religious freedom

Religious Freedom Tables Turned As Synagogue Sues Over Florida’s Abortion Ban

Religious Freedom Tables Turned As Synagogue Sues Over Florida’s Abortion Ban

A South Florida Synagogue has sued over Gov. DeSantis' new 15 week abortion ban because it violates their religious freedom.

2 years ago

Joe Biden Has Placed Fierce Trump Critic Khizr Khan on His U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

There were many memorable moments during both the 2016 Democratic and Republican National Conventions. But during the Democratic event, one…

3 years ago

Here’s Why Trump’s Religious Liberty Executive Order Is Set Up To Fail

It’s conceivable that Trump is hoping his boy Gorsuch will welcome the opportunity to expand corporate “religious freedom” to all…

7 years ago

People For the American Way Stands Up For The Constitution In Supreme Court Brief

This is the America that Trump is trying to normalize, an America where there is a hierarchy of rights based…

8 years ago

Montana Lawmakers Write Letter to Condemn Attacks on Religious Freedom by Anti-Semites

White nationalism and anti-Semitism have become growing problems not only around the world but in the United States, and particular…

8 years ago

With One Pen Stroke President Obama Protects Non-Believers from Religious Republicans

Freedom of religion isn't just about the right to practice religion. It's about the right to have your own views…

8 years ago

Trump’s Act of War On The First Amendment

The combination of Trump's bans on Muslism and Media outlets are just beginning. Trump's actions and policies proposes present a…

8 years ago

Muslim Women Are Set on Fire and Assaulted For Being Muslims

It is time for the mayor and the NYPD to put forward the necessary resources to investigate and prevent these…

8 years ago

The Endless War on Terror: Remembering 9/11 and Knowing Our Neighbors

In the midst of our tributes to the first responders of then and now, in our gratefulness for those who…

8 years ago

Judge Decimates the GOP’s Religious Freedom Concept – Strikes Down Mississippi Law

Judge Reeves noted that “the title, history and text of the law showed it to be the State’s attempt to…

8 years ago

Mississippi Interracial Couple Evicted For Being In An Interracial Marriage

'You didn’t tell me you was married to no black man. It’s a big problem with my church and my…

8 years ago

President Obama’s Brilliant Religious Freedom Speech Lost On Religious Republicans

Some may argue that evangelicals lack any humanity, because if they did they would not be driven by inhumanity toward…

9 years ago

Republican Fail: Evangelical Bigots Did Not Counter President Obama’s SOTU

It is an abomination that an avowed religious bigot like Kim Davis was invited as a protest and counterweight to…

9 years ago

Please Do Tell, Benham Brothers, Why We Liberals Hate Christmas

The Benham brothers don't experience reality like the rest of us, so their explanation of why we liberals hate Christmas…

9 years ago

Republicans Can Learn What Religious Freedom Means from Muslims

Islamic nations are adamant in protecting the rights of all religions within their borders as an important adherence to their…

9 years ago

Right Wing “Freedom” Seminar Says God At War With Fans of Disney’s “Frozen”

"Let it Go" is "Satan's rebellion anthem." Fans are "rejecting God's law," become "enemies of God" and God "does go…

9 years ago

Clinton Impeachment Attorney Ken Starr Isn’t Jumping Up to Support Kim Davis

Ken Starr dished out some reality to a religious freed summit audience, cautioning them that choosing which laws to obey…

9 years ago

Kansas Secretary of State Fires State Employee For Not Attending Church

A former Kansas state employee has filed a federal wrongful termination lawsuit targeting Kansas' Secretary of State and assistant secretary…

9 years ago

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution,…

9 years ago

7-Year-Old Banished Student Feels Wrath Of Evangelical’s Religious Freedom

In February of this year, a seven-year-old 2nd grade student in Indiana was "banished" from having any contact with other…

9 years ago

Appeals Court Thwarts Evangelical Pharmacists’ Objections To Filling Prescriptions

The ruling and the assertion that a religious fanatic is treated the same as a secular person will not sit…

9 years ago

Mike Huckabee Vows To Resist Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling With Executive Orders

Huckabee declared that he would sign executive orders protecting businesses and churches who oppose gay marriage.

9 years ago

The Romans Had Them, but There are no Republican Edicts of Toleration

Compare this list of Roman edicts of toleration to a current Republican list - oh wait, there isn't one

9 years ago

Religious Freedom Law Endangered The Health of a Georgia Woman

This week a story in Georgia illustrates just how dangerous religious tyranny posing as religious freedom can be to the…

9 years ago

Bob Vander Plaats Says Exercising First Amendment Rights Mocks God

Yes, actually exercising your First Amendment right to have your own beliefs is a "huge concern" with "spiritual ramifications" in…

9 years ago

Iowa FAMiLY LEADER Event Showcases Presidential Hopefuls’ Religious Bigotry

Crass ignorance is enshrined in the Iowa Calendar as Family Leader invites GOP presidential hopefuls to spew to the delight…

9 years ago

Republicans In Turmoil After Asa Hutchinson Caves On Arkansas Religious Freedom Bill

The Republican Party is falling apart, and factions are at each other's throats over the self-inflicted wound of pushing religious…

9 years ago

Hobby Lobby Ruling Opened Floodgates For Indiana Discrimination Law

Americans are witnessing the profound and dangerous impact of the High Court's Hobby Lobby decision to dismantle the 1st Amendment's…

9 years ago

Catholics Claim Religious Liberty To Refuse Compensating Sex Abuse Victims

In an ironic twist, as a result of Catholic Justices on the nation's highest court, for the second time in…

10 years ago

Bill O’Reilly’s Call for Holy War Just Articulates What the Right Has Been Doing All Along

We've been victims of holy war for decades. This just turns attention from our own women, children and poor to…

10 years ago

Michigan License To Discriminate A Portent Of Impending Theocracy  

It is astonishing, but the extremist Christian fundamentalists are basing their punitive power on the religious freedom guarantee in the…

10 years ago

Airman Ordered to Swear a Religious Oath or Get Out of the Air Force

The United States Air Force, itself sworn to "support and defend the Constitution," cannot abide by, support, or defend either…

10 years ago

Christian Conservatives Are Trying To Use Hobby Lobby To Discriminate Against Gays

Maybe the President regrets intertwining government and religion when he continued George W. Bush's Faith-Based initiatives. Now they are using…

10 years ago

The Hobby Lobby Ruling Is Trojan Horse For All Businesses and Corporations

The Trojan Horse in the Hobby Lobby ruling is a term, closely held corporation, that created an opening for nearly…

10 years ago

It Is Time For Constitution Loving Americans To Stand Up To Right Wing Republicans

Americans who value their freedoms, religious or otherwise, would do well to avoid the pitfalls of staying silent for fear…

11 years ago

Diplomacy First: Obama Lays Out the Path to a More Peaceful World

President Obama used the National Prayer Day breakfast this morning to tout the importance of religious freedom and tolerance for…

11 years ago

Mike Huckabee Defends Phil Robertson With a Paranoid Rant Against Militant Homosexuals

What Huckabee and the religious right object to is losing what they consider religious freedom to impose their rules on…

11 years ago

Coach Dave Daubenmire Says Anti-Bullying Efforts Bully Christians

"When someone says something their conscience tells them to say and everyone rises up against them, then we see that…

11 years ago

Rick Warren Cancels Candidate-less Candidate Forum and Lies About Why

Warren says he canceled his planned forum with Obama and Romney because of incivility but the real reason was neither…

12 years ago

The Case against Using Religious Freedom to Block Birth Control Access

As the birth control mandate went into effect this week, religious freedom arguments continue to threaten it. Here's why they're…

12 years ago

American Women are Under Assault from Christian Republicans

The past two years should give all Americans pause at what conservative Christians in control of the government would mean…

12 years ago

The GOP’s Wacky One-Way Religious Freedom (We Got it, You Don’t)

Conservative Christians love to talk about religious freedom, never quite getting that something isn't freedom unless everyone enjoys it

12 years ago

‘Religious Freedom’ Measure Targeting Women’s Reproductive Rights Goes Down in Flames

While Republicans pass alleged 'religious freedom' laws aimed at knocking down women's reproductive rights across the country, at least one…

12 years ago

Religious Bigots Gather at National Religious Freedom Conference

Religious Freedom: a euphemism used by Christian groups who embrace subordination and a culture of suppression of other religious viewpoints

12 years ago

The USCCB Decides To Go To War Against The American Government

The USCCB is in a war with the American government to assert their authority as Onward Christian Soldiers over legally…

13 years ago

The Grim Calculus of Rights of Conscience

The grim calculus of conservatism's so-called rights of conscience is this: I don't believe so you can't... Their religious freedoms…

13 years ago

The War On Religion Taken To Its Most Logical And Absurd Extremes

If Republicans want religious legislation to run this country, do it right. Only cover health-related matters that do not violate…

13 years ago

Ralph Reed Seeks Resurrection as Republican Kingmaker

While so many Republicans rush toward self-martyrdom, one, Ralph Reed, is headed in the other direction – toward resurrection in…

13 years ago

The U.S. Army – Instrument of Holy War

The Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program makes an unconstitutional requirement of spiritual fitness for American soldiers as well as physical…

14 years ago