Reince Priebus

John Kelly Is Burned Out and Wants to Quit as W.H. Chief of Staff

John Kelly Is Burned Out and Wants to Quit as W.H. Chief of Staff

Back in March we reported that President Trump had considered serving as his own chief of staff so he could…

6 years ago

Handwritten Notes Taken By Reince Priebus Confirm That Trump Pressured James Comey Over Russia

Once Trump's right-hand man in the White House, Reince Priebus just added another piece to the ever-growing obstruction of justice…

7 years ago

Russia probe special counsel interviews ex-Trump chief of staff Priebus

President Donald Trump's former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was interviewed on Friday by the special counsel investigating…

7 years ago

White House Is Now Investigating Itself Over Senior Aides’ Use Of Personal Email Accounts

The newly launched White House inquiry into private email use is particularly stunning for this administration given how strongly Donald…

7 years ago

The Story Gets More Insane As Jared And Ivanka Brought In The Mooch To Whack Priebus

Anthony Scaramucci was brought into the Trump administration because Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump wanted to get rid of former…

7 years ago

Even After Being Fired And Humiliated Spineless Reince Priebus Continues To Suck Up To Trump

Both in a statement and a CNN interview fired White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus has continued to unrelentingly…

7 years ago

Scaramucci’s Deranged Tirade Shows Why The Entire Trump White House Has Got To Go

White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci's obscene tirade against other members of the Trump administration is evidence that Trump is…

7 years ago

In A Move That Reeks Of Mental Illness, Trump Says He Is Done With Priebus, But Won’t Fire Him

President Trump has proclaimed himself done with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, but in a totally crazy move…

7 years ago

Al Franken Can’t Stop Laughing At Trump’s Cabinet Saying How ‘Blessed’ They Are To Serve Him

"If they feel blessed to be in his cabinet or to be around him, to be his chief of staff…

7 years ago

Trump Is Such A Joke That Even His Own Staff Doesn’t Believe His Threats

Trump crafted the public image of a ruthless businessman who fires people at will. The reality is that Trump's threats…

7 years ago

Top Democrat Warns That Trump Is Marching Towards Authoritarianism With Attack On Press Freedom

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) is warning that Trump is marching the nation towards authoritarianism after White House Chief of Staff…

7 years ago

Reince Priebus Just Told A Gigantic Lie That Shows Trump’s Tax Plan Is Doomed

The size and depth of the lie that White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told about Trump's tax plan…

7 years ago

Epic Burn: Rick Wilson Calls Trump A ‘Man-Baby President’ Who Needs ‘Adult Supervision’

"Reince Priebus is a nice man, a good administrator in some ways, but he is not adult supervision for this…

8 years ago

As Trump Flops, Reports Are He Is Looking To Ditch Reince Priebus And Steve Bannon

Trump is failing and it looks like he is about to fire Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus.

8 years ago

Misconduct Complaint Filed Against Reince Priebus For Interfering With FBI Russia Investigation

A misconduct complaint has been filed against Trump Chief of Staff Reince Priebus with the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation…

8 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Calls for Massive Investigations Into Trump Administration’s Abuse of Power

In the wake of the Trump administration's attempts to silence the FBI, Nancy Pelosi called for both the DOJ and…

8 years ago

Reince Priebus Tells America To Ignore The Giant Russia Scandal Eating Trump’s Presidency

During an interview on CBS's Face The Nation, White House Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus demanded that America ignore the…

8 years ago

Jason Chaffetz Asks White House to Provide Info on Mar-a-Lago Security Breach

“Accounts and photographs from other diners seem to indicate these communications occurred in the presence of other guests."

8 years ago

Stung by Steve Bannon Rumors, Donald Trump Claims ‘I Call My Own Shots’

"I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media,…

8 years ago

Even Fox News Says Trump Is Lying About Inauguration Crowd Size

On Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace confronted White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus with photographic evidence to dispute…

8 years ago

Reince Priebus’s Scary Warning to Government Ethics Chief to “Be Careful”

Priebus's words must be taken as a dire warning to all others that Trump intends to govern not as a…

8 years ago

Trump’s Chief Of Staff Demands That Obama Forget Birthers And Legitimize Trump

On ABC's This Week President-elect Trump's incoming chief of staff, Reince Priebus, demanded that President Obama forget about the years…

8 years ago

The Thuggery Begins As Trump Admin Threatens Government Ethics Official

Donald Trump's chief of staff issued a thuggish threat after the Director of the Office of Government Ethics said that…

8 years ago

Trump Chief Of Staff Turned Into A Defenseless Mess When Forced To Admit Russian Hacking

Trump's incoming chief of staff, Reince Priebus, did everything he could to point the finger at the DNC but was…

8 years ago

Reince Priebus Refuses To Confirm That Trump Didn’t Contact Or Coordinate With Russia

During an interview on Fox News Sunday, incoming Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus refused to deny that Trump coordinated…

8 years ago

Reince Priebus Says Morning Joe’s Joe and Mika ‘Speak Frequently’ to Trump

"Right. But here’s – you know that President-elect Trump -- and I know you all speak frequently --"

8 years ago

The Media Already Giving Trump A Free Pass As Chuck Todd Ignores Muslim Ban Contradictions

Chuck Todd had a chance to challenge incoming Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus on a contradictory answer about a…

8 years ago

Trump Names Jew Hating Racist To Serve As His White House Senior Adviser

Donald Trump has named his campaign manager Steve Bannon who has it has been stated in court does not like…

8 years ago

Reince Priebus Makes Political Suicide Pact with Trump: ‘We Have a Great Relationship’

As CNN's Dana Bash translated his remarks, "[T]o put it bluntly: @realDonaldTrump didn't meltdown last night so the RNC is…

8 years ago

The Republican Party Cuts Off Trump’s Cash And Leaves Their Nominee To Wither And Die

Reince Priebus has directed the RNC to cut off all cash and support to Donald Trump and direct resources to…

8 years ago

Republicans Are OK With Sexual Assault As Reince Priebus Condemns Trump For Bad Language

RNC Chair Reince Priebus released a brief statement that criticized Trump for using vile language while talking about women, but…

8 years ago

Even RNC Chair Reince Priebus Can’t Sell Trump As Qualified And Ready For Debate

With more than a hint of desperation, RNC Chair Reince Priebus tried to sell Trump as ready for presidential debate…

8 years ago

In Stunning Move, RNC Chair Reince Priebus Admits That Trump Lacks Humanity And Decency

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus admitted on Meet The Press that Republican nominee Donald Trump lacks humanity and decency.

8 years ago

Shocking Numbers Reveal GOP’s Big Secret: Trump Is Bankrupting The Republican Party

An analysis of RNC fundraising data has revealed that beyond losing, Donald Trump's drain of a campaign is literally bankrupting…

8 years ago

Trump And His Traveling Clown Show Campaign In Wisconsin, A State He Will Lose

Trump may promise to be the law and order candidate, but he can't even restore order in his own presidential…

8 years ago

Fact Check: Republicans Are Lying About Obama’s “Secret” $400 Million Payment To Iran

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus claimed President Obama “secretly gave the Iranians $400M at the same time 4 Americans…

8 years ago

Keith Olbermann Destroys Trump Campaign With Single Tweet

When Priebus tweeted "the Trump-Pence ticket" will put America first, Olbermann observed, "Hey, @Reince, you misspelled 'Trump-Putin.'"

8 years ago

Fox News Screws The GOP By Asking The One Question They Don’t Want To Answer

Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace asked Republican chairman Reince Priebus the one question that Republicans don't want to answer, and…

8 years ago

RNC Chair Reince Priebus Hilariously Struggles While Trying To Defend Trump’s Honesty

RNC chairmen Reince Priebus was asked about Donald Trump's honesty, and what followed were several awkward pauses and attempts to…

8 years ago

Reince Priebus Blows It And Accidentally Admits That The Kochs Support Republicans

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus put his foot in his mouth by admitting that the Koch brothers are only trying to…

8 years ago

RNC Chair Priebus All But Admits The GOP Is Trying To Steal The Nomination From Trump

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus added to the chaos in the Republican Party by making it clear that the GOP would…

9 years ago

The GOP’s Reaction to Climate Change and Islam Has Created a Vortex of Stupidity

That Republicans focus on the idea of an "Islamic problem" shows us how catastrophically insufficient is their understand of the…

9 years ago

A Republican Coup – Not Against Obama, But its Own Voters

The Republican establishment is facing a revolt of its base and the only solution seems to be a top-down coup…

9 years ago

Here’s How the RNC Lies When it Says Democrats Can’t Be Trusted to Keep us Safe

The RNC would have you believe only Republicans can keep you safe, but the facts dating back to 2001 show…

9 years ago

Louisiana’s GOP Lt. Governor Endorses Democrat Edwards – Not David Vitter

Reince Priebus says David Vitter is the exemplar of Louisiana principles; Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne says that man is Democrat…

9 years ago

Mission Accomplished: Fox News Has Turned Republicans Into A Bunch Of Soft Whiners

Fox News has pampered and babied Republicans for years, and now the Republican presidential candidates have become a bunch of…

9 years ago

Glenn Beck Wants to Host a GOP Debate and Bill O’Reilly Hopes They Let Him

Glenn Beck offers to give the RNC what it wants: a debate in the form of a Republican infomercial, free…

9 years ago

Conservatives Revolt And Say RNC Chair Reince Priebus Needs To Go

Right-wing talk radio show host Mark Levin is calling for Republican National Committee Chair (RNC) Reince Priebus' ouster.

9 years ago

Reince Priebus Admits That Republicans Are Done If They Don’t Win In 2016

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus admitted that the Republican Party will be "cooked" and in a hole for a long time…

9 years ago

Here’s Why You’re an Idiot if You’re a Republican in 2016

Franklin Graham says that by imposing her religion on other people, the Rowan County clerk is "Fighting for religious freedom…

9 years ago

Delusional RNC Chair Reince Priebus Declares Donald Trump “A Positive” For GOP

Trump's campaign is not a net positive for the GOP or for the country, but Priebus is either too foolish…

9 years ago

Reject the Absolute Moral Corruption of the Republican Cult

The GOP is nothing more than a modern, reactionary cult designed to give religious justification for willful ignorance,bigotry, and bad…

9 years ago

Gov. Rick Scott Banned Talk of “Global Warming” and “Climate Change”

Rick Scott's administration banned use of terms like global warming and climate change, but denial won't turn sea level rise…

10 years ago

The Entire GOP Field for 2016 is as Tainted as a Bucket of Rotten Meat

We are already well on our way to becoming a 13th century-ish, Islamic State-like apparatus of repression

10 years ago

PFAW’s New Ad Calls Out the RNC for Israel Trip with Hate Group

PFAW says, "We deserve to know why Republicans continue to stand with this hate group after years of offensive statements…

10 years ago

Reince Priebus Tells Morning Joe Panel Obama Should Have Just Emailed Out SOTU Speech

During an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday morning, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus told the panel that he…

10 years ago

RNC Member Causing Headaches For GOP By Refusing To Resign After Racist Facebook Post

Just ahead of the Republican National Committee's Winter Meeting, where the GOP will address their need to appeal to non-white…

10 years ago

CNN Suddenly Seems to Notice Republican Reliance on Religious Right

CNN is reporting that the GOP moves early to court conservative Christians. We are told that, "The first votes of…

10 years ago

RNC Allies with Christian Nationalist Who Calls U.S. Constitution “the Wrong Train”

David Lane, never mentioned by the MSM, is a big supporter of Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry,…

10 years ago

Immigration and the Shoddy Pretense of Journalism that is CNN

In examining the GOP's wild accusations of Obama "lawlessness," CNN declines to go beyond GOP talking points to the facts…

10 years ago

Reince Priebus Admits That The Election Will Be A Failure If Democrats Keep The Senate

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus admitted that if Democrats keep the Senate it will be another failed election for the Republican…

10 years ago

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Flips Out and Blames President Obama For Ebola

Faced with the fact that the economy is getting better under this president, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus blamed Obama for…

10 years ago

The Same Party That Nominated Palin and Romney Thinks Clinton Is Too Obnoxious To Be President

The same Republican Party that nominated Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney is warning voters not to support Hillary Clinton because…

10 years ago

Corporate Media’s Idea Of Diversity: Nearly All Sunday Show Guests Were White GOP Men

On this week's five Sunday news shows (CNN's State of the Union, ABC's This Week, NBC's Meet the Press, CBS'…

10 years ago

Republicans Freak Out Over Hillary Clinton’s Book Interviews and Demand Equal Time

Reince Preibus's RNC is so worried about Hillary Clinton's round of media appearances to promote her new book that they…

10 years ago

A Hysterical Reince Priebus Claims Benghazi Disqualifies Hillary Clinton From Running

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus had a full on meltdown as he hysterically rambled on Fox News Sunday that Benghazi disqualifies…

10 years ago

Duck Dynasty’s Toxic Homophobe Phil Robertson Invited To Speak At GOP’s Leadership Event

Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the family featured on A&E's one-time hit show 'Duck Dynasty,' will be a featured speaker…

10 years ago

Chris Christie Wants a More Aggressive Foreign Policy in Very Messy, Difficult Places

Acting as though he would know right from wrong, Christie said America is "the strongest moral power for what is…

10 years ago

A Terrified Reince Priebus Admits The GOP is Trying to Scare Hillary Clinton Into Not Running

By repeating the claim over and over again that she won't run, RNC chairman Reince Priebus admitted that the Republican…

10 years ago

Pew Poll Shows That Republicans Are Devolving On Their Views On Evolution

Pew Research just released a poll on Monday showing the American public's views towards evolution. The poll showed that 60%…

11 years ago

RNC Tries to Cover Tracks Over Tweet Saying Racism has Ended

People took to Twitter and other social media lambasting the RNC for suggesting that racism ended in 1955. The RNC…

11 years ago

Boehner Angry GOP Did Not Get Free Pass on Day of Navy Yard Shooting

Republicans using the cover of the crisis to plot against Obama and the country itself, whine "no fair!" when Obama…

11 years ago

Reince Priebus Admits the CNN and NBC Ban Is a Scam Because Republicans Fear Debates

RNC Chairman Reince Preibus admitted on ABC's This Week that the threat to ban CNN and NBC from the Republican…

11 years ago

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Admits That the Republican Party Platform Is Racist

While rebuking anti-immigrant Rep. Steve King (R-IA), RNC Chairman Reince Priebus admitted that his party's platform is "horrific..and racist."

11 years ago

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Says the Republican Party is a Religion

Priebus says what ultimately that "we're salt and light in the world and that we're honoring God in the…

11 years ago

Instead of Giving Back Their Salaries, Republicans Offer to Treat Themselves to Pizza

RNC Chair Reince Priebus bashed the President for wasting money by having dinner with Republican Senators, and offered to buy…

12 years ago

Republicans Decide the Solution to Their Problems is to Screw America with a Smile

The Republican National Committee has decided that if they present detrimental legislation with a smile on the faces, their harmful…

12 years ago

ALEC’s Fingerprints Are All Over the Electoral College Rigging Efforts in Blue States

Like every dirty trick Republicans use to steal elections, the American Legislative Exchange Council is behind Electoral College rigging efforts…

12 years ago

Chris Matthews Erupts on Reince Priebus for GOP Playing the Race Card

Chris Matthews called RNC Chairman Reince Priebus out on Romney's blatant race card playing via Romney's inaccurate Welfare to Work…

12 years ago

Harry Reid Wins Again as RNC Chairman Calls Him a Dirty Liar

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus couldn't resist throwing more gasoline on to the Romney tax returns fire by calling Harry Reid…

12 years ago

Women Will Save America From the Republican Party’s Attack On Equal Rights

It is women who will save America from Republican fascism because they have, with minorities, taken the brunt of Republican…

13 years ago