Tagged Obama Administration

NRA-Republicans Blocked Treaty Banning Arms Sales To Terrorists

One might wonder what kind of malcontent opposes a worldwide treaty that limits the transfer of conventional arms and battlefield components to evil dictators who promote and commit genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and attack civilians or civilian buildings such as schools and hospitals. In America, it is Republicans indebted to, and serving, the National Rifle Association.


From One Republican Committee to Another; Your Charges Are A CROCK!

The report was declassified August 7, but not released in total until a couple of days ago, allegedly to give assorted intelligence agencies a chance to sign off on it. If you read the entire report, it shreds every critical issue brought forth by the absurd House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


Christian Conservatives Are Trying To Use Hobby Lobby To Discriminate Against Gays

Maybe the President regrets intertwining government and religion when he continued George W. Bush’s Faith-Based initiatives. Now they are using their connection to the White House to exact recompense in the form of permission to discriminate against the gay community according to their “deeply-held religious beliefs” the Supreme Court cited mercilessly in its ruling for Hobby Lobby.

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