
Massive Oil Job Losses Debunk The Lie That Obama Is Hostile To The Oil Industry

Massive Oil Job Losses Debunk The Lie That Obama Is Hostile To The Oil Industry

As the nation continues its record run of monthly jobs created, the oil industry that complains bitterly the President restricts…

9 years ago

NLRB Charges McDonald’s With Employee Rights Violations

The NRLB said that since last year, it received 181 complaints against McDonald's, not individual franchises, and found clear cut…

9 years ago

Republicans Are The Ultimate Takers Who Only Want To Give To The Wealthy That They Serve

Even if some Americans do grasp the concept of Republicans as the ultimate takers, they likely fail to comprehend that…

9 years ago

A Holiday Wish as the Least Productive Congress in History Wraps Up Its Year

This Congress is on pace to be the least productive in history. Let's set this overpaid, under-performing inertia against the…

10 years ago

Republicans To Spend August Recess Promoting Poverty Creating Policies

Republicans will spend three weeks promoting the policies that drove 4 out of 5 Americans into unemployment, near or at…

11 years ago

The Chamber of Commerce Rewards Scott Walker For Making Wisconsin Last in Job Growth

The Chamber invited Scott Walker to represent 'enterprising states', even though their own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short…

11 years ago

How Clear Channel Helped Keep the Romney Campaign Alive While Being Gutted by Bain

Clear Channel assisted Romney's 'business experience' propaganda campaign while they are being quietly gutted to pay back debt run up…

11 years ago

He Bained That: Mitt Romney’s Vision for America’s Labor Day Future

A picture of worker abuse in the pursuit of corporate profits and vulture capitalism emerged that demonstrates Romney's contempt for…

12 years ago