Obergefell v. Hodges

Decrying Same-Sex Marriage Decision, Justices Thomas and Alito Endorse Trump’s Assault on Civil Rights

Decrying Same-Sex Marriage Decision, Justices Thomas and Alito Endorse Trump’s Assault on Civil Rights

Last Monday the Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear a case brought by Kim Davis, a former…

4 years ago

Judge Decimates the GOP’s Religious Freedom Concept – Strikes Down Mississippi Law

Judge Reeves noted that “the title, history and text of the law showed it to be the State’s attempt to…

8 years ago

Alabama Chief Justice Reinstates Same-Sex Marriage Ban – Says SCOTUS Is Confused

Notorious Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice, Roy Moore, has unilaterally issued a judicial order overturning a six-month old United States…

8 years ago

Supreme Court Sinks To 15-Year Low In Popularity, Hits 50 Percent Disapproval Rating

Gallup reveals that, ironically, Republicans rate the Roberts' court much more poorly than Democrats do.

9 years ago

Note To Evangelical Republicans: This Is America, Love It Or Leave It

Evangelical Republicans hate America with religious passion because the Founding Fathers did not create a Christian theocracy

9 years ago

New Report Reveals GOP-Aligned Extremists Are The Greatest Threat To Americans

There is hardly a bigger motivator than fear, and it is a fact not lost on Republicans who prey on…

9 years ago