Thursday marks the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, not to mention a think tank. What…
Majority Leader Harry Reid said today that any budget deal must contain new revenue, and he specifically mentioned eliminating subsidies…
As long as they've got decent insurance, a few bucks in the till, political contributions to the right people and…
An obscure investment player of many years experience has emerged to buy the NYSE. He's a big derivatives guy with…
The ongoing debate about the fiscal cliff continues as the U.S. approaches the current debt ceiling. Republicans are responsible for…
The crazy has bubbled to the surface, and Republican loonies are running amok in post-Obama reelection America.
An empty suit of a man who couldn't even fake giving a damn about our troops.
It was generally conceded that Mitt Romney won the first debate. The question is can you trust anything he said?…
Since April oil prices are down 21% and it mostly, if not all has to do with President Obama's policy…
There are a spate of new bills in the house that were probably written by the oil companies. Everything Exxon…
Citizens may think the ultra right tea party has all the power in the U.S. In truth, they have almost…
With the endorsement of Republican 'Golden Boy' Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney has locked up the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Democrats…
President Obama powered up today and turned Republican attacks about gas prices into a defense of the common man against…
The GOOP primary process moves to Missouri, Illinois and Louisiana as final results would appear to be a wash with…
The President is calling on you to write your representative and ask them to stand with you against big oil.…
The right wants you to believe that Obama has halted domestic oil production, but the truth Obama production levels have…
Rick Santorum won in Alabama and Mississippi because Evangelical right-wingers constituted the overwhelming majority of Tuesday's Deep South voters. And…
A storm of protest is the best way to flush out the stench of this anti-American embarrassment to democracy known…
Argentina is demanding the "return" of the Falkand Islands, which are British territory and inhabited by English-speaking British citizens.
A Senate committee on Wednesday voted to eliminate limits on liability that oil companies would face for damages stemming from…
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