Anti-Homosexual Inaugural Choice Rev. Giglio Drops Out of Ceremony
Rev. Louie Giglio has pulled himself out of the presidential inauguration ceremony after outrage over his anti-gay comments.
Rev. Louie Giglio has pulled himself out of the presidential inauguration ceremony after outrage over his anti-gay comments.
In addition to the mandatory attendance requirements at events sponsored by, and performed on, military campuses everywhere – there are commanders and Pentagon level top brass that intentionally use our presence overseas as a federally funded missionary project.
Republicans lost because their party was steeple-jacked in the late 1980s by fake Republicans replacing the moderates.
This effort is dedicated to exposing extremist politicians and their funding sources that are immersed in ultra conservative Christian Dominionist politics.
Leah’s List™ is in part a reaction to Citizens United, and exposes businesses that are using their income to finance ultra-conservative politics.
There is no end to the insanity that America’s brand of religious extremists will go these days.
The Mormon Church has had to Etch-a-Sketch a doctrine on blacks to save their tax exempt status, and hide their built in doctrine of discrimination.
Just when it seems the discussion has been overrun by insane religious zealots, Pastor Howard Bess offers us an enlightened and modern religious perspective on marriage.
The homophobic flood gates opened and the sewers are filling with hate and self-loathing by voices consumed by fear.
In a single moment the President has made history by endorsing same sex marriage and simultaneously became an instant target by the extreme religious parasites bent on “Reclaiming America”.
When right wing prayer warriors issue death fatwas, does spelling count? If so – several of us are safe.
Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney’s longstanding friendship with Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu last week, yet this important information received virtually no mention in the mainstream media.
The legislative differences between Republicans and Democrats tell the true story when it comes to supporting stay-at-home moms.
“Moms Do Work”…this is the newly created bumper sticker phrase manufactured by the Mitt Romney campaign on the heels of comments that flew back and forth this past week over an irresponsibly careless remark by a democratic strategist. (It also eerily reminds me of one of Bush, Jr.s infamous remarks, “Childrens do learn”). A virtual explosion of faux…
Here is an example parasitic proselytizing at its worst and in the most dangerous institution of all – our military.
Laurens County Republicans of South Carolina are so steeped in Dominionist Tea that they boldly put their extremism in writing detailing their 28 Points of Republicanism. Even though this signed pledge has been deemed illegal that will not deter them from using this as a litmus test for potential political candidates. After all, why not?…
GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is pulling Dominionist leaders and their mega-millionaire backers out of the brush and into the light.
In recent weeks right wing bigots like Tony Perkins have been featured on Hardball, The Ed Show, and Rachel Maddow among others, and it must stop.
Sarah Palin heads to CPAC and plays more cat and mouse with conservative. What did Sarah Palin mean when she said, “game on?”
The dirty little secret behind the GOP debate crowds is that these audiences are hand chosen by the handlers of these “shows” who manipulate and orchestrate the events in every possible way.
The three way split that occurred in Iowa last night is actually representative of the fracture that exists within the GOP – Romney/Santorum/Paul.