Martin Luther King

Opinion: NFL’s Hidden Hate Practices Help Explain Why It’s So Hard To End US Racism

Opinion: NFL’s Hidden Hate Practices Help Explain Why It’s So Hard To End US Racism

The NFL that publicizes ending racism, presumably to sell its product, also deeply believes in the intellectual inferiority of Black…

3 years ago

Opinion: Why Labor Organization Should Be The Focus In The Fight For Democracy

We need to tell the story of unionization and collective action at least as much as we tell the story…

3 years ago

Opinion: Right-Wing “Uncivil Disobedience” Distorts American Revolutionary Traditions And Unleashes Authoritarian Terror

We are not seeing acts of revolutionary uprising. What we are seeing is the rise of terrorism and authoritarianism.

3 years ago

Opinion: African Americans Continue To Lead Insurrections For Democracy In America

In the summer of 1800, Gabriel Prosser, an enslaved blacksmith, planned a slave insurrection in Richmond Virginia. Information about the…

4 years ago

Pence Trashed For Quoting Dr. King to Justify Trump’s Racist Wall Plan

The completely tone-deaf Vice President of the United States Mike Pence yesterday quoted the words of the Rev. Martin Luther…

6 years ago

Trump Misses The Point Of MLK’s Life And Shows Why He’ll Be A Presidential Disaster

With a single tweet about Martin Luther King, Donald Trump revealed why he is going to be a disaster of…

8 years ago

Republican Debate Sends The Message That Statesmen & Stateswomen Need Not Apply

Entitlements were under siege last night, as were any services to the poor. It wasn't a debate; it was an…

9 years ago

White Religious Conservatives Feel Persecuted But They’re Not the Ones Found Hanging from Trees

We need to call out the appalling in our midst. And we should never, ever, apologize for telling the truth…

10 years ago

President Obama Puts The Words Of Martin Luther King Into Action On MLK Day

Leading by example, President Obama urged people to get involved in their community, writing "As one people, we will show…

10 years ago

Whitewashing The Past: How Conservatives Spurn MLK’s Legacy

MLK was a radical who wanted to eradicate poverty through a guaranteed income program, and he wanted to give reparations…

10 years ago

#OscarsSoWhite Trends On Twitter After ‘Selma’ Is Snubbed By Mostly White Academy Voters

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced this year's major Oscar nominations early Thursday morning and revealed that…

10 years ago

Soon-To-Be Nevada Speaker Said Democrats Are The “Master” Of The “Simple Minded Darkies”

Assemblyman Ira Hansen was selected earlier this month to be Assembly Speaker once the new legislative session begins. He has…

10 years ago

Republican Denialism and the Ugly Truth About Income Inequality

"The widening divide in incomes between the poor and rich poses the most likely threat to the global economy over…

11 years ago

King Ended the Reign of Terror So Now It’s Time For the Truth About White Privilege

White people have largely ended violence. Now, it is time for telling the truth about privilege and facing what it…

11 years ago

Today It’s President Obama Fighting For the Opportunities That Dr. King Sought

Today it is President Obama fighting Republicans to give all Americans the opportunities Dr. King sought for people of color,…

11 years ago

The New Paranoid Style In American Politics: Have You No Decency, Sir?

Ted and Rafael Cruz are just two more in a long line of American political paranoiacs. The list of conspiracy…

11 years ago

The Mainstream Media Continues to Ignore Rampant Republican Fueled Racism

Instead of a public outcry against blatant racism, main stream media failed to report the story on every evening newscast…

11 years ago

The New Terrorists: How Ordinary American Activists are Receiving This Dangerous Label

The trend toordinary American activists as domestic terrorists is alarming, bringing to new reasons to revisit the PATRIOT…

11 years ago

Detroit’s Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr Still Shouldn’t Be There

The problem remains that Detroiters are being ignored and held hostage by their own Governor Snyder, who flagrantly violated their…

12 years ago

Gov. Snyder’s Emergency Manager Law May Violate Equal Protection Rights

The clock is ticking, and Detroit's new Emergency Manager is listening. June 23 is the 50th anniversary of the date…

12 years ago

Martin Luther King Did Not Agree With Gun Nuts and the NRA on the 2nd Amendment

The theory that Martin Luther King would have agreed with the NRA and other Second Amendment radicals is completely refuted…

12 years ago

President Obama Must Use the Convention to Tell the Unvarnished Truth

Tuesday is the opening day of the Democratic Convention. The speakers must speak the truth. The Bush administration screwed everything…

12 years ago

Glenn Beck Claims He is Leading a Civil Rights Movement like MLK

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck continued to warp the legacy of the civil rights movement in the United…

15 years ago