legal discrimination

Opinion: Trump Removes President Obama’s LGBT Protections

Opinion: Trump Removes President Obama’s LGBT Protections

“It’s sending a message to these companies…that the federal government simply doesn’t care whether or not they violate the law.”

8 years ago

Opinion: Former N.C. Governor McCrory Feels Persecuted For Supporting the Toilet Law

“If you disagree with the politically correct thought police ... you’re a bigot, you’re the worst of evil. It’s almost…

8 years ago

Houston Voters Gave Evangelicals the Legal Right To Discriminate Against 15 Groups

Voters in Houston Texas, the fourth largest city in America, voted to delete a non-discrimination ordinance and legalize discrimination

9 years ago

Michigan And North Carolina Republicans Enact Un-Constitutional Theocratic Laws

Today, more so than at any time in the nation's history, evangelical Republicans are on a crusade to base the…

10 years ago

Bobby Jindal Believes Equality Is Radical Corporate Bullying

Although there has been progress throughout America's history, the idea of equality for every citizen has never completely caught on.…

10 years ago

Hobby Lobby Ruling Opened Floodgates For Indiana Discrimination Law

Americans are witnessing the profound and dangerous impact of the High Court's Hobby Lobby decision to dismantle the 1st Amendment's…

10 years ago

The Only Thing More Idiotic Than Personhood Is Giving a Corporation Religious Freedom

The only thing more idiotic than ascribing personhood to a legal instrument is asserting it prays, worships, and warrants religious…

10 years ago