Public image of Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Knows How to Beat Hillary – Accuse Her of a Bunch of Stuff!

Sarah Palin Knows How to Beat Hillary – Accuse Her of a Bunch of Stuff!

"You know, reverse them. It is they who point a finger who don't realize they have triple that number of…

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Puts McConnell On Notice And Places Republicans On The Path To Destruction

With an eye on a two year gravy train, Palin put the GOP on notice; she'll be trolling them for…

10 years ago

Ferguson Officials Taking Cue From Sarah Palin By Demanding High Fees For Public Records

On Monday, the AP ran a story detailing the efforts Ferguson government officials have taken to discourage media outlets from…

10 years ago

Media Laughably Calls Sarah Palin’s Thinly Veiled Obama Hate Foreign Policy Criticism

Media reported on Sarah Palin's ugly mocking of the Michelle Obama and the Obama administration for using "'hashtagging tweets' as…

11 years ago

Someone Needs to Tell Sarah Palin If Obama Were a Dictator, She’d Be In Gitmo

After Obama left Americans for "destroyed", the press is just now waking up, according to Sarah Palin, who is still…

11 years ago

Sarah Palin Scores Another Cable TV Series That is Doomed to Fail

Here we go again. America's favorite half-term governor and failed Vice-Presidential candidate has scored herself another documentary television series.

11 years ago

It Is The Mainstream Media’s Fault That America is Plagued By Sarah Palin

It is the main stream media's fault the nation is plagued with Sarah Palin's recurring appearances on the national stage

11 years ago

Sarah Palin and the Banality of Republican Evil

On behalf of those who are trampling their rights, Palin convinces people that somebody else is is responsible. She pronounces…

11 years ago

Sarah Palin Hits Rock Bottom, Would Lose Alaska to Her ‘Rival’ Hillary Clinton

A new poll by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that not only are Alaskans done with Palin, but Clinton could…

12 years ago

The Right Calls Obama a Dictator, but Sarah Palin Disarmed the Alaska Civil Militia

The same people who love Sarah Palin call Obama a dictator. But in 2008, then Gov. Palin stripped the militia…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin Claims Innocence of Muslims Video Doesn’t Really Exist

In a desperate attempt to blame President Obama for the violence in the Middle East, Sarah Palin claimed that the…

12 years ago

The Obama Campaign Declares Sarah Palin Mentally Incompetent

Obama campaign spokesperson Stephanie Cutter defended Vice President Biden from Republican attacks about his competency by calling Sarah Palin mentally…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Bitter Parting Salvo Mentions Obama 26 Times, Ryan 3 Times

In a note meant to congratulate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin only mentions them three times while focusing…

12 years ago