Oil Industry

Senate Democrats Request DOJ Criminal Investigation Into The Oil Industry

Senate Democrats Request DOJ Criminal Investigation Into The Oil Industry

Twenty-three Senate Democrats have written to Attorney General Merrick Garland to request that the DOJ investigate the oil industry for…

7 months ago

Opinion: Trump Administration Email Scandal Involves Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

"Was Rex Tillerson that worried about climate risks for Exxon? Or was he more worried about the risk of revealing…

8 years ago

Oil Industry Unleashes Attack Dogs and Pepper Spray on Native American Protestors

“This demolition is devastating. These grounds are the resting places of our ancestors and cannot be replaced."

8 years ago

Tables Turned – A. G. Subpoenas Koch-Related Climate Deniers’ Documents

Republicans use subpoenas to terrorize climate scientists, but it is an infringement of their rights if the tables are turned.

9 years ago

Greedy Republicans Will Take Everything From Americans, Including Their Lives

It is nearly impossible to list everything Republicans have already indicated they will take from Americans given the opportunity

9 years ago

Republicans Protect and Serve The Industry That Really Harms and Damages the Unborn

A new study finds that expectant mothers living in active fracking areas are 40 percent more likely to give birth…

9 years ago

Vindictive Koch Republicans Plot To Impeach EPA Administrator

Paul Goser (R-AZ) claims that McCarthy committed "high crimes and misdemeanors" by trying to define and protect Americans' clean water…

9 years ago

Oklahoma Supreme Court Shocker: Earthquake Lawsuit Against Oil Industry Can Proceed

It was encouraging, then, that in a Republican-controlled state virtually owned by the oil industry, a High Court issued a…

9 years ago

Nestlé CEO Exacerbating California’s Drought Would Steal More Water If He Could

This is the same Nestlé corporation whose chairman condemned the UN for the ridiculously "extremist idea that drinking water is…

10 years ago

California Corporate Farms Increase Water Use While Small Farms Offer To Cutback

In California, the greatest natural resource, water, is in extremely short supply and the oil industry, the Nestle Corporation, and…

10 years ago

Drought-Stricken California Farmers Buy Recycled Oil Wastewater For Irrigation

Before anyone praises the oil industry for making a profit from stealing irrigation water to process oil and then selling…

10 years ago

The Absurd Call for Obama to Save Keystone XL by Regulating It

The idea that Republicans would ever go along with further regulating the oil industry is laughable, and funding? Forget about…

10 years ago

State of Emergency – West Virginia Water Supply Poisoned Again

At a time when Republicans and their money-machine the Koch brothers are waging a ferocious battle to put a stop…

10 years ago

Koch Congress Still Pushing Keystone After Four Pipeline Explosions In A Month

Of all the reasons to not build the Keystone pipeline, one that is often overlooked, and ignored by the corporate…

10 years ago

Corrupt John Boehner Conspires With Foreigners Against America’s Best Interests

Boehner has enlisted a foreign corporation (TransCanada), the Canadian Prime Minister, and a foreign energy department to put pressure on…

10 years ago

New York Bans Fracking Due to Health Risks – Wisconsin Bans Fracking Regulation Due To Greed

Republicans depend on lies and deceit to convince their ignorant base to support dangerous policies, and it is why they…

10 years ago

Boehner And Republicans Plan To Reverse Growth Numbers and Kill Jobs

Now that Republicans will have control of both houses of Congress, they will start, immediately, passing legislation to revert back…

10 years ago

Bold Democrat Mary Landrieu Should Be Truthful About KeystoneXL

It may have been Democrat Howard Dean who said not long ago that if given a choice between voting for…

10 years ago

Republicans Celebrate Veterans Day By Dishonoring Veterans In Word And Deed

Republicans have no respect for the valiant service and sacrifices of veterans. In fact, for well over a decade, at…

10 years ago

Republican Georgia Senate Candidate Wants To Prosecute Obama For His Success

According to Georgia Republican Senate candidate David Perdue, his only reason for serving is to prosecute Democrats and President Obama…

10 years ago

Corporate Greed Forces First City In California To Run Out Of Water

For several California cities, that corporate greed is finally paying dividends, and not the good kind, leaving them without water.

10 years ago

In One Fell Swoop Obama Announces Solar Jobs For 50,000 Veterans and Takes On Climate Change

Since Republicans have relentlessly obstructed jobs programs for America's Veterans, the President took it upon himself to enact the program…

10 years ago

Report Confirms Fracking is Poisoning California’s Dwindling Aquifers

This week, yet another report reveals that fracking in California has contaminated aquifers during a historical drought.

10 years ago

Extremist Climate Deniers Claim Historic Climate March Was An Attack On Their Way of Life

The anti-science crowd loves science that gave them automobiles, medicine, electricity, sanitation, and ability to communicate easily with any location…

10 years ago

A Fracking Disaster: Scientists Directly Link Fracking To Earthquakes and Health Hazards

The team of U.S. Geological Survey scientists found a wealth of evidence "directly linking" an increase in Colorado and New…

10 years ago

Republicans Rejoice as They Spread the South’s Third World Status To The Entire Nation

Apparently, Republicans and their supporters are proud that America's infrastructure compares unfavorably with most advanced and even some developing nations…

11 years ago

Freedom? Republican Run States Are Now Telling People What They Can and Can’t Buy

In a relatively new form of Republican fascism and regulatory overreach, Republican states have told consumers what they can and…

11 years ago

Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz Openly Threaten The Country With Economic Catastrophe

Republicans are once again threatening to hold the debt limit hostage in return for a ransom payment that is, beyond…

11 years ago

John Boehner Tells His Biggest Lie Yet By Claiming Obama Obstructed House Jobs Bills

Republicans are riding a three-year job-killing frenzy and still, Boehner has the temerity to claim House Republicans passed several job…

11 years ago

John Boehner Blames President Obama For Three Years of Republican Incompetence

After spending three years killing jobs, sending Americans into poverty, and damaging the economy, Boehner is doing damage control and…

11 years ago

George W. Bush Returns As The Statute of Limitations on His War Crimes Expires in 2 Months

George W. Bush, has made his presence known with two appearances over the past week, and it is likely because…

11 years ago

The Vile Koch Scheme to Make $100 Billion Destroying The Environment With KeystoneXL

The dirty energy fascist Koch Brothers are planning to make tens of billions of dollars off the KeystoneXL pipeline before…

11 years ago

It Looks Like The Republican Debt Ceiling Demands Came Straight From The Koch Brothers

The GOP's debt ceiling demands are a composite Ryan budget, Koch policy meeting demands,"and ALEC social policy reform package all…

11 years ago

Republicans Starve The Poor While Handing $20 Billion to Corporate Welfare Bums

As millions of Americans go hungry, federal government pays about $20 billion in cash annually to farmers and farmland owners…

11 years ago

Science Deniers And the Stupidity Caused by Being Blinded By Faith

It is mindboggling there are so many Americans opposed to science and steeped in myth and superstition in the 21st…

11 years ago

Republican Led Texas Is a National Role Model For All The Wrong Reasons

It is true that Texas is a large state and its prideful and devoted residents, but the areas the state…

11 years ago

John Boehner Lies And Won’t Tell America About His Personal Investment in Keystone XL

John Boehner continues using his position to lie to the American people to profit himself,and the oil industry that contributes…

11 years ago

House Republicans Praise Exxon for Arkansas Oil Spill That Taxpayers are Cleaning Up

House Republicans praised Exxon and expect Americans to give them a "pat on the back" for saddling taxpayers with the…

12 years ago

The Koch Brothers War On Renewable Energy Is Killing Jobs and Destroying Our Air

With ALEC supplying Republicans Koch legislation to end renewable energy standards, Americans will lose jobs, clean air, inexpensive electricity, and…

12 years ago

Republicans Won’t Fund Roads or Schools But Funded Two Wars to Benefit the Rich

Most Americans do not object to debt when they receive something in return such as road or schools, but a…

12 years ago

Republican Imposed Budget Cuts Led to Keystone XL Being Deemed Environmentally Sound

The long-awaited State Department report on the environmental impact of building the KeystoneXL pipeline was released and its results are…

12 years ago

Another Republican Lie Dies as America Becomes #1 in Oil Production and Gas Prices Soar

The increased oil production is not all good news for Americans though, because the glut of oil is keeping gas…

12 years ago

Oil Money Drenched Congressmen Send Letter to Obama Demanding Keystone XL Approval

After the president mentioned climate change in his inaugural address, 44 Republicans and 9 Democrats responded by sending a letter…

12 years ago

Crossroads: Neil Armstrong’s Death Meets the Republican War on Science

Neil Armstrong's passing seems to coincide with the end of American exceptionalism and signals the beginning of a new era…

12 years ago

John Boehner Is Deliberately Killing 3 Million Construction Jobs

Americans should be irate that John Boehner and the House Republicans are deliberately killing 3 million jobs in order to…

12 years ago

As The Economy Improves A Desperate GOP Blames Obama For Gas Prices

Why are Republicans blaming the President for Wall Street speculators and oil industry greed? Because the improving economy has made…

13 years ago

Demand That John Boehner Be Expelled Or Resign For Keystone XL Scandal

By pushing a pipeline that only benefits the Canadian companies that he invested in, John Boehner's behavior is unethical and…

13 years ago

Did Obama’s Keystone XL Decision Prevent A Potential Environmental Disaster?

By denying the Keystone XL pipeline permit, President Obama may have prevented a repeat of the BP oil disaster that…

13 years ago