSNBC show Countdown, host Keith Olbermann did something really odd. He started a feud with The Dallas Morning News, because an editor there posted a blog that compared Olbermann to Glenn Beck and criticized his coverage of the special election. Olbermann fired back with a quick comment tonight.
On his MSNBC show Countdown, host Keith Olbermann reminded the teabaggers, who just now seem to have figured out what the name means, where the term teabagger came from. Hint: it wasn’t Maddow or Olbermann but the teabaggers themselves who coined the term.
Tonight on his MSNBC program Countdown, host Keith Olbermann directed one of his quick comments towards Republican Massachusetts Senate candidate Scott Brown. He said, “In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against women…”
Both US cable news and broadcast news networks are scrambling to cover the unexpected death of Michael Jackson. On cable both Fox News and MSNBC are bumping their regular programming to cover the story, while NBC, CBS, and ABC will each be airing prime time specials about the death of the pop legend.
On his MSNBC program Countdown host Keith Olbermann laid the responsibility for the murder of Dr. George Tiller at the feet of Bill O’Reilly and Fox News. Olbermann said that Fox News incites murder and terrorism, and must be stopped.
Comedian Wanda Sykes performed at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner, and while she did a great job poking fun at the Obama’s some her best material was reserved for Sean Hannity and his offer to be waterboarded for charity. Check out the video.
One of the phobias that always grips right wing media when a Democrat takes office is that they will
Former Hillary Clinton advisor and current Fox News analyst Howard Wolfson continued his war of words with MSNBC, Chris Mathews, and Keith Olbermann by accusing them of being bad Democrats for being critical of the Clintons over the past two years.