Ted Cruz Is Unelectable, So Why Is He Running For President?
That gnawing, aching need for limelight, even more so than Cruz’s disingenuous flouting of science in exchange for base adoration, is what makes him unfit to lead.
That gnawing, aching need for limelight, even more so than Cruz’s disingenuous flouting of science in exchange for base adoration, is what makes him unfit to lead.
Appearing on Luke Russert’s online MSNBC TV program, Shift, New York Congressman Peter King (R) slammed fellow House Republicans for not simply banding together to pass a clean funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security. King made it clear that he was fed up with Tea Party Republicans playing politics with Homeland Security funding….
In an interview with Fusion that will air in its entirety Tuesday evening, former President Bill Clinton told interviewer Jorge Ramos that Eric Garner did not deserve to die for the minor crime of selling untaxed cigarettes.
On the same day a grand jury decided to not indict a NYPD police officer in the death of Staten Island man Eric Garner, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) decided to show his complete lack of empathy or compassion by blaming Garner for his own death
Even though Brat appears to be an extremist outlier in the conservative movement, his outrage that Cantor voted to raise the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown is not outside the mindset of the majority of Republicans in Congress and it is down to Brat’s economic ideology.
Well, when looking at the most frequent guests on these shows in 2013, it is apparent that the opinions that were most valued by these shows were from older, white, male Republicans.
The Republicans insist that because pretty much any Islamic terrorist you care to name is al Qaeda that al Qaeda was behind the Benghazi attack
Republican evangelicals have gone mad with rage as Pope Francis and President Obama are delivering the same rejection of their selfish economic ideology.
The Heritage Foundation’s Tim Chapman says, “We have an opportunity to take over the party and it will be in the next election.”
Republicans have weighed in on the President’s request for authorization to launch a limited strike, but they have splintered off into separate groups and resolution will not be coming anytime soon.
Ted Cruz (R-TX) believes that pastors will be in jail for speaking up in defense of what extremists like himself pretend is ‘traditional’ marriage.
What King is looking for in a 2016 Republican is a Muslim-hating hawk who can get behind some truly Bushian and ruinous, economy-destroying defense spending
Republican Rep. Peter King turned the tables on CNN attempt to blame Obama for Edward Snowden’s escape from Hong Kong, and instead defended the president while lashing out at Rand Paul.
With Republicans inciting more anti-Muslim sentiment, there will be more incidents of racial and religious profiling that Republicans never extended to white Christians guilty of terrorist attacks.
John Boehner, back to the wall, has come out swinging a middle finger, offering an F-bomb to Harry Reid and to the victims of Hurricane Sandy
Apparently, to Grover Norquist an agreement with him is as legally binding as a mortgage, at least in his own self-important, inflated head.
After General Petraeus very slowly explained to confused, befuddled Republicans what everyone in the world already knew, they saw the light.
Michele Bachmann’s anti-Muslim witch-hunt has backfired, drawing condemnation from fellow Republicans and mockery from the Muslim Brotherhood
If you have very low expectations and care nothing for facts and hate Obama, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, Inc. has something for you