
Mat Staver Says Transgender Rights Will Destroy Objective Reality

Mat Staver Says Transgender Rights Will Destroy Objective Reality

Mat Staver's "moral objectivity" is anything but objective, and seems to be based on what he needs to be true…

9 years ago

Detroit Sinks Deeper Into Hell As It Faces Right Wing Utopian Fantasies

Detroit faces austerity, vulture capitalists, and privatization as right wing ideologues pounce. Of course, no good will come of it.

11 years ago

The Ghost of Ayn Rand Haunts Paul Ryan

Don't tell Paul Ryan, but many of his positions go against everything that Ayn Rand stood for.

12 years ago

Romney’s Fail Causes Conservative Call to Vote for Ron Paul for Jesus

On the heels of Romney failing to consummate his relationship with conservatives properly, they are calling on their fellow Republicans…

12 years ago