Tagged larry kudlow


Larry Kudlow Calls Obama’s Criticism of Trump “So Darn Political”

Larry Kudlow says he doesn’t know why Barack Obama is criticizing the Trump administration on Coronavirus. The former president has slammed Kudlow’s boss for incompetence. Kudlow is one of President Donald Trump’s economic advisors, but he tackled the subject of Covid-19 politics on Sunday. Kudlow spoke to ABC News about Obama’s leaked remarks. He said…


People Won’t Let Larry Kudlow Forget He Insisted Coronavirus Will Have “Minimal Impact” on Economy

The coronavirus outbreak is officially a global pandemic, and policy experts around the world are expressing significant concern over how the virus, which has claimed 4,729 lives worldwide according to the most recent official count, will impact global economies. White House Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow’s old statements have come back to haunt him in…

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