Prop 8

Republicans Stand Opposed To Equal Rights Even After SCOTUS Decisions

Republicans Stand Opposed To Equal Rights Even After SCOTUS Decisions

The rulings have absolutely no effect on any American who is not gay, and still, those unaffected ideologues are screaming…

11 years ago

Contrary to Warnings From The Right The Sky Hasn’t Fallen After DOMA & Prop 8 Decisions

Contrary to the fear mongering by the religious right, the sky didn't fall, and there aren't any divine storm clouds…

11 years ago

What You Need To Know After the First of Two SCOTUS Marriage Equality Cases

The Supreme Court listened to arguments in the first of two cases considering marriage equality today, and here is what…

11 years ago

80 Republicans Sign Supreme Court Brief in Support of Marriage Equality

More than 80 Republicans have signed a brief which will be submitted to the Supreme Court in support of Marriage…

12 years ago

Dr. James Dobson: Another Presidential Campaign, Another Chance to Hate Obama

Dr. James Dobson is an Obama-basher of long standing, and his behavior demonstrates why this country can never compromise the…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Breaks Another Law By Hiding $10,000 Donation to Hate Group

Mitt Romney’s claim of adhering to a Bain confidentiality agreement does not explain hiding a $10,000 donation to a hate-group.

12 years ago

Rick Santorum’s Clueless Message Stomps Mitt Romney’s Electability

Santorum surges in GOP races. My local newspaper headline pretty much captured the flavor of yesterday’s round of two Republican…

13 years ago

Christofascist Organization Lays Claim to “Gay” Rainbow

NOM says the rainbow is a Christian symbol stolen by the gay rights people. Would this be a good time…

14 years ago

The Legal Battle Over Prop 8: A Study in Christian Bigotry

Prop 8 is the result of California's Supreme Court decision that said banning same-sex couples from marrying was unconstitutional. Religious…

14 years ago

Americans Are Less Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage, Poll Shows

"The shift in opinion on same-sex marriage has been broad-based, occurring across many demographic, political and religious groups," Pew announces.

14 years ago

Focus on the Family: Legislating Hate and Subverting the Constitution

The pros and cons of abortion aside, Dobson seems to miss one of the original purposes of the Constitution, which…

14 years ago

In Prop 8 Ruling the Constitution Triumphed Over Theocracy

It was a good day for the Constitution when Vaughn R. Walker, the chief judge of the Federal District Court…

14 years ago

Impress Your Friends on Super Sunday with Prop 8

Learn how to amaze your friends at next week's Super Bowl party in one easy lesson. When the subject of…

15 years ago

The 2009 Political Naughty or Nice List

In just a few short days Santa will be delivering presents to the nice and coal to the naughty. We…

15 years ago

Obama Upstages Michele Bachmann’s Tea Party Healthcare Protest

President Obama made a surprise appearance before the White House's daily press briefing to announce that both the American Medical…

15 years ago

Good Trick & Bad Treats for Halloween: Praying or Preying on People?

Kimberly Daniels recently wrote about Halloween Candy for Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network web site, and her rhetoric about demonic…

15 years ago

How Michele Bachmann Is Working the Media to Raise Right Wing Extremist Cash

Within a year, Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann has gone from a little known congresswoman to a being figure on the…

15 years ago

Glenn Beck Offers to Hold a Fundraiser for Rep. Michele Bachmann

Despite Glenn Beck's protests that he is non-partisan, on his radio show today he offered to hold a fundraiser for…

15 years ago

Rep. Michele Bachmann Claims that MSNBC is stalking her

Rep. Michele Bachmann was on FNC's The O'Reilly Factor last night, where she indulged in one of O'Reilly's favorite hobbies,…

15 years ago

Olbermann Pays Tribute to the Crazy that is Michele Bachmann

With the news that Rep. Michele Bachmann's main Democratic challenger Elwyn Tinklenberg would not be taking her on again in…

15 years ago

Michele “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann Caters to the Birthers…sort of

They were literally seconds from accomplishing the vote, so they could move to more important things. Things like Republican Thadeus…

15 years ago

While arguing against it, Bachmann Calls Public Option Better and Cheaper

Yesterday, Rep. Michele Bachmann was trying to explain to the group The Conservative Women's Network the dangers of healthcare reform,…

15 years ago

Michele Bachmann Claims That All Healthcare Will Be Gone in 5 Years

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) took a break today from fear mongering about the 2010 Census to fear monger about healthcare…

15 years ago

A Method to Michele Bachmann’s Census Madness

It seems that there might actually be a method to Rep. Michele Bachmann's Census fear mongering madness. Since Bachmann derives…

15 years ago

Barack Obama and Ron Paul Named Internet Politicians of the Year

The Institute for Politics, Democracy, and the Internet is giving out its Golden Dot awards today and tomorrow at the…

15 years ago

Top 12 Political Blunders of 2008

So, on the eve of New Year's Eve 2008, I put my baby down to sleep and turned off the…

16 years ago

Vote NO On Prop 8

In a rare moment for California, it is cold and raining this morning. But as I pulled up to my…

16 years ago