The Last 30 years Of Economic Growth Came Via Credit Card
We need to tie wages to productivity again, the way it was before the conservatives started taking control of the economy in the late 1970s.
We need to tie wages to productivity again, the way it was before the conservatives started taking control of the economy in the late 1970s.
If the Republicans are correct and high minimum wage hurts the economy, the Australian GDP should be in a recession ,right? However, the Australian economy has been growing for many years.
It turns out that the tick up in unemployment was merely statistical, participation didn’t really increase but November and December job numbers had enormous upward revisions.
There has been a lot of talk about another special election in Massachusetts where Scott Brown may make a come back. I think Obama could snuff that out in by extending an olive branch to Scott Brown.
While radical Republicans keep saying how bad the economy is, the actual numbers coming out this week tell the story of steady improvement.
Despite the absolutely ridiculous Republican claims, the United States may soon be the world’s largest oil producing nation, overtaking Saudi Arabia.
According to Gallup, President Obama’s job approval rating has jumped to 53% since the third presidential debate. This is Obama’s highest approval rating by since Bin Laden’s death in May of 2011.
When President Obama took office, the federal deficit was $1.413 trillion dollars. Three years later, at the end of fiscal year 2012, the deficit has been cut by 25% to 1.089 trillion dollars.
Gallup’s 30 day moving average poll finds unemployment has dropped to 7.3%. This obviously correlates to the recent BLS numbers that had the right wing in a frenzy of conspiracy talk.
The drop in the unemployment rate to 7.8% has gotten the radicals on the right all twisted and spouting pathetic conspiracy theories about the BLS and Obama. Here’s why they are wrong.
Most Republicans would rather we completely forget how bad the economy was in 2008, yet have nominated someone who will repeat those policies, it is Obama who has America on a healthy economic path.
The problem for Mitt Romney and the Republicans is the reality of the economy is not fitting into the rhetoric they are spewing to the American people.
The question regarding whether or not the GOP wants the economy to improve was answered today when they criticized the Federal Reserve for QE3.
Paul Ryan has been hypocritically denouncing ObamaCare while trying to extract the benefits of it for his constituency, while also funding a family planning facility.
Canada has cut corporate taxes by almost 30% in 6 years, and their economy is doing no better than that of the United States.
Buried in the latest results of the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll is an 18 point swing in economic optimism for President Obama.
Well back in 2003, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities was concerned and they predicted perfectly that due to the Bush tax cuts, we would have a one trillion dollar deficit.
The tea party may enable an Obama win. They just do not care about the presidency this time around, and for that matter neither do the Republicans. The left needs to ready for a fight over Congress.
PolitiFact has just issued their Obama Scorecard and Obama is passing with flying colors, with 74% of his promises listed as kept or in the works.
Chinese workers at Adidas’ wholly owned plant are shocked. The German company is closing its doors forever, because workers demanded a raise.
Remember when President Obama said the private sector is doing fine, and all the conservatives poked at that comment? Well, now even two major conservative publications are saying the same thing!
Do you hear it? I do, it’s the shrieks of horror by the House GOP, Boehner and Cantor! How dare the Democrats raise the pay of our lowest paid workers!
How stupid do Republicans think Americans are? You can not blame President Obama for rising poverty, that is just stupid. Let me tell you why.
As a candidate for president Mitt Romney can step in and use his bully pulpit to stop this recent outsourcing initiative by his old company and save over 100 jobs.
Once Republicans are stuck with him as their nominee, Mitt Romney may decide to release more years of tax returns.
Republicans love socialism, as does big business, but they only love socialism that helps them, not the little people that work for them, and no one embodies this more than Mitt Romney.
Romney is hiding something. He doesn’t want to release his tax returns and he seems to be not telling the truth about his tenure at Bain Capital.
The Republican Party has crashed and burned as their attempt to use outsourcing jobs against Obama has miserably failed.
What Romney said in 2006 is completely different than what he is saying about the economy in 2012.
President Obama is once again taking on bad trade practices of China.
Hidden behind the right’s propaganda about a massive tax hike is the fact that Obamacare is forcing insurance companies issues a refund worth $1.1 billion to the American people.
Since April oil prices are down 21% and it mostly, if not all has to do with President Obama’s policy of cracking down on oil speculators.
There goes one of the BIGGEST economic talking points the Right has. A new report has concluded that states with no income taxes had less economic output than states with ‘high’ income taxes.
This is a huge reason for the stubborn unemployment! President Obama doesn’t have the benefit of adding public workers to the payroll, like Reagan did.
From 1977 -2007, 89% of income growth has been kept by the top 10%. That leaves only 11% for the rest of the 90% of the working population.
A new poll found more than three-fourths of Americans do not want their political leaders to leave the health care system alone in the event the court throws out the health care law.
Contrary to what Republicans say, only 30% of small businesses want the healthcare law overturned while 50% want it to stand with minor or no changes.
Mitt Romney has profited handsomely by laying off people for his own personal gain. In fact he made, $20,000 per laid off worker.
If President Obama is so bad for business, why are foreign investors be coming to the United States to invest at an all time high.
Jeb Bush has stated the obvious. Due to his record of raising taxes and bipartisanship, Ronald Reagan could never survive in the current Birchers on steroids Republican Party.
Once the American people feel more comfortable with their personal debt level, the economy will begin to take off. They will spend more and business will be forced to hire.
Just to prove a point, President Obama may have just opened the Republican economic plan to ridicule during this campaign of 2012.
In 1994 Romney praised his mother for running for U.S. Senate well before Roe V. Wade. She was championing the legalization of abortion before it was legal.
The May jobs report was absolutely deplorable, but here are some signs of hope and that is in healthcare, which added 33,000 jobs and manufacturing, which added 12,000 jobs.
Facts are not on the conservatives’ side, as the numbers reveal that Obama has created nearly double the amount of jobs that George W. Bush did.
Obama is slowing the growth in spending better than any other President in 60 years! The federal budget has grown 1.4% in Obama’s first term, compared to Reagan who increased spending by 8%.
In a business survey, over 51% of businesses say lack of growth in sales is restraining their hiring, while taxes and regulations are in the middle.
Even Mitt Romney’s fellow businessmen aren’t buying the kind of economic leadership that he’s selling.
Manufacturing companies based in the United States are realizing an increase in demand for their products and want to expand, but the banking sector won’t loan them money for expansion.
Republicans have told the American people that you can not create prosperity by going into debt. The problem with their theory is the Republican presumptive nominee, Mitt Romney, did exactly this.
Bottom line is when comparing jobs numbers in the first terms President Obama beats President Bush by approximately 700,000 jobs.
Before 2007, American corporations left the United States and relocated to higher tax and higher regulated countries. This proves that wages not regulations drove manufacturing overseas.
The right wants you to believe that Obama has halted domestic oil production, but the truth Obama production levels have matched or exceeded Bush.
The long awaited job numbers came out today and exceeded expectations! Total non-farm employment increased by 227,000. The biggest kicker is the upward revisions of December and January.
There was a time when union members voted in their own economic self-interest. Unfortunately, this seems to be changing in Massachusetts where Scott Brown leads Elizabeth Warren with union members.
If the country continues on Obama’s path of investment in manufacturing and infrastructure, it is expected that economy recovery will speed up and grow.
For those of you who believe that unions are no longer needed, take a look at the proposal by New Hampshire Republicans to eliminate required lunch breaks.
As jobs continue to be added to the economy, President Obama is presiding over the fastest six month decrease in unemployment since Ronald Reagan in 1984.
Thanks to Citizens United, Mitt Romney was able to buy a victory in Florida, instead of winning it.
In a shot across the bow of the Republicans’ attempt to deem President Obama ineffective, US industrial companies have increased confidence in the US economy.
The conventional wisdom is a Romney nomination would give President Obama a run, while a Gingrich candidacy would ensure an Obama victory, but I’m not sold on that. Here’s why.
In 1956 the GOP ran a campaign based on extending Social Security, unemployment benefits, increasing the minimum wage. What the happened to the Republican Party?
We have all heard the lie, that President Obama is the worst domestic energy President ever. Unfortunately, the facts have a progressive biased and run counter to the Republican claims.
If the public sector was hiring as it did under Reagan, unemployment may be 8% or less today, rather than 8.5%. This is why the Republicans do not want to pass the Obama jobs bill.
Obamacare continues to prove the GOP wrong by creating jobs. In December, 23,000 private sector healthcare jobs were added to the economy.
A hidden trigger in ObamaCare may very well pave the road to single payer health insurance system or Medicare for all.
The GOP claims more drilling will achieve energy independence, but for the first time in 50 years, the US exported more gasoline than it imported.