Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Francis Is A U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Public Relations Creation

Pope Francis Is A U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Public Relations Creation

In fact, Francis is closely aligned with conservative Republican ideology; particularly in his position on addressing poverty and social issues…

9 years ago

This is How Big a Deal it is that Pope Francis Says Evolution and the Big Bang are Real

Pope Francis has declared that evolution and the Big Bang are facts, no longer to be debated, saying of evolution:…

9 years ago

Pope Francis Condemns Christian Ideology Posing as Religion

The Pope warned that "when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is…

10 years ago

Pope Francis Loves Himself Some Atheists – Or Does He?

It seems as if Pope Francis has no problems with atheists, but his other rhetoric suggests otherwise.

11 years ago

Of Buggery, Nuns, and the World’s Oldest Good Old Boys Club

The Catholic Church has sicced the Inquisition on the nuns of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious: Buggery be damned:…

12 years ago

Condemning the Catholic Church’s Attack on Americans’ Freedoms

You live in a modern world only because you have insisted on living in a modern world, not because the…

12 years ago