reefer madness

Scientists Discover Another Marijuana Miracle – Combating Alzheimer’s

Scientists Discover Another Marijuana Miracle – Combating Alzheimer’s

  *The following is an opinion column by R Muse* Despite the myriad advances of medical science over the past…

8 years ago

Eric Holder Says It’s Time To Talk Marijuana Decriminalization

Holder says, “You know, we treat marijuana in the same way that we treat heroin now, and that clearly is…

8 years ago

President Obama To SCOTUS – Butt Out of Colorado’s Pot Law

Republicans in two states are appealing to SCOTUS to empower them to abolish another state's rights to pass a law…

8 years ago

Marijuana is Illegal Because It Is a Major Source of Funding For Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officials have been staunch opponents of legalizing the weed for personal or medicinal use because as contraband, it…

11 years ago